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Everything posted by TH3

  1. I always find it funny how everything (Rodak) is compared to the Patriots and how they have written the book on how to win. Here is their formula Success = 95% find the best qb who ever played the game in the 6th round + 5% everything else
  2. take over the medical industry - with a GOP template. What do you want - people going bankrupt over medical bills, unable to access insurance because of pre-existing conditions, unable to get insurance? What is the TP/GOP plan for how HC should be delivered - and please be more specific than "free market" - I am sure you must have a link. Open the border - check your stats - also you do know you must be an american citizen to access benefits like welfare, SNAP, SS, healthcare right? - OF course you knew that. Destabilize the ME? Pretty sure that started in 2002 - or several hundred years ago.. Govt takeover of the internet - I honestly have no idea what the legislation will do - you probably don't either. You do understand what was going on at Ferguson - systematic targeting of poor - mostly black people - to fund the police department - but your cool with that? Gun control - where would that be? Pretty sure BO initiated nothing regarding gun control.
  3. Thats quite a reach to rephrase the article title The blue dots represent the results from a comparable regression to predict whether one of these low-skill individuals had a job. Clemens and Wither found that the federal minimum wage hike resulted in about a 6% decrease in the probability that low-wage individuals would have a job based on this comparison of states in which the minimum wage hike would have been binding and those for which it would not. A SIX PERCENT DECREASE IN THE PROBABILTY.....
  4. Gosh - you must live in a dark dark place - I for one think that things can actually move forward and get better!
  5. Hate to say it Tom but Gator got you Someone has to have a vision before it happens....
  6. Yikes - haven't been on this thread for a while....looks like I haven't missed anything: Anyhoo : http://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2015-03-11/battery-hackers-are-building-the-future-in-the-garage Pretty cool article - once battery storage jumps a couple of levels - you guys can shut down this thread - Most power will be sun/wind/geothermal/water - with no CO2/ geopolitical considerations - or for that matter cost considerations... How much can be solved by science....
  7. Do a little homework bro...Arming Israel to attack Iran and overthrowing the regime there is exactly what Cotton has professed what should be done. How - how - do you link anything I have said with hating Jews? I am non religious and frankly can't understand pretty much anything concerning religion... Again - we would want to invade/overthrow Iran because of a hot air threat - or is there another reason? I criticize the GOP because I used to be consistently Republican - and now I - for the life of me do not understand or agree with much of what they do. I am what you might call a swing voter - you know - someone the GOP needs to win a Presidential election....
  8. I voted for Gary Johnson. Wait - We are going to "give" them nukes? Pretty sure what is being talked about is them not getting nukes....but carry on... What was "liberal" in my post? This letter is so stupid on so many counts: 1. A treaty is not what is being negotiated - it is an international arrangement signed by 6 countries - so no Mr Cotton - it does not go to the Senate. Congress has a say on the sanctions - but they are but one component - a small one. 2. So what - it is easier and more pragmatic to talk to the Ayatollah? You do realize that Mr Cotton - whelp maybe this is why you like him - simply wants to arm Israel to the hilt and have them attack Iran and or have the US invade/ do whatever to "bring down" the regime in Iron - then what - didn't we do that 60 years ago? Again - I ask - what has Iran done that warrants an invasion - tell me its more than an ex leader's comments about Israel....i know that those words must be actionable - I mean a leader must always say what he is actually going to do right and why would Iran be wary of us....in the words of our Armed Services Committee leader...."bomb bomb bomb, bomb, bomb Iran"... Why did the GOP get so stupid?
  9. Ahhh, the well thought out, nuanced response from the right. You guys ever give two seconds to why Iran is where they are? Could it be that in the 50's when Iran was one of the most modern open ME countries - we - the exceptional USA overthrew a democratically elected government and installed the Shah - who was our puppet. I can't believe they don't like us....sheesh they want nuclear warheads - why would that be? Could it be we invaded - on BS information - the countries that surround them? Other than the hostages - which were returned unharmed - someone tell me what Iran has done to the US? Yes FU Iran....
