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T master

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Everything posted by T master

  1. He's just trying to model himself after the American gov't . The US gov't has sold their soles to China and had Hunter as their inside guy and the US deficit is in the Trillions so what's so wrong with the same scenario of him trying to get himself as far in debt as the country he lives in ? The US gov't is leading by example and most Americans follow that lead why not him ?
  2. You are such a dip S**T !! I know a lot of people that have done that exact same thing because if you don't know i tell your dum a** that if you snort say a aspirin or BC powders it works faster than having to go through the digestive track, but of course your gonna grab any little BS thing & blow it completely out of proportion then put your BS twist on it to make it look as if he's trying to be like Hunter !! But hey it's perfectly fine that Hunter a known drug addict leaves a gram or a 8 ball of coke in the white house but don't jump on that story you hypocritical POS . You know it would be one thing if you were equal in distributing your opinion to all politicians but your so F N biased it's unbelievable ...
  3. Off the top of my head to answer the title of this post - probably the same reason why the Chinese & Ukrainians invested in Hunter , Just saying ...
  4. Got you . But every president should take some of the monies that they so freely spend giving our tax money to other countries & it should be spent here specifically on our infrastructure . They say that the Bills stadium being built in 1973 was old some of these bridges like the GW in NYC is a money pit and probably most of those in NYC are, they have recently replaced the Tapenzie bridge north of the city that goes across the hudson river and it didn't take as long as one would think . They left the old bridge up while building the new one & once finished tore down the old one . Sure these types of things take a bunch of money & some time to do but i bet those pallets of money that Barack gave to Iran would have rebuilt every bridge in NYC & they would have had them done by now but priorities today are not the US or it's people for our gov't it's foreign countries & immigrants first . I watched a video yesterday that when asked if putting America first was a bad thing most everyone that answered said yes i just don't get it ...
  5. Yes as if you couldn't tell from my response . But with that being said far from perfect !!
  6. With the actions of this POS president the last few weeks with not giving full support to Israel, Apologizing for calling a murderer a illegal, not having any religious type symbols at the Easter egg hunt at the White house and now this on the most holy day of the year ? This is a deliberate slap in the face every thing this country was built on & to anyone that has any morals at all and proves one how big of a PUSS he is & that is morals (which we knew before this for standing by his son) are in the toilet & he continually tries to bring the country there . And if you think that this is in any way is the way for a Strong, competent, morally sound leader should be your as big of a A Hole as he is . Jimmy Carter is looking like a saint compared to this jack ass ... He will definitely go down as the absolute worst freaking POTUS hands down . It would be totally different if he would have just not said nothing what a POS !!!!
  7. Come on ,sure he is the POTUS when this happened but if your saying this was his fault that is as bad as BT & Tibs blaming everything on Trump . There has been talk in the past that America's infrastructure is in major need of repair all over the country . I just don't know how the ship was so close to that main support i drive large vehicles for a living not nearly as big as that ship but when in a situation like that your approach needs to be a lot more towards the large opening to the left of the ship especially as much room as you would need to complete that turn . I got a text from a friend which is mostly a conspiracy theory that this was a planned thing to weaken the supplies to America's economy . In some weird kind of way with the way the world is today not saying that it's true but it sure wouldn't surprise me in some kind of way . What country was the ship from have they said on the news ? One would think they would have a ton of safety features on a ship that size to avoid such disasters ...
  8. If he;s there at one of the Bills picks they could do a hole lot worse than him that's for sure .
  9. At least they weren't in close proximity to a crack/cocaine addict that makes sex video's now there's a man of upstanding moral's that every one can trust to not look at or copy to tell others what are in them maybe in china or the ukraine seeing as he as ties to both ...
  10. Would that whistle blowers name be Steele by chance ?? If this had any substance to it at all he would already be in a federal prison . Seeing as he is not you are the biggest F tard ever spewing your BS at every turn ... Even bigger than your num nuts leader ... But he'd be proud of you ..
  11. If this is in fact true & this POTUS he is the biggest A hole POTUS that there has ever been his moral compass is in the gutter along with what & where he wants the country to be . What a huge turd !!
  12. Your reading comprehension mixed with the art of political bait and switch is remarkable and does nothing but add to your aura of BS that surrounds you ...
