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Everything posted by Malazan

  1. Indeed, there's a number of better options than WGR
  2. If this is really his agent, then kudos to the agent for reaching out to fans and kudos to the player for picking an agent that does so
  3. I'm not convinced most people on this board watch the Bills play.
  4. I'm sorry you did not enjoy the tongue in cheek aspect of the post. The underlying element is that while some assume that he is Belichek's type of player that there are many factors that go into any such decision. Whether he twitters or speaks words to a reporter, he has a history of immaturity getting upset because a fan said something mean to him and such. It has not been shown that New England appreciates that type of speaking out and, in fact, values self restraint when making public comments. The Jets might be a better fit for Whitner. If you read through the thread, you'll see that I'm in favor of bring him back at 4 million or under. I feel that his enthusiasm is valuable to a point. The indications are that he wants more than that. I would not be willing to give a player who plays somewhere between average and 'good' more that based off of a contract year especially given the struggles he has had and shared via twitter.
  5. BB likes guys who tweet every thought in their head? I'm not for or against bringing him back at this point as we don't know the details. I think he's good and has a good year (in a contract year) so the factors are too unknown at this point to make a call on whether he should be kept.
  6. Another who thinks a football team will make him 'Happy'. Work on personal fulfillment and don't judge the team based on you feeling depressed and you might see more positives.
  7. Again, it all depends on what he think he's worth. I think I could see going as high as four million a year in a 3-4 deal. Anything, one cent beyond that and I would let him walk. That amount is a little bit higher because he has been vocal and I think is filled with enthusiasm when he's not depressed by not getting enough love on twitter.
  8. It's moot until the numbers come out.
  9. I don't really have a feeling on T.O.s comments, but wow, seriously, people believe that Palmer was a future HOF QB coming into this season?
  10. Stop reading and talking about his articles. He writes this stuff because you will come on here and start a topic about it which drives up traffic to his articles and ensures his continued employment.
  11. Let's hope that both sides end up getting a kick in the pants
  12. Who cares about King? He goes whatever way the wind blows with little to no 'reporting'.
  13. Leodis...taking kicks..in big games... *Shudder*
  14. I'm happy with him. I expected the defense to be a disaster (as the run defense has been for a long time) since Jauron loaded up on lighter players. I thought the offense would take longer to turn around than the defense would and I expect about two full seasons before we saw a decent defense so I'm pleasantly surprised by that. I'm really happy that he and Nix seem to have a good working relationship and work with each other. Even Mr. Negative himself, Sullivan, wrote about how all these 'no name' guys are making plays. I hope we'll see something similar on defense next season. This is what makes me the happiest because it seems like Gailey can coach and use players. If they don't work out, he has no problem saying, 'bye-bye'.
  15. You mean the same Luck who's said nothing to indicate he will be in the draft?
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