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Everything posted by benderbender

  1. Gregg Williams seems to have aged 25 years since his tenure in Buffalo. He does look horrible
  2. I'm starting to come around to the idea that we won't get the #2 pick. Only if we intentionally try to lose will we actually get it. The Lions, Bengals, Cowboys, Vikings, and half of the AFC and NFC West have a decent chance at beating us out. If we end up at #11 in the draft I will literally drop a brick.
  3. When the Jags move, then I'll actually worry about Buffalo. Until then, this subject is as exciting as watching RW's skin prune
  4. Kelly has been a much better ambassador than Bruce Smith has been. Although Bruce has been doing more "community service."
  5. Any QB we draft won't immediately start. I'm fine with Fitz leading for another year. He's done well with what little he has had to work with.
  6. You're right. Who needs a franchise quarterback anyway? Certainly not a poor team in a poor market who can't compete for free agents like us. No sense milking the system to our benefit. Go mediocrity!
  7. How long until Pennington's shoulder gets re-re-re-re-injured?
  8. He will make a million dollars doing absolutely nothing. The American Dream
  9. I think they should have gone with a Ralph Wilson as the Cryptkeeper logo
  10. Which would be good practice considering we're not good enough to beat a UFL team
  11. I would go back to when we had the lead with about 9 minutes remaining and attempt to run the ball once or twice.
  12. This series is a winfall for Ralph. Put no money in the team and sell sub-par football to ignorant canucks
  13. He's also good at convincing the front office he's Aaron Schobel
  14. At this point I wonder why we don't give Brohm some starts for experience. I don't think he believes in charity interceptions as much as Fitzpatrick
  15. I wouldn't hug Merriman too close. I don't think he'll be sticking around. An extension is a day dream.
  16. I third that motion. Adopting the 60s throwbacks permanently seems like an insult to the legends that wore them.
  17. Then he's just a hardworking yet very unlucky loser with a heart of gold?
  18. The same people who are saying that Titans are Super Bowl contenders are the same who declared the Vikings had too many weapons and are sitting at 2-5
  19. If Merriman can teach them how to tackle and start stopping the run. We might win ourselves out of the #1 pick.
  20. At least they made the playoffs last year and there's plenty of games left
  21. I would claim him just to keep Miami from yet another upgrade
  22. Fitz took a class at Harvard about humanitarianism so he tries to give back as much as possible with untimely interceptions
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