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polish lover

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Everything posted by polish lover

  1. 1- Manuel will miss week 1 at the most. Not worth freaking out about. 2. Kolb was not all that good anyway, I am kind of relieved that he won't be in the equation (Is Leinart really a worse backup option? they both failed at Arizona...) 3. Tuel will likely only start one game if that, against a team that would probably beat us anyway. 4. Gilmore out 8 weeks really sucks but we will have to count on other players to fill the void. 5. Rookie kickers - Actually the punter is a second year guy isn't he? Does it really matter that much? We will see. 6. How do you know Byrd wants a trade? I have seen the opposite reported...
  2. We could probably come up with a top 10 of just Bills picks to rival this one!
  3. SB Nation released their top 10 worst draft picks ever and somehow Mike Williams and the Bills stayed off the list. What do you think? http://www.sbnation.com/nfl/2013/4/23/4239490/nfl-draft-worst-picks-jamarcus-russell-matt-jones-mike-williams
  4. I don't think there is a QB that the team is really that excited about. I don't think there is a guy on the draft board that the Jets could draft and scare the Bills or even disappoint them. Bills are thinking QB project at this point and see if he pans out. next year is a much better QB class if it doesn't pan out.
  5. While they may have had such conversations as part of the usual routine, I see zero chance that they will trade up. Trade up to get who? I can't think of anybody. If anything they are talking about moving down because they don't think anybody is worth the 8th pick.
  6. Buddy Nix makes all the final draft decisions NOT Maronne. If anything Maronne gives his opinion and that's about it, so the idea of Nix "being out of the room" is laughable. Nix also has been quoted as saying in the past, and has a history that supports it, that he does not believe in drafting guards. His theory is that Tackles are the better athletes so if you draft tackles and move to them to guard you will be better off than drafting a good college guard. This is what he did with Levitre and has done numerous times in the past if you look it up. These quotes are from last year's draft from Buddy Nix: "We're going to draft a tackle if we can. If there's one there is what I mean. If there's one we think can play we're going to draft a tackle. You can never have too many tackles." (January 9) "... it's easier to move a guy from tackle to guard than it is from guard to tackle, obviously. We draft tackles and we are at pretty good shape at guard and center." (January 9) Interesting article full of Buddy Nix quotes from last year http://www.buffalorumblings.com/2012/4/16/2951055/2012-nfl-draft-buffalo-bills-gm-buddy-nix-quotes I'd say EJ Manuel by trading down. Kolb gives them this luxury which is why they signed him. Manuel has some of the best potential but needs a bit more time to get up to NFL speed. Kolb gives them the ability to go after the guy they really want and take the time to bring him up to speed. I don't think the Nassib theories carry any weight at all.
  7. I believe that I saw something on the Bills website that said Troup is questionable on whether he will still be able to play in the NFL as he is coming off back surgery. That may be part of the reason there are so many DT's on the roster. they want to keep Troup but if his back is messed up still he may be IR or released on injury. Look to see Brad Smith in the wildcat at least 4 or 5 plays a game from what the coaches are saying in interviews. Vince Young will not be used in the Wild Cat has also been stated rather matter of factly by Nix and Gailey.
  8. receiver, occasional wild cat, punt returns, occasional direct snap running play, reverses now that Parrish is gone Smith's value on special teams has sky rocketed
  9. No Smith is more valuable as a receiving option, special teams, wild cat player. its a bonus that in an extreme situation he could be your emergency qb. the bills don't consider him in the competition for the QB position. last season there were 3 qbs and smith.
  10. The interesting thing about that video is that they made it sound like the teams interested in him pretty much had a silent bidding war and Buffalo won. So they get to invite Williams in without interference and its up to them to convince him to sign. if they fail to impress him then its fair game.
