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Everything posted by boyst

  1. My.money is on Trump 2024 to change sexes and call himself Donette to become the first female prez
  2. Son, there's a lot of irony in what you just said... And I'm betting that you have no idea why
  3. Sure. But only.if you Google image goatse with censor filter off. I don't need to Google something that has absolutely no logical or intelligence. There is no statistic kept by law enforcement on what charges are kept or dismissed. Even if there was there are many other factors Your being obtuse
  4. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nationalreview.com/2017/10/metoo-may-exaggerate-prevalence-sex-crimes/amp/ " Ad closed by Stop seeing this adAdChoices Ad was inappropriate Ad covered content Seen this ad multiple times Not interested in this ad We'll try not to show that ad again Ad closed by " Yawn.
  5. www.snopes.com/myth/99e7ff32 Duhr Spare me and learn to internet better. You googled it. Took the first result and a later result that showed the topic in the preview. Then posted them Fact: 100% of material searched on Google will agree with the information sought You suck at interneting.
  6. Rebuttal with links showing your links to be crap. Would be easy to provide and so easy I won't bother. But your links are not reasonably honest as no such statistics are kept by law enforcement.
  7. Ya know, except like Constitutional rights and the whole innocent until.proven guilty thing. But the cool part I like is 99% of statistics are made up. So even if I bothered asking for a source it's probably so discreditable that it doesn't matter
  8. You're naive as !@#$ Overwhelming evidence is easy to show from one side when the other can't defend itself and fabrications can be made. It's as old as time "a grand jury would indict a ham sandwich for murder without criticism" GJ's are dumb.
  9. I so want to go somewhere with a reply on this on the actual power of twitter but know it would get ugly fast.
  10. Roger, Roger, what's your vector Victor?
  11. As CopyPaste displays, this is what's wrong with this. An indictment means nothing. Why would the Lions or anyone else care about an indictment? Do we need a world where a simple accusation can destroy someone's life? Many plebs seem to think so but the axe is ground in both ends and cuts just as deep when it's weilded back at such reckless behavior. This is just another mockery of journalism, Uhmerikuh, & social media BS. It is an indictment against all those who react that they're simpletons and until there is evidence for concern than I don't want to hear anything. That doesn't mean I won't be here to combat ignorance of those foolish enough to believe this is a thing, however.
  12. No need to. What I said is accurate. Everyone over reacting to this needs to check their life. He was not charged or convicted. We don't know the situation other than salacious headlines and quotes. A low thinker would be satisfied by that which Twitter provides, that being the bastion for all that is wrong with society. It is no concern to what never happened to any of us. Further, this was 20 years ago and we do not know the Paul Harvey rest of the story. But, here we are watching the overreactions of folks over something they have no god damn business discussing. What a joke.
  13. #metoo is a thing. It is lame. But it gets people famous, including "journalists." Pattricia innocent.
  14. What you said is not necessarily racist just ignorant or insensitive. There are millions of idiots at Walmart as we speak. Race has nothing to do with idiocy.
  15. Just for fun Creep = republican Pig = cop Nazi = NRA member Fascist = conservative Snowflake = liberal
  16. I had read otherwise a few years ago. It was a build up of per part of the auto showing that the auto is substantialyly more expensive piece by piece, similar to what was going on with Kia, due to incentives to produce cheap vehicles while the outsourced parts remained high I can't speak from.the experiences you have working on them and can only go off of articles read but imagine that is easily the case now that you've explained it. I'd say less than half the granola homos that own those vehicles can turn a screwdriver, though.
  17. Batteries are much more expensive than $2-3k. Those low prices you saw a while back were artificially lowered under 44 tax incentive plans, etc. Further, the real costs are north of $10k. Meaning that you can buy a new battery every 5 to 6 years or spend $10k towards a new model which, as proven, has been the case of consumers. Further, damage to electric cars after accidents and replacement parts is also much different. You're having motors and extra costs that normally were just there where steel axles and other parts existed. Electric cars are a long way away from environmental ideal when faced with the consumer/real world reality This from left leaning guardian. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/sustainable-business/2017/aug/24/nickel-mining-hidden-environmental-cost-electric-cars-batteries I remember this coming out and the joke being that if it's too environmental unstable for the Philippines than clearly, it's not good.
  18. Snopes helping clear the air saying it's mostly false that Obama Administration unable to free the dudes. Mostly because they only attempted to free 1 of the guys and failed; the other 2 weren't arrested yet. Totally laughable
  19. Stop looking in my windows! Oh, but it is. Taking the time to stalk someone to tell a story about someone you've never met that you really believe others haven't known yet is laughable. Further, believing I care about him saying this is a factor in my life is nonsense. I've had a member here call the sheriff on me. I'm not changing who I am or hiding about mistakes and my history, clearly, this should understood by my user name. But, that some members feel a self righteous sense of entitlement to share such details is ridiculous. Anyone who takes anything seriously on an internet message board should lighten the f up.
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