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Utah John

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Everything posted by Utah John

  1. One possible outcome of the defensive approach I'm suggesting is that one of the Eagles gets called for moving early to brace for the incoming attack. Half the distance against the defense vs five yards against the offense. Pretty good deal for the defense. The best defense is a good offense. Or in this case, being as offensive as possible.
  2. Jason Kelce is complaining about how Jordan Phillips charged offside when the Eagles were lined up for a tush-push play. I think this is exactly backwards. I think all teams should do what Phillips did, whenever the Eagles line up for that play from close to the goal line. ALL the defenders should charge offside as soon as the Eagles line up, and not just a little love tap, either. If possible they should put a hand on Hurts as well, just letting the Eagles know that this play of theirs is putting their QB at risk. Of course there will be a half the distance penalty. Big deal. So they cut the distance in half, and if the Eagles line up again in that formation, the defense immediately charges ahead, offside, again pushing through as violently as possible. And the defense should keep on doing it. Half the distance, half the distance, half the distance. Who cares?
  3. I'm less concerned about McDermott than I am about the roster particularly on defense. It was built to win a couple of years ago and now has key pieces a little too old (Dr Poyer and Mr Hyde), injured and a little too old (Tre White), injured (Milano and Jones, and frankly Miller but it's not Miller time anymore). The Bills have made huge investments in their D and yet are going to have to rebuild a lot next year. The Miller contract, and not the Josh Allen contract, is the problem for a rebuild. This all does come down to McDermott's shortcomings. The 13 seconds debacle was on him, but with a closer on the D line it wouldn't have come to that. So to deflect attention from his failure, McDermott got Beane to break his own rule about not busting his long-term budget, and now the team is behind the 8 ball, with too many holes to fill and not enough cash to do it. I do continue to think poorly of McDermott for his lack of accountability and leadership when things go wrong. He just needs to take the blame when something is his fault, or even when it's not his fault. This is costing him with the players. As I've said before, players won't respect the man as a coach, if they don't respect the coach as a man. McD is apparently a great guy, caring about his players, etc etc etc, but he still needs to get out in front and take the shots and brickbats when criticism flows.
  4. So many bad choices. Trading Lamonica instead of playing him over Kemp. Screwing up Cookie Gilchrist's time with the team. Wasting that great mid-60s defense. Trading Haven Moses to Denver for a WR who couldn't play WR (became a decent DB instead). Ralph letting his accountant determine which FAs to pursue. Rauch deciding Ron McDole was finished, and letting him go to the Redskins where he played great ball for years. Not paying Gogolak and letting him go to the NFL. The Bills blowing the first SB by partying all week instead of preparing to play hard. It's not a curse when it's your own damn fault. But if there is a curse, it's the Flutie/Johnson fiasco that locked it in.
  5. That was two years after Norwood missed a FG in the Bills first SB.
  6. If there's a great center available I think the Bills grab him. Morse is playing well but won't be around forever. I'm not hearing moans about Spencer Brown this year which means he's probably got it figured out.
  7. Not only did all of us fans expect the Bills to lose once we got into overtime, the Bills players expected it too. Until they win an OT game and get the monkey off their backs, it will continue to crush their chances. That play at least might present a solution to the tush-push play. When the ball is on the 1 yard line and the Eagles line up for that play, the defense should all just go offside, punishing the O linemen and if possible grabbing Hurts to the point where the Eagles realize they shouldn't do that. The penalty is half the distance. OK, line up and do it again from the 1/2 yard line. Punish the O linemen, and maybe get one of them to flinch early. If necessary, do it over and over. The ball will never cross the line that way, but the Eagles might have second thoughts.
  8. Poyer was standing on the goal line and watched Hurts run past him.
  9. Diggs is telling Davis he was wrong. I'd take Diggs' word for it.
  10. Davis had a million open yards in the middle of the field.
  11. Even Nantz and Romo thought that was DPI. My gosh.
  12. Well both Ds are tired. This could work out. But not this year.
  13. Now we really see that Poyer should have let the receiver catch that short pass.
  14. Here comes the squib kick we should have done earlier.
  15. OK now break their hearts. Long pass from Josh, dpi.
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