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Everything posted by TH3

  1. Umm the student loan debt is secured by you D00D...it is facilitated by banks but is "secured" by the good ole US of A... since it can't be eliminated by bankruptcy...its going to get repaid...
  2. I voted for gary johnson. I did not vote for BO in 2012 because I thought the ACA was a giveaway to the insurance and pharm industry and while it fixed sometings, did nothing to control costs. I also thought that BO was like clinton - overwhelmed in his first term. i think he has done some positive things in the last 3 years and the American economy has shown that given stability, it will flourish. I did not vote for Mitt because I thought he sold out to the far right. Shame...because he is a true fixer and we could have used his skill set. Yes my throwaway is that the GOP has got nothing to offer...which is an actual and debateable point....held by more than me....whereas the throwaway for most here is....Obama sucks...Back to my question before you post more BO sucks links.... If the Gop were in charge what would be different/better/ and why......or do you guys have......nothing?
  3. What is your point? i did not vote for him in 2012...so I dont have a Pro Obama agenda...but personally my family's economic situation is the best its ever been...he has kept us out of the mess in the ME...The US economy is doing the best in the world....our health care costs still suck...but that will take a bipartison effort which the GOP is not interested in.. I personally get a kick out of the GOP senator quotes...they want BO to work with them.... if the GOP were in charge what would be better right now and how?
  4. Most people want loopholes closed and most people think GW is a problem
  5. The Hammonds Are Not Interested In Violence. Ammon Bundy, son of Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy, who was involved in a similar dispute with the BLM in 2014, headed up to Oregon with armed citizens to take over an empty facility at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge. They left a peaceful protest in order to do so The media have chosen to focus on the Bundy move because it’s more spectacular in terms of the headlines. But the Hammonds’ story is a pure example of what an insanely powerful, unelected bureaucracy can achieve when it goes unchecked. And there’s no question that as the government expands, conflagrations like the Hammonds/Bundys will become more and more common. http://www.dailywire.com/news/2303/here-are-five-reasons-you-should-side-hammond-ben-shapiro Or not so much http://theconcourse.deadspin.com/those-jamokes-in-oregon-arent-terrorists-theyre-jamoke-1750918911
  6. Nature's narrative continues...2015 warmest in industrial age...the thing about the truth....its always true
  7. Number of time a "conservative" went there......? Number of times "conservatives" use the extremely high rate of gun violence in Chicago as some sort of pro second amendment crutch........
  8. Way to be stand up and responsible...apparently the libertarian philosophy is "not my problem bro..." you are truly a credit to your country and a solid example of the TP...
  9. If find it amusing that much of the locals here at PPP calls themselves"Libertarian' - banking on the concept that do anything that you want as long as it doesn't harm others - and if it does...you should be responsible. Now here we are - our country the major contributor to GW - and the "Lib"ertariens here want nothing to do with responsibility...hypocrisy at its best...
  10. Do people realize that these polls are completely without validity? An "online" poll? Those here took who took stats 101 understand....a poll with equal validity would be....9/10 people think Obama is a Muslim born in Kenya.... based on callers to the Baurle show,,,,
  11. Do you actually know how immigration is handled these days? Can you identify the shortcomings? Do you have any data to better back up your statements and come to some proposals?
  12. You are correct - if only the UK had the liberal gun laws that the US has this guy would have had a gun instead of a knife and then.....
  13. I am pretty sure disregarding scientific data is going to consistently lead to bad policy...if that is ok with you....well here we are
  14. 1. The GOP in regards to global warming. 2. Check MI, TX, LA, MI, VA, PA...all your "ID voter laws:" are nothing more than thinly veiled efforts to restrict voting for segments...please don't insult whatever intelligence you have by saying they are not 3. Same sex marriage 4. UMM maybe all the GOP governors who don't want the downtrodden.... Your welcome Then you get crap policy and poor results
  15. Not if they are making public policy...Einstein
  16. Principles like say....not believing in science, restricting voting abilities, freedom to pursue happiness - unless your gay....principles like welcoming the downtrodden....unless your not welcome....give me a break...what conservative principles are you speaking of that are the pillars of conservatism?
  17. Nice deception with the title....Lynch is not even mentioned or quoted on the story.....but hey...who checks this stuff.... Anyhoo - The US has completely outsmarted the terrorists - much like Vizzini with Iocane...we here in 'Merica have been desensitizing ourselves with mass shootings by flooding the population with cheap easy guns facilitating mass shootouts almost everyday Heck - do we even know if this was the biggest one this week - well it is only Friday - we have tomorrow.....these lame ISIS dudes are going to have to do better to get our attention!!!!
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