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polish lover

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Everything posted by polish lover

  1. Actually since Edwards and Fitz are both on for 1 more year and Fitz has a larger salary, cutting him now will have more long term implications than Edwards. At least that's normally how it would work, I'm not sure with this uncapped situation...
  2. The best thing to do with Trent is to cut his dead weight worthless butt. No other team would trade a draft pick for Edwards. Are you kidding? Edwards needs a fresh start, maybe as a bar tender or an auto mechanic. Start Fitz or Brohm and draft somebody like Locker next year. His salary is low because he's a loser that doesn't produce. Was his 29.2 QB rating not enough for you in the first preseason game? Fitz, who is generally thought to be a competent backup at best, came in with lesser talent on the field and produced 2 TD drives and a QB rating of 97.6. And don't try to use his 5 for 6 on the first series excuse. The first failed TD drive that was followed by absolutely embarrassing play on Edwards part. That INT was Losmanesque. If Edwards survives roster cuts this preseason he will be cut at the end of the season and he will be lucky if anyone even signs his sorry butt as a third stringer. Yeah he's a nice guy. Nice guys finish last.
  3. the skins have mcnabb thats a lot different from what the bills have at qb. the bills actually made some good plays at times and some big mistakes at others. punt returns for a td in preseason happen a lot. i was disappointed in the pass defense mostly. otherwise most of the problems were early preseason kinds of mistakes. fixable. i thought maybins roughing the passer penalty was bs particularly when the skins did the same thing later and didnt get called...
  4. Yeah I can't see how the 2nd best secondary in the league in 2009 could be viewed as a bright spot for the defense.... Go Aaron Maybe
  5. The starting offense will score a TD next week once Trent loses the starting job. Tonight, 3 and out baby! well, I'll say this, the starting offense may score, but it will be because of an improved running game, not an Edwards pass.
  6. I'm personally hoping Trent does not score in this game. That will make it much easier to knock him down to the #2 spot.
  7. The fact that the Bills' starters AKA Trent Edwards couldn't score in the preseason explains why Trent was later benched in the regular season. Hopefully when Trent can't score with the starters in the first preseason game in 2010, and the "backup" QB's do score like in 2009, Gailey will have enough sense to change the "pecking order".
  8. its just a preliminary depth chart going into the first preseason game. typically, veterans and the previous year's starters (at the end of the season) get top billing in early preseason depth charts. A lot will change, everyone needs to calm down.
  9. regardless of Losman's inept performance on the field, don't knock him for his efforts to be part of the Buffalo community, he did a lot more than most players.
  10. Edwards has not been named the starter for week 1. only for this first preseason game. if he plays well, kudos to Gailey. More likely, he will be demoted by the third preseason game for ineffective play in the game setting.
  11. The QB order at this point is mostly political. Edwards is the standing vet on this team regardless of how anyone has played. Its unrealistic to expect Gailey to hand the reins to Brohm when there are two experienced veterans on the team. expect, Edwards to struggle on Friday, Fitz to be typically mediocre and Brohm to fair well enough to move him to the number two spot. After next week's game, Brohm will be the starter.
  12. points are obviously important, but given that it is a preseason game, we can only hope for so much. I will be watching for accurate and timely delivery on passes. accuracy outside of the pocket, which is a situation that is likely to come up, and smart decision making. I don't want to see forced passes that are likely to result in turnovers or unnecessary sacks when the ball can be easily thrown away. TD's are always good, but I want to see a QB who looks confident and moves the ball down the field. We have had way too many 3rd and 15plus situations the last few years.
  13. The problem with Jauron was that he had an attitude that these guys are pros so they dont need to work on fundamentals. Chan treats every player like he doesn't know the game as well as he could. this is good. you can always get better. He will get the most of what he has on the roster. Jauron didn't do that. Jauron also didn't let his rookies play, that was a major problem the past few years.
  14. edwards is not the lock for starting QB yet, keep that in mind. What I like about Gailey is that he is building his offensive approach to fit the players that are on the roster now, not making do with guys that don't fit his scheme like Jauron. The Bills have a bunch of great running backs and a few receivers that are great after the catch (parrish and steve) knowing their line is still in development, this is a good strategy.
  15. You can also get a high draft pick by trading up if we really need to be in the top 5 to get a qb. actually Sully's argument is stupid, the fact that there is supposedly a lot of QB depth in the next draft means we DON'T have to have a top pick to get a great QB...
  16. Why does everyone think the Bills are going to be worse than last year? They have the same QBs, Same line(although now more experienced), some new talent on defense, strong secondary, strong runningbacks and a new head coach who is clearly lightyears better than dickie jauron. So why does this all add up to the team taking a step backwards from 6-10? Because they cut underperforming TO? please. they split with the jets and the dolphins last year and actually came really close to beating the patriots. all with the worst coach in the league...
