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Everything posted by Malazan

  1. You mean like the mayor who used it to dig out the people of his town out? http://www.techdirt.com/articles/20101228/22312812440/how-newark-mayor-cory-booker-made-all-politics-super-local-with-twitter-following-blizzard.shtml Hating on twitter is as stupid as many of the tweets
  2. The sky is falling! Everyone in for mass suicide?
  3. As opposed to following every word of the guy following his every tweet?
  4. What leads people to believe that it is Modrak's call on which player is drafted? Wouldn't he just be providing information and insight for the people who do make the pick?
  5. to play Defensive End because RBs are fast and he'd have a quick first step?
  6. You know that's not true. This board is filled with people who will criticize any move the Bills do or do not make. Seriously, there is a thread about Kyle Orton. If the Pats signed, you'd be one of the major mouthpieces criticizing the Bills about it.
  7. You're trying to hard to find things to not like. You can just 'not like' it without reaching so far.
  8. It seems like a complex situation and I'm sure it will be covered to death and then we'll probably be lucky enough that somebody sues somebody so we'll get stories about week to week.
  9. or in other words..1/3rd of what whitner thinks he is worth
  10. I think an 18 game schedule is inevitable. While the owners are pushing it, I think it is the players themselves that will make it happen. The players want more money and the owners aren't going to give it to them without a greater revenue stream. When it gets down to it, the players will opt for more money. I think ultimately, it will hurt the game and the NFL popularity especially if they don't have a season to reach this end.
  11. I think the Bills are on the rise, it's just not a very steep one. I don't see them having a legitimate shot at the playoffs next season. It's going to longer than next season to turn around the talent gap.
  12. Phillips is out for obvious reasons. Frazier is unlikely to take a DC job with a team that passed him over for head coach. Nolan is not leaving Miami for another DC position. Singletary is...an option..not a good one. I don't really know enough about lewis' prior to him becoming a head coach for cincy. Fox would be the best of that bunch in my opinion, but again, it seems unlikely Buffalo is his destination.
  13. He's an NFL player that is not currently on the Bills that another bad team doesn't want so OF COURSE I want him on the Bills! Get Er' Done, Buddy!
  14. So people believe that just adding Luck to this current team makes them a contender?
  15. regardless of Bradford's ability, the price to trade up is going to be through the roof
  16. I don't think that gets it done with Luck being the number 1 pick.
  17. Guaranteed money is the end all / be all of contracts. I feel that I was not clear in in my previous post that a NFL player will run over their mother or anyone else in a semi truck for guaranteed money. The reason for the 'inflated' numbers in kelsay's contract is because much of it is not guaranteed. If you look at the contract, he got a raise from his previous contract of less than 500k a year. Now, I am not familiar with this part and hoepfully someone can fill in here. If he's eligible for the veteran minimum raise, is that not 10%? That would be $370,000 a year. So the Bills gave about $130,000 a year above what they were mandated to give in regards to a new contract. Again, I may be wrong on him being eligible for a mandatory 10% or what that percentage actually is and what the finer points of how that veteran clause applies.
  18. He is learning the new system. What specifically leads you to believe that he is not becoming more familiar with the NFL and the offensive system employed here?
  19. This is bottom line. Paying Whitner 7 million a year could net a solid linebacker or lineman which would provide greater benefit. An increased pass rush would make a lesser safety look better. Maybe Donte is worth it, but he is not 'worth it' to the Bills. He's not going be a difference maker here anytime soon.
  20. Yea, good thing they got rid of Parrish...because it was obvious that he was a bum from what he did last season.
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