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Everything posted by tjprime

  1. So what's your vote. Will wilson fire Jauron after the game, give him til the bye, or continue to make excuses and let him finish destroying this team for the full year. It's hard to win in the NFL.....especially if your head coach is a joke like Jauron.
  2. if they need 3 why are they playing 7 yards off??????????????
  3. Okay, you are not creating any holes in the middle, so stop with the draws.
  4. I can hear it now......"it's hard to win in the NFL......we really wanted to win...."
  5. Please tell me you haven't bothered to read the entire thread where it's been brought up several times that HANGARTNER WAS PLAYING INJURED!
  6. One thing to keep in mind, Hangartner tweaked his back last week and was playing hurt which likely didn't help. Do we even have a back-up C?
  7. Have this up in my inspirational quotes thread, but it fis here:Was just going through some interviews and heard Jauron talk about playing to keep it close and trying to win again and it reminded me of this Herm Edwards Quote, "You play to win the game. Hello? You play to win the game. You don't play it to just play it. That's the great thing about sports: you play to win, and I don't care if you don't have any wins. You go play to win. When you start tellin' me it doesn't matter, then retire. Get out! 'Cause it matters."
  8. Of course then there's this gem, which after yesterday's game oddly fits. But would you have more respect for Jauron if he came oput and did one of these....
  9. Was just going through some interviews and heard Jauron talk about playing to keep it close and trying to win again and it reminded me of this Herm Edwards Quote, "You play to win the game. Hello? You play to win the game. You don't play it to just play it. That's the great thing about sports: you play to win, and I don't care if you don't have any wins. You go play to win. When you start tellin' me it doesn't matter, then retire. Get out! 'Cause it matters." Nothing emphasized this point more than after the punt at 7:35 in the 4th yesterday than the Saints coming out passing trying to put more points up. And Dick on sidelines with the same expressionless look on his face. That's what he doesn't get. I think this fan base would be more okay with the struggles and losses if Dick actually showed more emotion and acted like he cared, rather than just standing on the sidelines looking lost. Any body else got a quote or 2 for Jauron
  10. If Jauron gets canned it'll either be April or someone out of a job who's willing to tolerate the current coaches until the end of the year. I'm thinking IF Wilson is willing to eat Jauron's contract and fire him it'll be April and Wilson will look to the UFL and bring in a former Bill that's coaching there in Haslett.
  11. Actually I'm thinking Wilson will go with one of the retreads that get fired, maybe Jack Del Rio or John Fox. I wouldn't mind either of those guys in all honesty, tough coaches who show some emotion. Probably won't take us to the promised land but a definite upgrade over Dickie Boy. Actually now that I think about it, IF Jauron was to get the boot I know who Wilson will go for. He'll reach down into the UFL for a former Bills LB in Jim Haslett.
  12. Could be why there's talk of moving Roscoe again, to open the roster spot to just permanently move up Stupar or sign a 4th TE since the injuries.
  13. yeah, it's the conditioning coaches fault Schouman's leg got rolled under him on that tackle.........are you serious?
  14. The announcers all have it right, this is an emotionless, passionlesss team.
  15. Negative. That was Edwards holding onto the ball too long. 5 seconds should be MORE than enough
  16. That wasn't the playcalling, that was the QB holding the ball to damn long.
  17. You're missing one key point. From what has been reported, Schonert wasn't even taking advice from other bosses/coaches. Heck he wouldn't even take advice from HIS BOSS (Jauron). Schonert was the mouthy guy talking about how much better things would be if he were in charge and how he should be in charge. To me it's simple. When even Peyton Manning is talking about simpler being better when running the hurry up, it holds ALOT more water than Turk and his complicated plans. To me the key is that you need an OC that works with his QB to be successful. If it's nothing but a power struggle it's a long, unproductive season.
  18. Glad to see we have a coach who knows how to make in game adjusts to correct the problems. Oh wait, nevermind.......
  19. Why is it that the Packers D is doing this continously but our supposedly well coached team seems afraid to do it. Dick's on the sidelines wondering if it's legal and how they keep getting turnovers. And McGee gets schooled again.
  20. Big thing I'm noticing is that whenever a Packer Defense is making thew tackle he's hitting at the ball trying o cause the fumble while the Bills D is just glad to make a tackle. This entire game has been a pathetic display for the Bills so far. And we'll have a few good Jauron-isms trying to explain it away
  21. As someone that has been around alcoholics and is around criminals on almost a daily basis, it doesn't matter what the circumstances are, most will continue said behavior even if caught or having an intervening moment. Unless that individual WILLINGLY decides to make a change on their own, not be forced they'll continue said activity. The amount of individuals I see come back in on probation violations is ridiculous. Now we are talking about someone that has openly been caught lying in the past about the situation? Forced to do time? Multiple issues in the past Vick also lied about? Being put back into an arena where he can make enough money to cover it up? Where Vick can use the media and good hearted people to make it out like he's being the wrongly persecuted victim now? My money is on that leopard not changing his spots.
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