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Everything posted by NoSaint

  1. clearly not the plan. Wont be shocked if we are trading up for a bigger name in the draft with that ammo. a 1 and 2 plus who knows what else (or next years 1 and we keep the extra 2) might get you up to the WR3 or 4 off the board and those are guys you expect to be a true WR1 at this level.
  2. the difference is one sees guys come back as mvp caliber players and the other results in mediocre 3rd stringers that unceremoniously retire in a year or two It’s mighty tough to both expect him to return to form and then exceed that by staying healthy to boot. if he was cheap enough, I wouldn’t be opposed to a flyer with low guarantees as I would like a non rookie, non Ty back behind cook but not racing to get a guy that’s a long shot either.
  3. that we were so dedicate to protecting the outside really left the inside quick hitter wiiiiide open and that’s way worse given how much quicker that play is
  4. as of last night still one in the hospital, and they held i75 closed for several hours. It not going to be ruggs 2.0 but I do think most major market police and DAs (and the nfl) are not thrilled with car culture and albeit not getting a pound would like get a few ounces of flesh here. that all aside- contracts only paid out like $2m so far (pre tax, pre agents fees). A wrecked lambo, settlements and legal representation is going to really take a chunk out of his cash flow. I wonder what kind of car he will replace this with. Dumb enough to go with another sports car? Should show up to camp in a mini van.
  5. don’t even have to get it over the defenses! all fun and games until one of your special teamers gets called offside on what would’ve been the game winning offensive trick play
  6. likely to get tagged with charges but not actually do even a minute behind bars.
  7. more similar than ruggs is probably Carter- with the street racing. The nfl has to be eager to stamp out both behaviors though. he won’t do jail time but unlike Carter, rice is an nfl player and will likely miss a few games
  8. because they caused a 6 car accident while racing and left the scene?
  9. Someone with those funds probably has interest from sooooome community. We will see. Could be they are still less certain the owner, or driver.
  10. I’m saying that I just posted a link purported to be the accident coverage early in the process. I suspect with this becoming a national news story - there may be some dotting of i’s and crossing of t’s on stuff that might’ve been shared in passing on a boring traffic report but who knows. Might not even be the same incident, you know how these stories go with weird offshoots of doctored up video with date changes to make them look related.
  11. https://twitter.com/woodwardsports/status/1774424929720467524/mediaViewer?currentTweet=1774424929720467524&currentTweetUser=woodwardsports if the police are still working it hours later instead of clearing the scene and getting the road open, I wonder the condition of the person
  12. I mean, very possible. or it could be a car he lets his friend, or family member use and rice is far away. as day breaks we should learn quite a bit more. It’s harder and harder to be out of communication when you are a national news story. If he took off he may avoid dui, but between the surveillance stats we are in with cameras everywhere, plus data from phones and cars themselves…. He would be trading the dui for a fleeing charge and that won’t be pretty either. multi car and someone was at the hospital when it was reported by Dallas traffic news prior to rices name being involved
  13. nostalgia is real but if I’m an nba GM, a 10 ft fadeaway jumper isn’t getting a first round grade either
  14. that’s as much about opportunity as anything. Mostert is fine enough but he’s not an elite piece in an offense. Scheme and reps padded that number a ton.
  15. and to my point: in your wildest dreams of his potential, you picked a guy with a paycheck between Jerry jeudy and Christian kirk
  16. we passed on paying tons of very good and proven veteran safeties peanuts. Wasn’t a priority, so why spend our most valuable resource on one now? go get a receiver or pass rusher that’s two to three times as costly in free agency
  17. this plus weathering distractions. And ensuring Hackett truly is a coffee runner. it’s all in on one year in jersey but sometimes that works.
  18. add on the same commentary on the kickoff debacle and…. the whole operation was bad is coded “leadership failed”
  19. shakir strikes me as lance moore of saints yesteryear a bit. Both in general skill set and potential usage as a productive WR2-WR3 in am offense with weapons out of the backfield and at TE ideally not the center of attention but super slippery as the non focal point I don’t see him as a kupp but think if held in the right role, with the right offense - he could be super productive. I think this era of nfl makes those guys harder and harder to keep in those successful auxiliary roles though as someone wants to pay them more than you can pay as a role player
  20. If none of the WR at 28 have a 1st round grade - we’ve screwed up by not moving up if picking there you then look to pass rushers and guys that effect the qb no luck there? Have to try to move back no luck there? Maybe an OT or CB? no luck there? May as well trade it for an established guy at a less premium spot since you aren’t saving money anyway. Take the risk out and let someone else get their draft target to put it in perspective- average centers are paid like good kickers. Bass is the 8th ranked kicker and would be a slightly above average paid center (essentially even with Morse now) that’s not a top 40 wide receiver or top 50 edge rusher pay check. could you imagine taking a kicker anywhere near that spot?
  21. You can sign a prowbowl center for less than gabe Davis just received WR isn’t the shiny exciting pick, it’s the financially sound pick.
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