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Everything posted by TH3

  1. You Bundy guys still feel the vibe after two of his supporting protestors killed 2 police officers and a bystander out west?
  2. Well that's the problem with the Libertarian model - right? Minimum laws other than to be accountable for your actions.....better hire a lot of judges.....my guess is that laws promote much more freedom that they restrict....without specific boundaries....the courts would simply be clogged...
  3. So would it be better to allow people to sue the coal industry for damage to the environment?
  4. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2014/06/02/obama-to-announce-rule-to-limit-emissions-from-fossil-burning-plants-part-his/ The President has finally bowed to the libertarian and has proposed laws to limit the damage of the coal industry to other people's - and our children's - property. To quote TYTT "Libertarians believe in the strict enforcement of property law. As such, anyone polluting another's property, where damages can be shown, would be 100% liable for costs of clean-up and damages. These amounts, when calculated, are usually multitudes higher than the amounts levied in punitive fines, and are paid directly to the aggrieved party, rather than to a feckless bureaucracy" Who knew?
  5. You never say anything of substance so you are good.....
  6. I think I sold it for $350 Some would say the issue is citizens with no interest in gun freedoms are paying dearly for others to have that freedom.....as long as your good with that then don't worry about these things....
  7. Umm - I have fired a gun - I have owned one too - Ithaca Featherlight 16 gauge- I used to go bird hunting with my wife - she had a Remington 12 gauge. We sold them a couple years back as we no longer hunted - and quite honestly - we had young kids and I did not want to spend the money on a gun safe and felt uncomfortable not being able to secure the guns. She typically took the Ithaca as it was lighter and hunting grouse or pheasant you had to hold the gun up.... Typical PPP response - don't agree then your an idiot of told to STFU - My point about firearms is this - many freedoms have costs - and the cost of having the most liberal gun freedoms in the industrialized world is we have a higher incidence and probability of getting firearms in the wrong hands - and when they do - innocent people are hurt. That my friend - is not a conservative or liberal view - its just what it is.
  8. After I picked up the handgun, I brought it back to my room and felt a new sense of power. I was now armed. Who's the alpha male now, bitches? I thought to myself, regarding all of the girls who've looked down on me in the past. Still think guns don't empower people?
  9. Not making any comments on gun rights. We have the most liberal gun rights in the industrialized world - written into our constitution with its own amendment. What I am saying though - is that the "guns don't kill people" line is only a half truth....one could say that - but the back end of that is guns make killing people much easier and much more probably when used compared to other weapons.
  10. "Weapons are the instrument and not the cause. It is at this point something of a cliché, but it should perhaps be offered anyway: If someone is determined to kill a substantial number of people, they will almost certainly manage to do so" One can offer it up...but a lunatic with a gun is far more likely to actually commit an assault. Much easier to pull the trigger from behind both the perceived security a gun offers and as well the distance from the victim. Want to kill someone with a knife - gets personal and the victim can at least fight back somewhat. Additionally - guns are far more deadly than sticks, stones, fists and knives.,,this current guy did kill his roommates with a knife - but that kid in Pittsburgh who went on a knife attack - managed to only injure them - had he had a gun.... Think of it this way - replace all the guns in the US with knives.....still think we would have these mass shootings? What the gun does is magnify and leverage the ability and intent of the bad guy....something left out in the "guns don't kill...." mantra
  11. Ya. i can see you pretty much stand for nothing.....
  12. Dude - the ONLY place you have credibility with your fellow tin foil hat circle jerkers is here - you have become incredibly well versed in propping each other up in your little world of cognitive dissonance. I would feel frightened if I had credibility with people who don't follow science but rather conspiracies, can't admit Cliven Bundy was a complete whiff of a subject, latch on the Benghazi with great temerity because Obama - while giving the complete conspiracy of waging two wars on fabricated evidence a free pass..... "Clean up your own house" - what a hypocritical joke you guys are..... Works for you!
  13. Do you have a point? GW isn't happening? GW is happening but it is not caused by human activities? GW is happening and is caused by humans and we should do something about it? GW is happening and is caused by humans but we won't do anything?
  14. No....the decision is this....is the costing of preventing the effects more or less than the consequences?...adapting sounds so easy and painless....you are talking about moving 2/3 of the worlds population - yes - we will just move Manhattan, Miami, New Orleans, Shanghai.....the costs to bend the curve are huge as is the cost of the changes....since the costs are now and the consequences are later.... That is what an engineer would say.... We are just another animal on this planet behaving like any other would
  15. Where? Because I don't jump on board with cutting pasting articles on absofreakinglutely idiotic topics like the "war on women" Banging the gong on STUPID partisan topics like wars on women, instagram posts by MO, have nothing to do with being conservative.....
  16. You do realize where you are right? You have stumbled in to a water cooler conversation at a big company....the same 6-7 guys hang out here all the time - you know the type.....the guys who think they know everything - they are soooo smart - just ask them - or better yet just look at their coffee cup mugs... but in spite of all this vision and greatness they haven't advanced to upper management....they can't believe their intelligence hasn't been noticed and they have become - predictably - "against the mainstream". They find solace in being against things rather than for them, they find it easier to adopt conspiracy theories (after all - their must be a conspiracy to explain why they are not in charge) than to come to grips with the complexities and realities of the landscape. They think there are simplistic answers to the companies complex problems. They think everything that management does is stupid and misguided and offer up constant criticism but no pragmatic or executable solutions. They find solace here at the water cooler - they sit around reinforcing each other with cynical snippets and one liners that give themselves the false confidence of a small crowd of think-a-likes. The water cooler has become much like teenagers with texting - getting that little jolt of reinforcement from their buddies - so they hang out here all the time. You know where you are....
  17. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Last_glacial_period http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glacial_period http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ice_age
  18. Do you take in information from all sources and form your own opinion and viewpoint.....or do you read posts from a news source that is clearly only going to have one - and only one - stance on an issue and take it as fact?
  19. Who is the "you're" you speak of? I believe when Bush was in office - it was pretty much a bipartisan proposal cobbed up from previous proposals. Likewise - it was rejected by the far left and far right.
  20. You do realize that CNS NEWS source is somewhat misleading with the leading sentence right? The HS did not say or imply that the 11 million have already earned the right to citizenship....he said that they should have the opportunity to earn the right to citizenship. There has not been a recent proposal from the left or the right that does not require a very long and involved process - lasting as long as 10+ years and involving paying penalties and back taxes - for those who are now residing illegally in the States to become citizens - thereby providing the "earning" element.
  21. What do you do all day....? I mean besides chiming in with the same 5-6 like-minded snipers incessantly monitoring a backwater forum in the back of a backwater forum?
  22. The math of this always amazes me. 68 percent of earth is covered by oceans and those levels can be raised by feet due to melting of frozen ice. That.....is alot of water....
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