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Everything posted by Spillerwich

  1. really! you all are going to play this game 4 days after the draft has finnished? We will not have the 1st pick next year!! I see the rams, panthers, bucs fighting for that pick. Todd McWho!!! this is the same guy who only got the 1st pick in the draft correct! That's your source? Come on guys. I'm shocked than even 1 person on here would entertain the notion that he might be right. Wow! just Wow!
  2. Wow!! I thought I was out of the loop being on the west coast. Not so much! Pay attention fellas and we won't have posts like this one again. Hey Dollar, clueless is my vote.
  3. C-ya Lynch!! Don't forget to take your weed and guns with ya when you leave. Maybe he can get an aprtment with JaBling in Oakland.
  4. The fact you even have the footballs enough to propose this means you are not in touch with whats going on. You should be banned from bringing up topics fro at least a year. JMO...........
  5. This had to be the best thing to happn to Maybin. Getting the entire coaching staff tossed out! He gets a free pass on last season as far as I see it. I think he will be fine at the OLB in a 3-4. He can cover space and when asked he can put his hand on the ground and rush from the edge. This should be like a audition for him. He needs to come out strong and keep the motor runnin for him to make an impact for us this year.
  6. Thank you for adding some much needed reason to this board. Doom and gloom has to end at some point. I agree, I think they added depth and good size to our D front. As far as Spiller is concerned, Look at the Titans. Everyone said that Johnson couldn't get it done without the bruiser back White. Well, how did he do last year running by himself? Give our draft class a chance to get on the field and prove themselves
  7. LOVE IT!!!!! Can't wait for him to get on the field and blow up D's all over the league
  8. Spiller will be a game changer and maybe even the AFC Rookie of the year. GO BILLS!!!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!
  9. All 1pm Sunday games for the Bills just says the NFL doesn't want the world to see the bottom of there league. Hide the trash and show off the jewels. At least I can plan my weekend to the same thing for 17 weeks
  10. You should be banned from ever bringing up another topic on 2bd! If the Bills went after him I would run from Vegas to Buffalo every weekend to protest in front of the Ralph. This guy is a disgrace to the game. If the Steelers had any class they would send him packing. Cheers!
  11. We NEED to get a OLT!!! If Tebow falls to us in the 2nd round I would think they would jump all over him. As far as LaFevour or Skelton. If they were there late in the 4th or past maybe they take a shot at one of them. I know we need a QB but, if we can build up the tallent around that position then maybe we can actually have a shot at keeping the QB alive for the full season
  12. Dude! Enough with the trading up for a QB. We need to just have faith in the new coaching staff that they will find and do the right thing to get us to the playoffs. I'm not so sure they don't already have a QB in mind and are just waiting to make the call(Brian Brohm). I think we give the him the keys and see what can happen. IMO
  13. What do you expect from fans who spend there hard earned money on paraphernalia and game tix only to have there team go out and play like the Warsaw high school team. The fans deserve more from them as an organization. WE are the ones who pay for the hot dog at the game and the beer and soda's for the kids. I have a jersey I got for Christmas 2 years ago. I can't tell you the last time I had it on. I feel like................................................a raider fan now. People just laugh at us and say were the raiders of the east coast. Don't you think if we could put together a couple of winning years the talk would change on here? Not hard to answer that one.
  14. You can also look at how Buddy helped bring the Chargers back into prominence. He did it with the draft and not with big splashes in free agency. Unfortunately for Bills fans we need to be patient
  15. If our offer wasn't better than that. Nix has a plan we just cant figure out
  16. maybe it's because the Bills are like family. You can't get rid of them even if you wanted. I have friends who have moved to other cities and they still can't stop rooting for Buffalo and not for the local team. So when someone says "WE" instead of The Bills Organization. I say Go For it. They're our team!! There are no better fans than Bills fans! You sir, make me laugh
  17. Maybin is to small to play DE in the NFL at this moment. If he could put on 25 to 30 LBS he might be ok. Putting him at OLB he can stay around the weight he is and still be effective. He can still rush from the outside and small enough to get back with quicks to cover the back field or a TE. I like the move to OLB. Besides, he was a DE for one year at Penn State. It's not like he has been playing that for his entire life. He can change and maybe he will find it will only benefit him to do so
  18. Now that my friend is original I would love to see them give Lynch to the Skins for there #4 and grab a LT. then take a DT at #9. Then have LT come over and be the RB with Fast Freddy. TO can watch this year from his couch
  19. I can't believe they spent that much time on us. WHO CARES!!!! I'm not sure why we put so much stock into what thees over paid idiot losers think.
  20. So, no one has said he is guaranteed a spot in the starting rotation. He could be a solid back up or good competition for a young LT
  21. Why would he not be happy to get Tebow at 9? Doesn't everyone want a proven winner? How can you argue with his record at Florida. I don't care if they say he's not the conventional QB. He's a leader!!
  22. you make a good argument for him to stay in Buffalo. The only problem is......................He is a thug!! He can't stay out of trouble in the off season. Unless you have someone follow him around every day all day he will be in the news soon enough for pushing some old lady off of a cliff for her gold wheels. I'm not saying he is not worth keeping, I think it Freddy's turn to show he's the true #1 for buffalo. Bring in Lynch to pummel the D at the end of the game
  23. Thank you SeaDog!!!!! you and I seem to have the same idea that we won't go anywhere or do anything until we get solid line play. We will draft an o-lineman early then go after the D-lineman. We don't need a QB. Especially one that cries and feels like he was unfairly let go. BULLPUCKY!! He sucks and needs to move on in his career in broadcasting games for high school teams in SC.
  24. Will he be better at ducking under pass rushers than a (sliding into the ground) Trent? I don't care if you had "the great one" Jim Kelly back there. They all will get killed with our O-line. Fix the line and get a young QB to learn the new system. We'll be ok
  25. So were just suposed to go out and jump at every player that hits the free agency market? I would bet that more than half of the players don't even know Buffalo has a team. Nix has a good history of building throught the draft. I'm ok with that.
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