  10. Yes! As many as 1 in 5 think of Fox as reliable! Tallest midget....
  11. Here what kills me about the "skeptics" - its just that you are so inconsistent and hypocritical: You say GW is a hoax - but then say it is happening - its just not man... You say it is happening - well something is happening - but no one can predict. You say you are conservative - but you seem willing to roll the dice with the next generation because - "we can't predict" - but we know we are changing the climate but since we can't predict what will happen - whelp - hey it might be better - or it might be happening because.... You say weather doesn't equal climate change - but then you repeatedly talk of localized weather like Boston....or throw a snowball in the halls of congress.. You say the scientists are bought off - but then quote your own bought off sources... Just in a long line....tax cuts pay for themselves, we will be seen as liberators, there are WMD's, deficits don't matter, the world is 6000 years old, evolution didn't happen, the president hates the US, cigarettes are not a problem - along with lead in gas, lead in paint, ozone, DDT, gerrymandering, citizens united, same sex marriage, BO was born in Kenya, voter ID, writing letters to Iran, we should have two unfunded wars in the ME, let's shutdown the government, lets defund the DHS, woman don't get pregnant when raped, let's have useless votes to repeal the ACA, lets take the ACA to the SC with no alternative... Why did the GOP get so stupid and hypocritical?
  12. The sad part is....the GOP /TP are going to have a difficult time putting a candidate and platform together to beat such a flawed candidate like HC
  13. So - there appears to be absolutely no support for a large military effort in the ME - whether it is the GOP, the DEM or the general public...
  14. Is there a progress update on the war/$ authorization legislation to fight ISIS that the white house has sent the GOP led congress?
  15. Pegs obviously gave te boys the keys to his Cassel!
  16. No kidding....we should look to defund the DHS....
  17. As someone who has had 2 ACL reconstructs... They are never the same
  18. I am not whining about the GOP holding up bills - where did I say that? BTW I try not to read links from blatantly slated sites - from either side - I tend to see them as a waste of time as they are totally predictable. Ok - where are the GOP initiatives to reduce the size of government - REAL initiatives - not empty statements. Reducing the cost of government will require reduction in 3 things: SS, Defense and Health Care - I have not seen the GOP enact genuine efforts to reduce any of these three - which would lead to balancing the budget - how to you level reducing the cost of government and having a strong defense - and as well more involvement in the ME? AFA Obama getting things done. From day one the GOP said it would do its level best to make sure he failed. You talk of "via cooperation, compromise and positive rhetoric" but the GOP/TP fails to meet any of these elements you set for behavior. I spoke with a friend concerning the Clinton years. Those years were productive because newt was willing to work with Clinton and visa versa. There is no way no how that the GOP/TP House will compromise with BO on anything - they won't even open a dialogue with him - that is their stated tact. Newt come into office and swept the election because he had a stated goal to get legislation passed - which he mapped out prior to the election - remember the "100 days" pact? This GOP congress swept into majority on gerrymandered districts and the stated belief of a hate for BO - THAT'S the difference between the 1990's GOP and today's. Why are you so worried about who I voted for? Standard litmus test? Someone who doesn't share the same vitriol for BO gotta be a liberal lefty correct?
  19. I am blaming and whining .... Huh? I am looking for some substance in the GOP or TP.....I thought you could provide some direction....seriously. What is their vision for the country and how do they want to get there.....tell me there is more than holding up funding bills.....somewhere...
  20. Help me here LA http://www.teaparty-platform.com/ Where in this platform does it say anything about playing political games with funding DHS and shutting down the government? Where are the proposals, the bills, the debate? Why are they not acting on any of this noble platform?
  21. Posting links from ones favorite far right far left webnews sites is so fruitfull and enlightening! My question is: what are the current GOP visions for immigration reform, tax reform, education reform etc...Do they have them...where are they? do theyhave a plan to compose them, develop legislation, put it before the public...you know lead....lead like you know what want to do and you are going there..... Or are they just full of political games...are they any adults over there? Spare me the finger pointing at the Dems....if you are a GOP TP...where Is your platform? Ipad
  22. The Feds saw what AZ was doing as uncontitional.and the courts agreed. The Feds are not the plaintiff in same sex marriage cases.
  23. I never made ANY point about XPL other than its ridiculous its not being built SOMEONE ELSE lumped it in.
  24. Not sarcastic about the pipeline - it is safer and cheaper to have it. You talk of compromise - The GOP is held hostage by the TP. Compromise is not possible because the TP in the house will not agree with ANYTHING with BO. Lets watch the DHS funding over the next days.
  25. Yes - ridiculous - 1000's of miles of pipelines already - trains with crude crashing every week
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