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polish lover

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Everything posted by polish lover

  1. I don't know that I agree that Brohm has already "failed" as an NFL quarterback as many of you suggest. He was only in Green Bay for 1 season and was sitting behind entrenched starter Rogers etc. I'm not sure why Green Bay drafted him, they didn't really need another quarterback. He ended up on the practice squad because he was the 4th quarterback and the only one eligible for the PS. They didn't want to cut him. It's true that he didn't look too good in the preseason games he was allowed to play in in Green Bay but I don't think the west coast offense was a good fit for him and he was also playing with a bunch of scrubs. Preseason games don't mean much as we all know. Green Bay never really gave Brohm a chance to play so he hasn't really had a chance to fail yet. He looked pretty bad in his one appearance for the Bills last year, but Peyton Manning would look bad playing for Jauron's awful Bills last year. I'm willing to overlook that game especially considering he had only joined the team a few weeks prior. From what I've seen of the practice highlights, Brohm is looking pretty sharp. How many more times do we need to watch Edwards throw for 120 yards a game and no touchdowns before we all admit the guy sucks? Fitzpatrick is a solid number 2 quarterback. He has already proven that he isn't a starter. Brohm is the best chance we have right now. The Bills need to see what they have in Brohm before they spend their top pick on a QB next year. Leaving Edwards as the starter won't do anything in the long run. Also, I sure hope the Bills are not on a 3-5 year rebuilding plan! That doesn't work in this era of football. Gailey would get fired before they finished rebuilding, most of the players will leave as free agents before then too. Good coaches can turn a team around in 1 season. Look at the Dolphins. They went 1-15 and hired a new coach and went to the playoffs the next year. How come the Bills are the only team that needs to take 3 years to revamp their team? The Bills have a couple obvious weak spots on the roster, left tackle particularly, but they also have a lot of young players that are yet to play their best NFL football. Gailey is not Dick Jauron, he actually plans to use his rookie players. I don't think the Bills are about to win the Super Bowl, but they might just have a respectable season. After all, considering how tough the AFC east is, and all of the problems the Bills had, they have still been a relatively middle of the road team, not a bottom dweller (7-9, 7-9, 6-10) not 1-15, 2-14 etc.
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