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T master

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Everything posted by T master

  1. I got to have one of his jersey's this guy is probably my all time favorite Buffalo Bill besides Flutie (boy that will piss off some Bills fans) He has always left it all out on the field & could have left a long time ago but didn't he's what the NFL use to be like & no longer is class act all the way !! Always all about team great leader a true Buffalo Bill !!
  2. I have met Jim at a game he was doing promotional stuff in one of the back lots of the stadium & the friend that got me the tickets boss is a good friend with Jim & got him to sign a NFL "The Duke" football for me i have it in a case displayed in my home he is a class act for sure very dedicated to the Bills & all he does around him !!
  3. What a great player could have been a starter on any team but decided to stay & be a team player during the glory years in B/lo one of my all time favorites & for sure a player that could be counted on at any time to carry the teams run game yet could be under appreciated by fans !! Salute to #23 !!
  4. !st yr OC with this team, 1st yr new scheme, loss of 3 veteran starting offensive linemen one of which was a pro bowler, well below average WR corp, Rookie QB after a 2nd round 2nd yr QB with less than NFL potential starts the yr, then insert almost retired average at best QB with a career 20-27 win percentage after rookie gets hurt to carry the team . Sounds logical to me why you would think this OC sucks yah he has plenty to work with & there was no uphill battle here at all so WTF Dabol get off your A** & get this team on the winning side of things !!
  5. Every time Shady has been off the field this season Ivory & Murphy have stepped up & I believe their combined out put while on the field has been better than Shady's when he has been healthy & in the game . I think they could trade him & not miss out on much the rest of this year !!
  6. So how are you feeling about the Andrew Luck prediction now skippy ???
  7. Get something for him we can't get anything for him on the field then maybe they will have the brains to bring back Reilly at least that kid has some heart !!
  8. Maybe he has no desire but i can see it happening with who is left on the schedule if thats as good as they can do against the Colts it's not looking real good the rest of the way !!
  9. 2 years ago we could have left Anthony Lynn in place & kept the continuity of his offense in place along with Kromer as our O line coach to keep the top 5 rushing attack that we had which would have kept the consistency with the offense & made total sense but they didn't ! And 2 years before that we could have kept Schwartz on as HC or Rex could have just left him alone & brought in some of the coaches he did then when they fired him we would have had Schwartz & Lynn in place but Rex expertise over rides those decisions !! Now he just wishes Jerry would have played as hard for him DUH !! It's all water under the bridge & we have to live with what we have until they decide the experiment is over !!
  10. Maybe that dude that bet the $5k on the vikings game can make it back on this one & his wife won't be as pissed at him any more ??
  11. The Colts game after all the rookie mistakes this coaching staff has made when it comes to the QB then letting good players go in FA to other teams & keeping players that have played below average i'm out !! They could have played this bad with all rookies & gotten them some on field experience but they are playing this bad with veterans so WTF !! I'm tired of the process & the after game speeches that they have to look at the tape & see what we did good & learn from what we did bad at some $60 k per game on the low end & what ever it is the coaches make they should fire all their ***** !! I'm out !!
  12. Anderson's record coming into this season was 20 & 27 wins to losses he had one good year & has been nothing more than a decent back up NFL QB so for McD to think he was going to come in & be anything but what he was today given the amount of time he had to prepare shows just how inept his decisions have been when dealing with the QB position . First by him thinking that Petermen was going to be anything better than what he was last year & shipping off the guy he "thought" was going to be his starter prematurely was a rookie mistake at the very least AJ showed a ton of leadership in his last game even though it was with a bunch of players that were fighting for their NFL life he still brought them back to win that game. Knowing what Petermen did last year & putting his total confidence in him after preseason games was foolish he should have kept him for at least 2 games to see exactly how Peterman would perform then if he thought correct which he didn't then they could have traded AJ & he would have looked like a great NFL mind because Allen would have sat as the #3 . But because he thought that Petermen & Allen played good enough to men AJ #3 & that he wouldn't handle that well they shipped him off immediately which at least they got something for him but may have (but we will never know) jeopardized the entire season but hind sight as usual is 20/20 & with all the different thoughts we will now only have to suffer through another dismal season because i can see the Bills with who is left on this schedule losing out & that would be to far fetched the way they have been playing ! I just hope they don't ruin Allen in the process !!
