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The Wiz

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Everything posted by The Wiz

  1. Someone needs to get on the buffalo bills PR team and make sure they have the jumbotron ready "SPARTANS! WHAT IS YOUR PROFESSION!?!?!?!"
  2. You could also roll out the 5 minute lowlight reel of receivers dropping passes that attributed to his "accuracy" issues since most of the guys that said he was inaccurate were basically just going by the narrative already in place and then looking at the stat sheet of each game.
  3. The rest of the article is really good too. Especially the different types of zone and how Allen has been able to beat each of them in different ways.
  4. This has some numbers for both. Some good info in the rest of the article. https://touchdownwire.usatoday.com/2021/01/05/anatomy-of-a-wild-card-win-how-the-colts-can-solve-the-josh-allen-riddle/
  5. I think Beane was my favorite. Also nice cameo by Rachel Bush.
  6. Well this is either the worst thing I've ever seen or the greatest.
  7. I feel like we have been spoiled this last month or two watching this team just take off and have very high expectations. I'll stick with my start of season expectation of win the division and win a playoff game. My expectation after watching them has me feeling SB or bust.
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