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Not at the table Karlos

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Everything posted by Not at the table Karlos

  1. Bad things happen for the bills when Von Miller is on the field
  2. The players need to take a stand against the refs. This is beyond ridiculous. tweet at the fbi.
  3. Josh needs to throw a fast ball at the face of every ref multiple times.
  4. This is a known issue. But unless something else went wrong applying the brakes should stopped the car. The brakes will override the accelerator (that was from multiple mechanics that specialize in all VW products esp Audi, Bentley and Lamborghini)
  5. They didn’t really decide against it. The foundation is cracking so they would have had to rebuild anyway. They didn’t have a choice.
  6. I really want to do a helicopter tour of the canyon. I’ve been on the ground a bunch of times but never flown. Had a reservation for Jan 27th 2020 with my ex. The Kobe accident happened the day before and she refused to go on the trip. I should have just went by myself.
  7. Same thing. They prob do it well or I wouldn’t be coming back. I’d never order the special. It’s usually something they’re trying to get rid of for whatever reason.
  8. Diggs has said multiple times he wants to win. It doesn’t matter how they do it. He doesn’t care about his stats as long as they win. If they lose and he isn’t involved he asked what could he have done better to help the team win.
  9. Ftfy It sometimes takes time to blow the whistle. Even if you think they couldn't see it they actually got it right for once*
  10. I’m recalling every call I can think of and they all have the same voice. Decades of heavy drinking and they’re hammered at 11 am. edit. Sorry there’s the old polish guys that add or take away s at the end of words or names Eric wood, Eric Woods and you is yous. They may also be hammered at 11am
  11. Or he’s making less turnover worthy plays and a higher % of them are actually being intercepted. I can only think of a couple that went through the receivers hands. A lot were just terrible throws and decisions by Josh.
  12. Why do you keep trying to twist things into something they aren’t? I’ve been critical of Josh since he’s been here. He ignores open receivers he struggles to throw with anticipation and touch, we limit plays we run because he either can’t make the throws or refuses to run them. He makes horrible decisions a lot. Wtf are you going on about. More than one thing can be wrong at once. I know it’s tough to understand. All I said is it’s possible and you’re losing your mind. Go try and twist someone else’s words into whatever you’re trying to argue.
  13. Allen has a bunch of problems that aren't injury related but if you think an injured throwing shoulder isn't at least a small part of it than you're beyond help and there's no reason bashing my head against the wall to explain simple things.
  14. Can you show where I or others said it was 100% on his shoulder or do you just struggle to comprehend things? You just make up ***** that nobody said and try to twist it into something it's not. Nobody said it is 100% on his shoulder they just suggested it could be a part of it. Which if you ever had a shoulder injury you would know it's possible. He had an elbow injury and still could sling the ball but it did cause issues. Stop being dense but judging by your posts you may not be able to help it
  15. Have you ever had a shoulder injury? I can throw a football perfectly fine but I can't lift a glass of water off of a table and the issue will rub a nerve which causes grip issues. My injury to the other I can't lift it above my head but things below shoulder level there's no issues. There's different injuries at different parts that cause different issues. I'll never understand how people can't grasp simple things. Also I never said it was the cause I just entertained the idea because it is possible. Allen has more issues than possible injuries. But arguing things you don't understand is just idiotic
  16. Josh has always been bad at the high arc throws. He had a season or two where they were completing them but they were mostly ugly. The receivers needed to stop and come back giving the defender a shot at breaking them up.
  17. Why can’t people understand that more than one thing can be wrong at once? It’s not that difficult to understand. He dropped a handoff twice. Reading comprehension goes a long way
  18. I have two shoulder injuries(no idea if they’re the same or similar to Josh’s) and my hands definitely get weak if a nerve gets touched on certain movements. It’s a possibility. His passes have looked different this year. I wondered if the elbow either changed something or prevented him from training the way he has been in the offseason. Now with the shoulder I’m worried about him going the same route as Cam Newton when he kept playing on a bad shoulder. Josh dropped the ball before it even got to Cook. It happened twice. That’s on Josh
  19. Jimmy Johnson and Barry Switzer but Switzer had a great team already.
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