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Everything posted by Spillerwich

  1. this is exactly the reason for the overhaul. Clean house and get rid of those people who have made them decisions. I can only hope that the 3-4 works better for him
  2. I agree in the fact it's not going to be Buffalo that moves to L.A. Jacksonville? I'm not sure about that either. You have to remember that Minnesota and San Diego are 2 teams that have no contracts for stadiums in 2011 and into the future. I have been on the Bills bus for 20 years. I have moves all my stuff in and I'm not going anywhere. This draft will be the most exciting thing regarding the Bills in 10 years. GO BILLS!!!
  3. This tells me that Ralph might be getting the hint that he does not have all of his faculties to run an NFL team the way he used to. Maybe someone told him that he is turning into Al Davis of the East coast. That should wake up the dead. I like the changes they have made. Buddy and Chan have a plan for the Bills. That's more than anyone has had in the past 10 years as a HC for the Bills. Go Bills!!!
  4. I also agrre that the 3 QB's we have should not get a start next year for us. We should be looking into the draft to build our next franchise QB. I'm not as versed in the Qb's avainlible to us this year but i can tell you that new blood is what we need.
  5. Cromartie and a 3rd round pick.......................maybe.
  6. And if they won't do it themselves, my sister will
  7. So what! I bet there are people daily who say something bad about the Bills. It just so happens that TBS thinks he's got tallent enough to put a mic in his face. He's a nobody. Get over it.
  8. This is exactly what are Defense needs. A player the new coordinator knows and perfect to set the tone for a new style D. We need to go down and get him at all costs!
  9. Just win baby!! That's all Gailey and his staff have to do. I have faith that him and Buddy have a solid plan for the free agency market and for the draft. I'm getting excited for the draft and the combined! Lets go!!!!
  10. Sure, that would be great but I think the Steelers have already said he getting a tag from them. and they get 2 more with no CBA. nice dreams man!
  11. 4-2 Spread them out on O and kill them on D!
  12. This is a Bills Fan site. Not the Raiders trash room . NO WAY IN HELL!!!!!!!
  13. He was awful with the bucs!! Weren't they the last in the league this past year? Were trying to get better not worse that 30th
  14. Thank you thank you!! I would like to see the coaching staff he puts together. Who will be the D coach? Lets let the draft shake out and then we will see what we have. Don't forget there will be players that are on the active roster who don't fit Gailey's style and there will be free agent players who do. I expect the 2010 Bills to look nothing like we have been a custom to. Keep your heads up Bills fans!!
  15. Best part is when they think Doug is in the trunk and it turns out to be the little naked chinese man with a tire iron. I fell out of my chair and spilled my beer all over myself. It was a Labatts Blue. So I was bit upset . There hard to find in Vegas
  16. Do you think Mr. Willson reads or even knows about this web site? My opinion is NO! Nor would he care if your not going to root for the Bills next year. Do us a favor and toss your computer out the window. Stop waisting the time of the fans who do care about the Bills. Don't just post threats. Do it!!
  17. And you believe everything players and coaches say in the NFL? What about Bret Favre for the past 5 or so years. He's retired 3 times and come back. Sure I think Marty needed to take some time off after being railroaded out of San Diego. I also think that if given the chance for him and his son to coach on the same team he would jump all over it. He does nothing but talk about Brian and how much fun it would be to do so. All I'm saying is players and coaches always smoke screen the truth. If they told everyone everything they were going to do it would ruin there leverage for negotiations. Thats the reason for Cowher taking so long too. He's waiting for the hat to drop on other teams. If no Cowher, I'll take Marty ball!!
  18. What a thug!! If this is true. the Bills will have no choice but to trade him or just cut there losses and dump him. I hope this isn't true though. I still think he can produce on the field. Maybe he should be on house arrest when he's not at one Bills dr.
  19. Thank you Promo!! maybe you should be the leader of this no man band. I have been drinking coffee and eating packs of doughnuts for 2 days making sure I don't miss any announcements about our HC. Then i have to waist my time reading something that Jimmy's 3rd cousin half related to him said while they were trying to tune in there rabbit ears. This was something that was said on NFL Network last night. This might be Nobel worthy. read it again and you will see
  20. Get rid of this junk!! Lets go back to the old style RED WHITE nad BLUE!! And get Steve Tasker for our ST coach
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