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Everything posted by TH3

  1. BO so divisive that he won two general elections - 2012 with a 50 percent plus majority... DT has - what 35 percent of 30 percent...which gives him...10.5 percent...
  2. Ya but guys like Azalin or J6pack who would see there HC improve dramatically in cost and benefit would be totally against it...
  3. Why don't you guys just drop the facade and come out and say it....you think BO is just a niqqer and wasn't your President....feel the hate...feels good doesn't it
  4. The party of personal responsibility steps up strong again....
  5. You mean the party guys/varsity letter winners from high school who couldn't get a real job - whose real skill is knowing a lot of people to rope in as opposed to actually understanding the economy?
  6. The aspect I liked about NR was her insistance the RR be remembered as ​pragmatic conservative. RR said it was better to have half a loaf rather than none and James Baker and Tip O'Neil negotiated quite a bit of legislation. RR was a compromiser and worked across the aisle. NR did not like her husband being remembered as a conservative demagogue - because he wasn't.
  7. So - we have two plans - the Trump plan - which is basically exactly what we had before the ACA with some tax breaks and state line tweaks? Employer funded HC for most, those w/o HC left to try to buy insurance on their own? Since Trump doesn't specifically say this - I am trying to pin down what he is proposing. If so - do you think what Trump proposes is the best we can do? The post ACA and pre ACA health care funding and provision model is simply, patently, inarguably, the WORST way to address HC there is. There is almost nothing efficient or business friendly about it. The metrics bear it out...it is the most expensive with the poorest performance for the dollar in the civilized world - and hampers business and mobility. If Trump thinks all it needs is those bullet points - that is tremendously disappointing for a candidate to run this country. I also find it sad that the first 10 comments from the OP didn't pick up on how shallow it was. Wonder why you guys hate the people in office.
  8. Private insurance is bad, but private healthcare providers good? There is a difference = Insurance has no incentive to reduce costs - just get more billing. The reimbursement is a lump sum - therefore the HCP goal is to reduce costs to make margin on that lump sum. Who said Canada has free health care? I said a car built in Canada and sold in USA has very little HC costs built into it as it is exported. So is this just the pre ACA HC structure tweaked? The ACA didn't change the basic structure of HC in the USA. Please tell me how risk is profiled and spread. Do employers still provide for most people, all people, all people at a certain salary level? How do individuals bargain as compared to pooled risk? How do you cover preexisting conditions? How do you cover the poor, the old? How do you spread the varied risk of a lifetime individually? People without insurance left to die - or do we pick up the costs in the ER? Does the Trump plan help our businesses compete internationally?
  9. Damn - Throw some well collated thoughts into words and it scares everyone off...
  10. I will give it a shot - trying to tie in actuarial principles and as well my experience in public office and as a business owner. 1. Individual policies are non starter - individuals do not have the bargaining power nor the ability to upend the current insurance based model. 2. The employer based model of providing coverage has to go - it kills our ability to export - here is why: Car built in Detroit has the cost of health care built into it - ship that car to Canada - and they will add the GST when you buy it. That car now has the cost of two HC systems built into it. Car built in Windsor and shipped to Detroit has NO HC costs built into the final sale price. Spread this across our entire import export landscape. 3. HC should be accessible to everyone - have we not gone for the lowest common denominator too much already? 4. The insurance based model too has to go. The incentive now is to bill for more - not to reduce costs by keeping people healthy. So - yes rip it up and start with a clean sheet of paper - get rid of the patch work model of funding and providing HC. 1.I would go for a single payer where the tax/funds whatever you want to call it are taxed at the retail or final sale - call it a GST if you want. 2. This takes out the burden of local state and federal governments and eliminates all the union strings concerning HC. 3. Goods and service prices reduced by cost of HC the business used to have to provide. 4. Imports pay for HC 5. Our export process reduced by 18 percent. Everyone gets a voucher and buys HC from qualified provider. These providers have to provide a minimum level of basic HC for this sum. HC providers compete for your subscription. They make money by keeping you healthy and reducing the yearly costs it takes to keep you healthy. Private industry will be on your case to stay healthy - not the government. The private HC companies bargain like hell on drug pricing pricing etc...unlike the free pass they got in the ACA We spend 2x on HC what other countries do - and it KILLS us in so many ways. That is a plan - the OP bullet points are just nibbles.....
  11. This isn't a "plan" by any stretch...but you minions eat it right up....
  12. I dont think Trump ever thought he would be where he is now...as someone noted...He will be scared hitless when he gets the nomination.....congratulations Trump supporters and the GOTP....you are electing Hillary.......just as I predicted....and lamented....years ago....
  13. Well Trump has the KKK vote....so there is that
  14. Perhaps you should look at the article...the most distressed counties and states are predominantly GOP run...whereas Buffalo as.a city is "distressed" a primary reason is the unusually small footprint....
  15. Tell me again how the two examples I laid out aren't clear definitions of activist judgements.....you know....when judges overturn long held legislation....legislated by 435 congressmen, 50 senators and a president overturned by 5 men......but if it fits your POV..... But continue your MO of coming up with nothing of substance....probably fits your life...
  16. Activist like overturning hugely ....actually almost unamimous.... bipartison legislation like campaign finance reform and voter rights laws?
  17. 1. What did the GOP say they were going to do? -Or more importantly why do people believe candidates who say things that are never going happen because they are completely impossible - and these voters become alienated and disillusioned when they don't happen and then double down and back even more radical candidates with even more preposterous claims about what they are going to do.... 2. You seem smart: I think you need to check the weight of variables....the examples you give - while they may exist - have essentially no real bearing on the economy - or for that matter - peoples lives...Federal Spending is pretty much at the same levels it has been for decades - Federal Revenue is at historical lows - so that tax burden placed on people - is also LOW....The primary things affecting the general populace are the rising cost of healthcare and the lack of growth of middle class wages.... Be nice to see adjustments to rectify those variables...
  18. Well. The title of the thread mentions that GW is a hoax....just trying to understand what we are arguing about....Iguess its the hoax that wealth is being redistributed by Hillsry...You might want to look up some stats...wealth has been tremendously redistributed in the last 30 years of trickle down economics....all the wealth that has been created has distributed its way to the few..but the posters here think its the dems that are pinching their wallet and future...
  19. Yes - Peaked in 2000 - Clintonanomics....right....or maybe the peak of the baby boomers..... Now pretty much historical norm.....
  20. People with money creates demand.... Right now in the industrialized nations we have a lot of rich people with money who have bought all they can and a huge middle class who have not seen their pay go up in 30 years - and as well - globally - half the population of the earth with less wealth that - what - the top 80 people.....pretty sure if that wealth was more evenly distributed the worlds economy would take off....
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