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Everything posted by Nasty

  1. He dominated the Oklahoma game this year. ( ) go to the link on youtube and watch at 1:15, 2:34, 3:23, 3:40, 4:00, 5:45, 5:55, 7:52 just to name a few. If you catch all the defensive highlights he scared OU so much they tried to run opposite him. That to me is dominating, plus at the end of the game when they ran at him the last time he blew it up, he didn't make the tackle but caused him to change course so his guys can come make a play.
  2. I live in Texas and am actually a huge Texas A&M fan considering my sister and brother-in-law both graduated from there. Also growing up in Texas with many ties in Buffalo, in Texas you are either a Longhorn or an Aggie no question, bottom line. The other universities around Texas are just fodder (i.e. Texas Tech, Baylor, SMU, and even TCU). With that said I have seen Von Miller his whole career and this guy is a stud. Kinda small and his position on the roster is called the JOKER. He lines up at either DE or OLB and the Aggies play a 3-4 base defense. This guys motor never stops. Against the Sooners this year he alone was responsible for 2 goal line stands (one in the fist half and one to close the game out). I would love to have him in a Bills uniform on the other side of the real Merriman (what a lethal duo would be fun to watch). If we have the possibity to trade out of the 3rd pick and have a chance to land him before the Pats pick then I would jump all over that. He was hampered with an ankle injury earlier this year but once healed WOW. He was also fun to watch last year as a straight DE when they ran the 4-3 base.
  3. Our D line could be pretty nasty with Kelsey Fairly Williams and Edwards might even give Maybin another chance, but I don't see this happening we are truely in the transition to the 3-4
  4. I would be happy if all our D-lineman came out of the SEC that is what makes that conference so much better then all the other's
  5. I don't know about you guys but Newton didn't impress me at all...Fairly on the other hand..Can you imagine him next to Williams in our 4-3 set up..WOW
  6. Why are we standing up for other teams tackles, making excuses for them and all that while we never do for our own tackles. Bell had a great year, much better then even I would have guessed but all year long all we hear on this board is how bad he is and how Fitz makes him look so good. Where is the love for our team. This thread kills me.....Go Bills.
  7. Of course they would cause they want to see if anyone is stupid enough to take that deal. I wouldn't give them one of our fourths for him. He is not a fanchise type guy. In fact he isn't even as good as Fitz.
  8. trade him for what a 4th or 5th round draft pick....I say keep Evans if we get rid of him then we have to get a new number 1 reciever in my opinion Johnson was a better number 2 he couldn't handle the pressure of being a number 1 to immature
  9. I consider myself part of the team. I mean i buy there merchindise, support em, pay 200 so odd dollars every year for the NFL ticket to watch them lose so i would say I am a part of the team....I think most fans would.
  10. a lot of people said that about Leaf too when he came out From CNNSI "Leaf appears to be the hot QB in this draft, and he led WSU to a storybook season" June Jones Leaf's former coach "I've known Peyton Manning for a long time and I really love the kid. But when I went and watched Ryan Leaf workout he was impressive. I came away excited about coaching Ryan Leaf. He is going to be a franchise guy." Bobby Beathard former SD GM "You can go five to ten years without getting a chance to draft a quarterback like this." I would stay away from Luck unless he falls to us at the 3 spot. We need to fix our D anyway and stay with Fitz longer he still has an upside and was impressive this year. Plus our luck with Stanford QB's isn't good.
  11. why would you want Cam Newton that guy is the next J. Russell if you ask me.
  12. People say we need to draft and build to beat the Patriots, I say we need to draft and build to beat the Jets. One team we are better then in the AFC East is the dolphins despite the records we proved we are better then them and would have swept em if Fitz started both games. And with the Patriots we were in the game in New England and we beat ourselves in Buffalo, the Jets just beat us up and down the field both games. We also need to do away with our practice dome. When we had an advantage at home we practiced outside for the most part if i do remember, we built real football players, MEN, not these prissy's that play today. I remember seeing the Jets on NFL network last week when they were taking about Dirty Sanchez and they were outside in the snow, I was like we should do that at least twice a week or so, I bet the Patriots practice in the elements too that is why snow rain or sun doesn't phase them at all.
  13. Our team looks like crap we packed it in three weeks ago just going through the motions now.
  14. If we lose and Broncos and Cincy win we pick number two
  15. Some times the cold hard truth is hard to swallow..
  16. Lets play some rookies and get them some extended play like Carrington, Troupe, Maybin, I like what i have seen from Brohm so far more accurate then Fitz starts games...
  17. Ok lets see how many mistakes your Number 1 reciever (Johnson) makes today I already count two a dropped pass in a perfect spot and a fumble. This guy is NOT number 1 caliber. We need to keep Evens
  18. How about Wisniewski in round 2? I was watching this guy today and he is a beast. He would be a nice pick up so we can work our line, Bell Lav Wood Wis and Urbik (or Wang) thoughts...I like Hang too but he would be the odd man out good depth.
  19. Good Post! I agree with all of you points. I have been pushing for signing Soliai the past couple days so we can have more beef in the middle making Williams flexable and we can use his motor on the edge (hopefully Nix is reading this so he can please Bills fans). Williams is a stud and the heart and sole of the D and moving him the DE would give him an opportunity to make more plays and would help our run D right away. D. Edwards wouldn't be for depth he would have to play the other end spot but I see where you are going. Daruus looked like a man amoung boys today, that guy is a beast and would be a great addition, although I think we resign Poz he is a blue collar type player and is good at stopping the run but slow in coverage. Moats is going to be a stud in a couple of years. I don't know about drafting a SS we have a few even if Whitner goes (Wilson, and Byrd) would do just fine and will be ok if we can get a pass rush. With the draft I would go all front 7 with a couple OL in there.
  20. I agree with you...what kind of messege did it really send, we want to do whatever it takes to win? Isn't that the kind of GM you want? He doesn't get much money to work with so this was a no brainer....plus he isn't playing or anything so let the players on the field play the season out and worry about contracts later, the only one we really need to re-sign is Florence and Poz anyway and maybe Wilson over Whitner, so i think this was a good move and shows the locker room winners get rewarded you shouldn't get reward for just being a Bill. I want this team to win at all costs, and it seems Buddy does too. You go Buddy!
  21. I have to say I watched bits and pieces of the bowl game with D. Bowers in it Clemson vs. UCF and I wasn't overly impressed. I then found myself thinking about teams and players drafted. Why can't we just draft players from winning college programs. Players who already know how to win and can bring that culture to Buffalo instead of our coaches trying to form a winning attitude. You see players every year come into the league from winning programs in college no matter where they were drafted and have a sudden impact in the Pros. I mean I like Luck and I like his coach but lets face it Stanford really isn't what i would consider a winning organization. I think if we have a chance to take him we get him but I would be satisfied with Mallet who plays for a winning team in a much tougher conference. Just saying. Luck may turn out like Time Couch who know...
  22. I was watching the NFL Network last night and they said something about Alex Smith. He will be a FA at the end of the year and thought he might be a good back-up for Fitz. Cheap, First pick in the draft, has a cannon for an arm, mobile, just never got coached up. He was a rookie or second year guy when Norv turner was still there and was starting to play pretty good then Norv left and he never came to be. Was just wondering if Nix would think about it and let Chan coach him up to be the back-up. I think he would be more suitable then Brohm.
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