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Everything posted by tjprime

  1. Yeah, I know. Every announcer seems to make the "aptly named corner, Reggie Corner" comment like it's something new and their own clever play on words. If I remember right Berman made the joke on draft day.
  2. No, the announcers need to stop talking about the aptly named Reggie Corner like it's something new.
  3. Okay we get it, he's a corner named Corner. It was good last season. Now, it's just annoying.
  4. Before the season can someone explain to Jauron that Field Goals are not the same as Touchdowns? The guy has been around the game enough to realize this but maybe some dementia has set in or something? Well, hopefully if the team plays this piss poor during the season hopefully Ralph is good to his word and Dickie boy is gone by midseason or sooner.
  5. What admission to the Commish? I must have missed something?
  6. I don't know about that. Buffalo hasn't been world beaters the past few years but he Raiders have won the FEWEST games in the NFL since 2003, 2 less than Detroit who spotted them an 0-16 season. Buffalo's bad, but hopefully they get better.
  7. Note on the first pic--hopefully we see ALOT of the offensive side of that pic this year (Evans beating a CB for the catch) and not so much of the defensive side (McKelvin getting beat by a WR for the catch) But thanks for the pics, haven't made it to camp this year, work schedule has SUCKED. So how did Wood look?
  8. To those thinking we bring Vick in and use him all over the field in a variety of positions Vick has already made it clear he has ZERO interest in a slash type role. In his warped mind he is not just a QB but a #1 QB, not a backup not any other position.
  9. The big issue with the Bills and the C spot is that they keep trying to MAKE a center, pulling O-linemen from other spots and seeing if they can do the job, rather than picking up a solid C either in FA or the Draft. They got Fowler, finally, and it was better but he still showed why he was let go. Now Hangartner, Phillips and Wood all actual C so we'll see how it goes. I remember watching the draft, I think last year, and Indy took 3 C, including the one from UB.
  10. I would of thought they were giving McCall more of a look at FB, not TE. From what I remember reading he was a top blocking TE, and at 6'2' and 270 would be a load in front of the Bills RB.
  11. One thing to keep in mind is that the Bills started camp early this year due to playing in the Hall of Fame Game. There was an article floating around about how the Bills entered camp almost a week earlier this year, which hurt them on the signing front, since most teams still have this time out of camp to work.
  12. An old Ike Hillard Giants Jersey I took from my nephew for the Giants/Patriots Super Bowl a few years back. I have a few bandwagon friends that were wearing Pats gear so it was strictly a retalitory move. Just like the salsa spilled on the Brady jersey.
  13. So TO and his ZERO rings has accomplished more in the playoffs than Kawika Mitchell and Dominic Rhodes and their Super Bowl Rings? Don't think so. TO is just like 98% of this roster, an also ran without any hardware to back his talk up. Not to mention it's to early in the careers of some of these guys (Poz, Edwards, Lynch) to say he's the only HOF guy on this team
  14. You never heard of black irish? "Who do ya think invented the McRib, Lucky Charms…Shamrock Shake?!”
  15. or, with 5.02 speed and hopefully maneuverability maybe this is the guy they plan to plug into the FB slot similiar to what they were doing with other OL last year.
  16. Maybe you should work on your reading comprehension. I agree Vick should be given a second chance, how many times do I have to state that? Just not in a job where it is a privilege to perform, not a right where he seems to be under the impression he'll be making 10 million a year. Vick was given an opportunity to get a college education, let him use it to work a normal job making a normal wage. As far as Lynch goes, did I say "das boot" for good? Heck, you even added a quote that I didn't say. And I'm the one grasping at straws? Maybe a nice year-long suspension, without pay to let him think about what it's like to not be in that privileged position. Not some BS 3 game suspension. While the players need to be responsible for their own actions (and most are) there needs to be real penalties for those who continue to think the rules don't apply to them, or continually put themselves in precarious positions. The key problem is the NFLPA continually fighting for the repeat offenders and not helping police their own membership. They wonder why they are getting a black eye but do nothing to prevent it.
  17. To me it's as simple as this, playing in the NFL is a privilege, not a right Vick's entitled to. Like I said earlier, he squandered his opportunity. He was given a access to a college education, whether he chose to use it or not isn't the issue. For the record I don't think most of the criminals currently playing, particularly the ones with multiple counts (yes this includes Lynch) should be allowed in the NFL either. Like I said, it's a privilege they are given, not a right. As for your attempt at the CPA analogy it's a different occupation, apples and oranges. No one glamorizes a CPA like they do an NFL player not to mention the CPA actually has a degree. How many kids do you hear saying they want to grow up to be a CPA, or CPA's that get big endorsement deals or sneaker contracts? Basically CPA's aren't seen as role models/points of hero worship like NFL players where kids want to do what they do. Not to mention that if it was a CPA that got caught I'm thinking he would of gotten more than the slap on the wrist of 2 years. But keep grasping at straws
  18. You were bit at 1 and still harbor hatred for dogs? My nephew was bit at 5 right above the eye and enjoys being around any of the dogs in my family. Similar situations, different results. Like I said, give him his second chance, just not in the NFL. He chose to squander that opportunity the first time. Let him take the education he was given and get a normal 9-5 like the rest of us.
  19. Hope you're not implying I'm defending Vick. If so you need to go back, reread and comprehend my posts. I've been saying I don't want him, on the Bills or in the NFL, period. He was given an opportunity for an education, if he squandered it, that's on him. Give him his second chance, just let it be in a normal 9-5 like the rest of us.
  20. Actually, they were taking family pets and using them as training devices, to see if their dogs would attack a passive animal and so his dogs wouldn't have to fight each other. If you knew as much as you think you do about the case you'd of known that. While I cannot say whether or not Vick was there when this happened, he probably had knowledge of it.
  21. I agree con-Vick-t deserves a second chance, especially if he is honest about his desire to atone. However I don't think it should be in the NFL, he ruined that opportunity for himself. He was GIVEN a college education, let him earn a living like the rest of us. If he decided to be lazy and not take advantage of that education being given to him, let him work at a convenience store, not at a vocation where he can make millions and go right back to the same activities as before.
  22. You do realize Vick is under the impression he will be signed for somewhere in the neighborhood of 10 million a year, he stated as much during his bankruptcy hearings. he's not signing for league minimum.
  23. Actually, seeing as how EVERY hunter i know takes the deer and has it processed, and then takes the meat and either eats it (uses it to feed his/her family) or donates it to a food bank/shelter I can agree with hunting. You do realize that between licensing, taxes, fees, surcharges and everything else that gets heaped upon hunters these days they usually pay much more than most of the environmentalists crying about hunting. Not to mention the work most of them put in going out clearing the undergrowth and tending to the area they hunt in. And if they aren't out there thinning the herds, then you get overpopulation, not a large enough food supply to sustain the herd and a half dozen or so other issues.
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