  13. True Dat look at what the Browns drafted D players & they got their WR's & others in FA i think that some of the players brought in are going to have to be looked at more on a talent aspect than the process thing !!
  14. Yah a massacre when your not playing in prime time on TV is one thing but to play in prime time & take a ass whooping is a totally different ball game !!
  15. Good enough for a top 5 draft pick next year I'm thinking !!!
  16. Right now Tyrod looks like a all pro compared to what we have seen this year & hopefully this coaching staff can learn from their mistakes & take it forward ! The handling of the entire QB thing from Tyrod to AJ to Petermen To Allen to Anderson has been a cluster F !! Sometimes jumping to quick can be a terrible thing & in this case it has been !! But there's always next year !! I think McBean are on the right track but just as you have bumps in the road for rookie players you have some for rookie coaches as well hopefully it will get better !!
  17. This year has shown the Bills where their deficiency's are uncertain groups on the roster & in the past the Bills have let some home grown talent slip through their hands the likes of Kahlil Mack, James Stark, Gronk & others so i would think the Bills brass would hopefully keep an eye open a little closer to home now even though this is a new staff . I hope they can here things happening in their own back yard . Our WR corp isn't that great this year & although we supposedly have the Bills future QB in hand i hope they don't just quit looking at the talent that could be out there especially being so close ! The Buffalo Bulls have 3 players this year on their roster that are making some noise that could be pick ups for the Bills, at least 2 i would like to see them look very closely at 1 a WR Anthony Johnson the other their QBTyree Jackson, let me know what you think & if you have heard any good things about these players I am just hereing about them but their high light tapes look pretty good ! Of course all high lights are just that they don't show any bad so i guess that is what i'm asking of you other Bills fans is there any bad that comes along with these players that would be reason for the Bills to look else where or are these guys legit ?? https://billswire.usatoday.com/2018/10/19/buffalo-bills-bulls-tyree-jackson-khalil-hodge-university-at-buffalo-anthony-johnson/
  18. A couple of those would be good pick ups but i don't see it happening !!
  19. Looking back now i would tend to agree ! Even after they traded McCaron when the Jets let Teddy go they should have made a offer with the extra 5th they got for AJ but as they say hind sight is 20/20 !!
  20. So at this point of the season would you rather have a guy that can step in that has been in & knows the offense or a guy that hasn't & only knows a small piece of it in a game while he is scrambling to learn it on the run add to it that he is older & hasn't played in 2 yrs ? brilliant deduction ... It would have made a lot more sense to sign Bridgewater to a prove it deal by now he would have known the offense if they got him when he was traded at least there would have been some one that has shown he can still play at a high level & if he would have worked out you have a option to keep& play him or a trade chip next year to work with .
  21. As long as he can string together some wins like Orton did i'm in !! The bigger question though is what can Allen learn from Anderson during this time ??
  22. It was stupid to move them from San Diego but you can't tell a Billionaire nothin especially when the multi Billionaire league is pushing it weather it makes sense or not !!
  23. Wow ! I'm going to do 2 for 1 to buffalostu2 it's never to late to learn from our mistakes you can always learn its the seeing & admitting the mistake that is the hard part but we can always learn from our past !! I don't see how you can not say that the team is in a better place as far as contracts go, sure this year is tight but that is not at the doing of Bean he isn't the one that had written up or agree'd to the contracts that are now paying off dead money on the cap he is the one that is rectifying the situation left by the previous man in charge . As far as it taking 4 picks to get Allen i'm not seeing where or how that came into play sure Bean & company had to trade a couple picks a 1st & a later round pick to get Allen but that was better than trading 2 consecutive 1st round picks for a WR especially with who was still on the board at the time !! Mack being selected the pick after the Bills in that draft . I'm with joesixpack this post & the one prior aren't anywhere even close to making sense IMHO !! Just to add to it the D is now in the #3 spot in the NFL if this rebuild isn't working then where does that stat fit in along with the players they have gotten the past 2 seasons (White, Phillups, Edmunds,Johnson,Milano,Neal,) to boast the defensive play for years to come just saying !! If they focus on offense in next years draft to add to what they picked up this year & last (Dawkins,Jones,Allen,Teller) along with the cash they will have freed up by getting rid of the bad contracts they should be in much better shape !!
  24. It has to be Anderson i don't think the team can get behind a guy that has the highest interception ratio since the 1975 season !!
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