  17. Spiller isn't signed yet because he wants more money than he deserves. The Bills aren't being cheap and didn't need to free up any money by releasing Schobel. The picks ahead and behind Spiller are already signed so there is a fairly obvious contract amount that the Bills are willing to offer Spiller. Spiller is probably asking for a lot more than his 9th pick status should net him, mostly because he's the top runningback in the draft. I don't think Spiller has any problem with playing in Buffalo, he is just another typical greedy rookie who thinks he deserves a huge contract before he's ever touched the playing field. I am a big proponent of there being a fixed rookie salary based on the draft round and placement in the round. All rookies should have to play their first season at the rookie contract rate and then can negotiate a performance based long term contract after their first season. This way every rookie would be in camp on time and all these crazy huge contracts for guys who have never played in the NFL would stop.
  18. The reason the Bills cut him: Schobel had 4 years left on his contract. That means if the Bills were to trade him, the team who picks him up has to assume that 4 year contract. Given that Schobel is already considering retirement, no team is going to get tangled up in a 4 year contract for a player that is likely gone after 1 year. Bad economics=no offers for the bills=cut
  19. I think this means: 1. Bills are happy/impressed with what their younger ends are doing (maybin, Ellis etc) All of whom are probably a better fit in this defense than Schobel who is more of a 4-3 guy 2. If Schobel is not retiring, the Bills may have a trade planned for him because of 1. 3. If Schobel is retiring, they want to move forward without the question of his return lingering in the lockerroom
  20. I think you guys are selling Chan Gailey short. He may not be proven to be one of the elite coaches (yet anyway) but he is a better than average coach. I would say he is good or solid. Jauron was below average and seemed fairly inept. I think there is a night and day difference between Chan and Dick. Some of the comments I have heard from players reinforce this. They say that Chan is very good at in game adjustments (Dick doesn't seem to know that this is allowed), He is said to be a fundamentalist and has brought much needed discipline to the team. The QBs all say how great it is that Chan knows how to set up plays with other plays (implying Dick didn't do that). Chan also has a reputation for adjusting his schemes to fit the talent while Dick forces the players into his ill conceived schemes. Chan is known for getting the most out of his players (especially QBs). The bottom line is this: Despite all the negative opinions, the Bills have plenty of talent on their roster. Dick just didn't know how to take advantage of what he had (except with DBs). Chan is also not afraid to let rookies play. The Bills have been one of the youngest teams over the past few seasons. A lot of those players are just coming into their own this season. Don't be shocked when a lot of the guys that you all have been pissing on turn into decent if not exceptional football players this year. Particularly on the OL. This team is full of potential. That said, anything above 8-8 would be a big surprise and probably too much to hope for, but anything below 6-10 would be a big disappointment. You should get real, you can't take 3 years to build a team in this era of football.
  21. I think the conclusion I draw from the CBS article is that 2 years ago they were saying the same things about up and coming star quarterback Trent Edwards. They even picked him as a fantasy sleeper. Well he turned out to be a sleeper alright in 2009. Even though his stats look similar, remember that he only played in 7 games, while the others played a full season. However, what these stats show me is that it is entirely possible, that like Edwards one or both of Sanchez and Henne could totally tank in his second season. To suggest that the Jets and Dolphins both have the QB position locked up is laughable. Sanchez had some pretty ugly games last year (how many picks did he throw against the Bills?). Henne for the most part played it safe. Neither of them have really proved that they can carry their team on their shoulders yet. As far as the Bills go, from reading articles on the team website and watching the minicamp videos, it kind of seems like the team is giving a lot of media attention to Fitzpatrick and Brohm and only a little coverage to Edwards. It seems like, barring a disastrous training camp, the team would be best served to see what Brohm can do. Chances are, if Edwards gets to be the starter, he will be injured at some point during the season and either Brohm or Fitz will be in there anyway. I have trouble getting behind Edwards at this point, he has had so many limp performances and he just doesn't show the ability to survive the whole season. He hasn't come anywhere close to playing 16 games in one year yet. He's good for 7 or 8 games of healthy play where 2 or 3 of those he will be questionable coming off of his last injury. Give Brohm a chance and if he fails, draft somebody next year.
  22. If you need an example of this, take a look at the piss poor article on FoxNews that claims that Chad Jackson (former Patriot) is the front runner for the Bills' number two receiver spot. That's funny, he isn't getting the majority of the snaps... In fact he is probably 3rd or 4th in line for that job at this point. But he is a former Patriot so he MUST be the front runner...
  23. Why on earth does Edwards deserve a shot to start at this point? He was benched last year because his play was so poor. Fitz is mediocre at best and even Dork Jauron could tell Fitz gave the team a better chance than Edwards. Brohm is the guy who the team ought to give a shot to see what he can do, we already know what Edwards and Fitz CAN'T do.
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