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Everything posted by BillsCelticsAngelsBama

  1. Jonathan Meeks listed. interesting since no one (the so-called experts) had him with a draftable grade.
  2. And.... two games are cancelled due to lack of interest ??? 8-8 in 2013 11-5 in 2014
  3. Biggest B.S. post of the year. U actualy watched a lot of game film on the kid?... and how did u decide on a 4th round grade?..And what exactly are his intangibles... that u saw on film ? Care to elaborate ???......... Didn't think so. We're not all ten years old here !! W
  4. Bottom line... if we take Nassib@ #8 I'm going to barf. About as accurate as the guy we got rid of and less athletic. How about taking the 8th best player @ #8. Tyler Wilson is much more the football player than this guy and can be had later. Bills are a joke if they take the 40th best guy @ #8. But that's what makes them the Bills. And i agree with some who say move up to Green Bay in round 1 and take a QB.. just not Nassib -----> @#8. Are u effing serious ?.
  5. let me guess. You're one of those arrogant guys who like to show off their snobbery by the "We're Doomed" posts as well. Many of us were screaming for Orakpo and Ngata but were told to just trust the F.O. and quit posting the negativity.
  6. that would be waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too good to be true.And I'll be very unhappy if we have Nassib, Glenon or Landry jones three weeks from now
  7. I will be very happy if we pick Tyler Wilson or E.J. Manuel. somewhat happy.... golf clap......, if we choose Barkley or Dysert disappointed if we choose Nassib or Smith somewhat numb if we choose Bray or Scott AND Want to throw up if we choose Glennon, L. Jones or nobody
  8. Finally.... thought I was the only one who had figured out the key to winning a Superbowl !!!!
  9. You may want to think again. some of us actually have lives. And what happens after you have this draft ? Do you debate which team is better ? Yes ... on pins and needles.... keep me informed
  10. Again Agree 100 % The man hit it out of the park. Until we have a motor it doesn't what the rest of the car looks like -------> "It ain't goin' nowhere"
  11. Agree 95 %. i think he has MUCH more than Jones. But I'm with you nonetheless
  12. Forgive me, for I haven't gone through and read your previous posts but would this be a good hunch, bad hunch or a wait and see hunch ?
  13. Somebody woke up on the wrong side of their stethoscope Dr. Trooth ?
  14. Can i have him him PM you.. can you PM me and give me your e-mail ? I'm sure he would be glad too. Again he is not an expert and I think he indicates that on more than one occasion. Just thought you'd like to read his take, guys and gals. P.S. I won't answer anymore questions as I didn't want to be the star of this post but will be glad if you PM so others aren't bothered reading unnecessary stuffP.S. He learned to say touchdown when Thurman Thomas scored the first TD in the romp over Oakland 51-3
  15. +1. I'm starting to get to the point where I hope Geno Smith is gone and we take Barkley. I loved Tyler Wilson before the season started but the scouts don't seem too excited about him. The thought of having Nassib or Landry Jones.... or even Glennon really scares me. Just hope they make the best choice. Been awhile since our QB was a weapon... for us.
  16. you can get his complete analysis for only $29.95 by calling toll free 1-800............ He's very busy with spring drills this week but I know he loves talking Bills FB. We are in So California but flew with him to the draft on 2004 (his twin brother in 2005). Casey caught the coaching fever and has well surpassed me in knowledge by a long shot.Also, as to someone's earlier comments......he looked @ youtube as well as Raiders coaching tapes of college QB's Coach Sanders allowed him to peruse. Again, he is no expert, I just thought you would enjoy his perspective. And I knew he was a Bills fan forever when the Cowboys came back on Monday night against our Bills a few years back TY McKelvin) and he cried for about 5 minutes. i was out of town on business and I was doing the same. Sorry . his friend is Bob Sanders son. So Casey was able to call me with the picks before they were announced last year. Tha was cool.
  17. Uh.......... yeah unless they love E.J. or TylerWilson I say hell yeah.And if he fails ala Gabbert then try again next year. Just don't throw me a Nassib or Landry Jones and expect me to even watch with any optimism
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