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Everything posted by BillsCelticsAngelsBama

  1. He would be worth EXACTLY what Philly got D. Jackson. If we spend another high draft pick(top 3 rounds) then Graham probably will not make the team. Coach Kelly might be "arrogant" enough but just not "stupid" enough to trade for him. But he may actually be spending his Friday night watching tape of T.J. Graham dropping passes in college and saying.."Oh what I could do with that untapped potential !!
  2. If true, which I doubt, it would have to be for Mack or Clowney. Watkins would be primarily involved in a teams off. play about 30 % of the time, whereas Mack would be around 80-85 % of the def. plays and Clowney about 65 %. Can't see it for Robinson though he looks to be better than any tackle in quite awhile. How about EJ. and our #1 for Manziel ? The ESPN scroll would explode and we could welcome "Super Troll", Skip Bayless as the newest Buffalo Jill.
  3. Sorry, Manther disagree 100000000 %. You can get to the 25th wr in this class and might get a #1 out of it. There is a big diff between the top 3-6 OT's and #9 and later. The top ones Protect your QB can move and stop the fast DE's and can block 300 lb's on the other side of the ball. Wr's that can get open and catch are much easier to acquire. Again quit drafting your dessert until you've got the main course taken care of. OL,LB DB are areas that need to be strengthened up... a lot.The wr's we have now are better then the SB champs have but they have steak and lobster n the key positions and we don't. Can we please quit ordering dessert I.e. RBs/WRS in the early rounds Just my OP!!!
  4. Would calling them the Buffaloes just to spite us really be part of the conversation ? Doubt that's part of the conversation that will take place. The people I know out here in SoCal would rather have their own logo a team and name. The % that even know who the Buffalo Bills are do not want to be associated with a team with such little national respect and w/O.J. Simpson. Your name Is safe. In fact, a couple of years ago some guy on the Coliseum Commission said if the Rams,Raiders, or Chargers came LA he was for keeping the team but if Jax.or Buffalo they would like to have fan involvement in the naming of the team.
  5. No worries, for you guys back there. Chargers almost for sure coming here And maybe the Rams as well. Keep the faith
  6. When we lost Jack Kemp I was sad for a week and with #12 --> who is only 13 days older than me in some trouble , this is very unsettling to me. Thanks for trying Ralph. You loved the team as much as we loved the team RIP.
  7. Awesome to have a stadium named after you before going on to eternal life with our creator.
  8. "Come see the reason Tom Brady has so many home playoff games" !! "Come and see the great and powerful KIKO play 11 positions at the same time" !!
  9. Could we accidently try and find some guys @ lb so we could occasionally stop the run ? Or should we draft skill players that will spend a good part of Sunday's watching the other team convert...and convert...and ? Just a philosophical question
  10. Should another teams trash always be Buffalo Bills fans treasure ?
  11. No problem @ QB here !! ' Course EJ would be about 8th to 10th in the 2014 QB class but... he does lights up a room when he walks in
  12. Let's go wr and te early so we can go yet another year without making defensive stops... Nice
  13. Robert Woods, Marquise Goodwin . and TJ Graham early picks. How about we grab studs to stop the run and guard the other teams receivers ? Our receivers are not great but they are much better than the team that just won the Super Bowl. We need to use early picks on a stud O'Liner which there are just a few and a linebacker or Dback. There are Wr's in the 4th round or later in this draft if you insist on taking one.Enough with dessert picks when we don't have a main course yet. If we take Mike Evans or Eric Ebron over Lewan, Matthews, C.J Mosley, Anthony Barr, Justin Gilbert or Clinton-Dix...I'm going to be highly pi$$ed.......... AGAIN
  14. The rumor about Nolan Carroll is false. it is actually former All-Pro Nolan Cromwell. Get 'er done !!
  15. There are mucho guards in this draft that are as good as --> he is now, and they'll just cost a mid round draft choice. JUST SAY NO TO THE SCRAP HEAP
  16. Agree. And if we take a WR in the first when our LB's "suck" and our OL sucks.. ----->After taking two WR's early last year then we are just as stupid as everyone thinks we are.
  17. Sorry for being a dissenter as this thread has been beat to death.... but if he's there @ #9 you see if Philly or someone wants E.J. and run to the podium with Manziels name written on the card. E.J. is a better version of Logan Thomas. Unless this team teaches him (Quickly) to go through his progressions, he's an injury waiting to happen. And I love the guy. My son, who is a college coach in No. Carolina, likes E.J. more than me but says the problem is that the FSU system is "Read one side of the field, nothing open, run". . They didn't develop him because they didn't have to. He was a better athlete than 95 % of the defensive players so he could improvise. Same can be said for Manziel 'cept his improvisations many times lead to receptions rather than QB runs.
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