  11. Its standard procedure for all visiting free agents to take a physical. lots have in the past and not signed so this doesn't mean much. If he hadn't taken a physical it would have been a very bad sign however
  12. to paraphrase quote both Gailey and Nix prior to game 1 of 2011. We have a pretty good team if we can stay healthy we can make the playoffs. Our depth is very young and inexperienced. They were right. We had a good team with not much depth to count on and we ended up with one of the longest IR lists in the league. For those of you calling for a new GM and a new coach it is amazing to me that you still haven't figured out why its been so long since the Bills have been to the playoffs! The biggest problem with this team is that they fire either the head coach or the GM or both every 2-3 years. This results in no continuity whatsoever so our offense is always still figuring things out, our defensive system is in constant flux. each new coach or gm releases half of the players, most of which end up being picked up and playing well on other teams. Its moronic. When a team is as bad as Buffalo has been in the last few years, you can't expect them to turn it around overnight. Last season they flushed out the roster and evaluated what they had left. they found some diamonds in the rough and started working on getting new draft picks up to speed. this year they built on that and turned the offense into a competitive unit. The defense although improved, still needs work. There were way too many problems to fix in one season. I don't think Nix has drafted poorly or made any major questionable moves. If fitz had a top 5 salary I'd say his signing was a mistake, but he is the 16th highest paid starting QB. That sounds about right to me. Good move not over paying. The Bills have a lot of very young players that are showing good potential and a lot of them are getting a lot of playing time right now thanks to the injury situation. If the Bills don't do anything stupid like fire Gailey or Nix or both, this should be a solid team next season. Our record isn't much better than last year but the difference is that we beat teams with winning records this year. not just scrubs. Had so many key injuries not happened we would still be in the running if not at the top of the division.
  13. Fitzpatrick is struggling because most of the top playmakers on offense are on IR. The only coaching problem I see is defensive coordinator. If the Bills add some pass rush in the off season and improve depth all around, they will have a very solid team. Did you notice that Fitz's "struggles" coincide with the loss of Jones, Wood and Jackson? Jackson accounted for 40% of the team offense. Its a lot harder for the qb when the pass rush is getting to you, your snaps are off target, the guys who can get open are not on the field, the guys who can make great catches and get yards after the catch aren't on the field. It's not fitz's fault that the 7th string receiver he hit on the hands dropped the ball. Yeah he threw a couple picks but that happens. You normally overcome that by throwing to your playmakers and scoring points. Stevie Johnson is the only threat left and hes getting doubled every play. defenses couldn't do that early in the season. Even Chandler was out last week. Who is Fitz supposed to throw to? Spiller isn't effective enough to help in the lay action game. Its pretty easy to figure out why this season collapsed. IR. no pass rush (the few potential pass rush guys are on IR too but thats the most glaring need for sure.
  14. can't we all just get along? lol what a ridiculously heated argument about nothing at all!
  15. I sincerely believe that Stevie was making a joke by posting this tweet. he was making fun of the way other athletes give god all the credit when they have a good performance. Why not blame god for a bad performance. Very witty Stevie. Good show. The sooner all these goof balls stop wasting so much energy on 2000 year old mythology the sooner our society progresses to the next level.
  16. this team looks well coached to me, just has too many talent holes. Jauron's team often sucked despite talent. they never looked prepared for games. We also have a brutal schedule this year. Bad year for transition.
  17. I don't like Romo but the Cowboys do. Although there is a fair chance that the Cowboys may end up with teh first round pick, I doubt they will take a QB. That's one of the few positions they don't need. Cowboys will more likely trade down and take a WR
  18. That's back when Bill Walsh was at Stanford grooming those guys. Now a days Stanford cranks out NFL starts like Trent Edwards. There is no reason to think that a QB from Stanford now has anything to do with the stars coming out of the school when Walsh was there. Just for that, the Bills are going to pick somebody else. If only you had kept your mouth shut about the time wasting!
  19. I can just see the headlines when the Bills draft Luck and then 2 years later cut him loose for being a total disappointment. "Bills out of Luck" "No Luck for the Bills". Ech its almost worth not going after the guy just for having a stupid last name. Then again we took Losman and that turned out ok... oh wait nevermind.
  20. I think I will vomit if the Bills take a CB in the first round. Why does this guy think we need help in the secondary? That's one of the few positions we don't need. We are 6th in the league against the pass and would have more INT's if we had pass rush. DE or QB otherwise trade down.
  21. Spiller = Reggie Bush who also had a slow rookie season
  22. I want the 1st round pick, but not if it means going winless. thats one short list I would prefer the Bills stay off. Bills 34 Detroit 10. Spiller has a breakout game against the Lions 27th ranked run D
  23. They can't seem to sell out the games in Toronto, I don't see why they would possibly want to extend this deal. Canadians have made it clear that they are more interested in the CFL. I don't think the deal has worked out particularly well for the Bills either. It has irritated the fans and so far the Bills have played poorly in Toronto. I'd be surprised if the deal is even renewed let alone expanded. Ralph seems to think its not going well based on his interviews on the subject.
  24. That's a little harsh, but mostly they are just saying its really cold in Buffalo especially compared to San Diego. Which is true. I don't like the comment that Buffalo is "ranked near the bottom of the league in all offensive and defensive categories". Really? Ranked 6th in Pass defense, 13th in Rush offense, 9th ranked QB... none of those are near the bottom of the league and all three are major categories. try doing a little research shmuck.
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