  13. Lost is a understatement the guy is a complete jack ass I for one hope they never let him back into the NFL !!
  14. Blaming that loss on McD is the same as blaming the super bowl loss to the Giants on the kicker Norwood .
  15. I didn't get past the first line because they are the same people that believed they were doing the right thing attacked & torched FEDERAL PROPERTY & broke in to some of them to do what ever damage they could so it is the exact same thing . Riotous people doing what they AS ADULTS of their own free will making a decision to do a unlawful act . As my parents & many others parents use to ask "if so & so jumped off the bridge would you " or "If so & so told me to steal something would you" so no matter what twist ya'll put on this it was INDIVIDUALS that made up their own minds in both situations to commit a crime of either breaking into or defacing & damaging FEDERAL PROPERTY . But asa you do you will continue to blow smoke up as many peoples A** as you think you can make them believe the BS . Because no matter what you have people like this that are made to believe what you would like them too because they can't think for them selves even after they are shown proof .
  16. That Biotch needs to be shipped out ASAP yet we wonder why the US is the way it is today ?? WTF ? Can you say US entitlement mentality ...
  17. How do they pay you by the post or by the image of the orange man that you down load and post ? Inquiring minds want to know .
  18. To me if you take the capital building out of the mix this just looks like another peaceful protest like the ones that happened in Portland, Seattle, Nashville, & the many other cities around the country right ?
  19. Which group of people led the defund the police movement ? How many police quit or retired because they couldn't do their jobs & then when they did arrest people that were definite criminals they got let go ? Just maybe if there were more police & those people like DA Bragg & others in their positions were tougher on crime & didn't do their catch & release just maybe some of those murders wouldn't have happened . So get all the facts that lead to things such as this happening before those folks only put out what looks as if it is 1 group or another as in this post above in which i am making reference to .
  20. He's still heavier than Oliver he is only listed at 287 lbs which i have always thought was to small for a DT but maybe that's just me . I would and have always wanted to see them try Oliver at DE not all the time but just here & there to throw the opponent off . They say he has a great first step & weight wise i feel is more on the DE side of things & who knows he may be better there in some respects . The Bills tried it with Jason Peters & he's now HOF LT & who knows the possibilities try it & if it doesn't produce ay fruit put him back at DT . But if you don't try you never know ... But am glad to see Beane bringing in some guys that can hopefully stay healthier than those that were there last year .
  21. In some ways i wish they would have re signed Mitch just saying .
  22. Another reasonable contract . Guys like Phillips won't be back i feel because of his injury's not that he wasn't a good rah rah guy but his body is just done so it makes sense especially given the cap situation to bring in some older guys that still may have something left in the tank . They can learn a lot about them in OTA's & mini camp too to find out what he looks like going forward . Some of them won't be here when it comes game time but why not kick the tires they may work out .
  23. Of course the sexy pick is WR at 28 in the first but Beane is building the team to be sustainable for the future & if this guy is looked at as having a high ceiling with the possibility of being elite then why not ? You have a elite QB & this guy could be Josh's Kent Hull . I trust Beane has watched his tape & knows all he needs to know about him then the thought of him being able to have Kromer be his coach the possibilities are endless for his career . It will be interesting to say the least but which ever way they go i'm sure the player will be a good one for years to come . GO BILLS !!
  24. But why do gay people in most situations and platforms have to announce their sexual orientation ? i for 1 DON'T CARE !! I feel if they would just go in order the dam cake and not announce their preferences there wouldn't be all this to do for nothing, but it seems they want to draw that attention to it for what ever reason . Years ago & today i know people that are gay but they just go about their business as it should be i don't run around yelling HEY IM HETEROSEXUAL ! Because it's not relevant peoples personal sexual preferences . I was watching a very popular show recently and they had a person on it that was very noticeabley a gay person yet they had to go into a entire explanation about it and I DON'T CARE just do what you are there to do ! Why even go there is there a agenda, do they want the added attention, just live and let live there is absolutely NO reason to announce to the world things such as your sexual orientation ... I know nothing about this particular case but it seems it's just another - LOOK AT ME THIS IS WHAT I WANT AND YOU SHOULD TOO WEATHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT - type of hype to it .
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