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polish lover

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Everything posted by polish lover

  1. Player complaining may have contributed, but the real reason Trent got cut was that he was miserably ineffective on the field and he has been in the past. Trent performed well enough in the preseason to give himself one last chance but then came out and produced the worst passing performance in the NFL over the first 2 weeks. This is not the way to prove to your coach that your past performance was due to the game plan and coaching. The team benched him and when Fitz had an infinitely better performance it became crystal clear that Trent was not worth the roster space. Locker room complaining may have contributed but it wasn't "the real reason". Trent got canned because he sucked. Also the reason why his only chance of signing elsewhere is as a 3rd stringer. 10 teams only have 2 QB's aside from the Bills. If none of them take them, what does that tell you....?
  2. Lynch's trade value is damn close to zero right now. Why would you think otherwise? He has progressively had less production each season of his NFL career. He has had 2 run ins with the law and was suspended for 4 games. He's also not as young as he used to be. The Bills would not get anything that makes him worth trading.
  3. I think the main thing preventing this trade from happening is REALITY. There is no way in hell the Bills are going to trade Lynch and there is no way in hell the Packers would give up Hawk for Lynch or anyone else. If anything the Bills might be able to get a 3rd or 4th round draft pick for lynch at this point in his career. player for player trades almost never happen and the Packers looked pretty solid with the running backs that they have on the roster. OOO Lynch ran for 64 yards we need to give up our promising young LB for that. Give me a break it will NEVER happen.
  4. 1. Trent Edwards is more Established than either Henne or Sanchez who are both in their 2nd year as starters. 2. The Bills line isn't made of spare parts, the Dolphins is, they just had to bring in a cast off to start for this weekend 3. Bills are implementing new systems, this is true but probably doesn't mean much beyond the first few games as Gailey seems to be doing a good job of coaching 4. Bills Defense wasn't ranked 32nd against the run and probably won't be this year. 5. Just because the Bills receivers are young doesn't mean they aren't legitimate. It remains to be seen. Looks like Gailey actually knows how to use Parrish so things could be interesting. Defensively the secondary should be just as good if not better (Byrd was a Rookie last year and didn't play the whole season!). Also the Safeties have all been saying how much better they like playing the 3-4 because it gives them more opportunities to go for the ball. If you look at the top INT players in the league, most of them are in 3-4 defenses. Granted there is likely to be some struggles early in the season but one would think they will be over them by the Bye week. I think we have a pretty solid front 3, Troup looks good. Linebacker is my only major concern on the defense (remember that Maybin and Kelsay are considered LBs now). Overall, the defense shouldn't be worse than last year. By year end it could be quite a bit better. I think we will see improvement in run defense and a few more pass yards allowed especially early in the season when some of these converted LBs get confused in pass coverage. But overall not a dramatically less productive defense. pair that with an improved offense and we should have a better team. especially since Gailey knows how to call plays and it is rumored that he makes in-game changes to the strategy! Its scary some of the comments that are made by players that imply that Jauron did not do some things like audibles, in game changes to game plan, calling plays to set up other plays.
  5. The Dolphins don't have a better QB than the Bills and their run defense is in tatters. They also Just lost their starting LT. The Jets will be much the same as last year except that Revis missed all of training camp so he will be sloppy early in the season. Sanchez is not the real deal, he is erratic at best. The Patriots are still the best in the division but they are starting to slide. Getting 2-4 wins in the division is not out of the question. Division games are almost always close. From the other 10 games I think their are anywhere from 2-6 wins possible which puts the team in the 4-10 win category. I think anything over 8 is highly unlikely. Week 1 the Dolphins have a horrible track record over the last 10 years (1 win) The Bills have had 3 in the same span, so actually are more likely to win. The Phins actually have a horrible record in the first 4 games of the season the last 7 years or so. They start slow. Given the negative media coverage, if the Bills come out firing and play well (especially on offense) they could really catch the Dolphins on their heels. especially if Henne struggles like he has been. The Bills have the 2nd best pass defense coming off of 2009 and probably have improved. Spiller scored 3 TDs in a little over 3 qtrs of football in the preseason. He is currently listed as the starting RB for week 1. Meanwhile the Jets have a good chance of losing to the Ravens in week 1 (many people are picking the Ravens to go to the SB) and the Patriots have fair chance of losing to the TO/Ochocinco show against Cincy in week 1. So it is actually possible if the Bills win this week, that they will be the only team in the AFC east with a win. Don't forget, when you look at the schedule and all those tough teams the Bills face, the rest of the AFC east has to play them too.
  6. I think Chan Gailey's plan was this: We have 3 serviceable but unspectacular QBs on this team. While there is clearly a need for a high caliber player at the position, there are also a lot of other needs on this team. Gailey decided to focus on revamping the defense and building a solid running game this year. Then next year when he drafts one of the many great QB prospects that will be in the 2011 draft, the incoming guy will be able to enjoy the benefit of being on a team that has a strong running game and a more experienced offensive line. Adding a dynamic player like Spiller will do more for this team in 2010 than putting a rookie QB on the field with a still developing offensive line trying to make up points when the still adjusting defense allows too many points. After this season, an incoming QB will be in a much better position to succeed. It is entirely possible for this team to be fairly good without strong QB play by running the ball down the other team's throat. I also think that the QB class of 2011 is a lot more attractive than the class of 2010. The only really sure thing QB went #1 overall and was never a possibility for the Bills. Clausen may turn out to be good but is more of a project and would have probably had a rough time on the current Bills roster. Tebow, I believe, is not a good fit for the NFL and has already hurt himself once in the preseason with his college style scramble play. McCoy is over-rated and was passed on by every team in the NFL twice before he got drafted. I have been overall unimpressed with the performance of Texas Longhorn players in the NFL (Mike Williams for one).
  7. I hope Trent has a breakout year, I really do, but I also kind of doubt that it will happen. Gailey isn't enamored with Edwards. He has a mediocre group of QB's to choose from and seems to have selected Edwards although he has yet to fully commit to that. I think if he really thought Trent was "the man" he would have officially named him the starter by now. He has not. He's still leaving the door open for Trent to lose the job or have it taken away although I doubt it will happen at this point. To me this doesn't show an overwhelming amount of confidence from the coach. as far as his on field skills, he missed reads all the time last year, left receivers wide open while forcing the ball into an underneath route. He also has a bad habit of telegraphing his throws (like the horrible INT in the first preseason game). I think his quick throwing motion that results in weaker throws is the result of coaches telling him he needs to get the ball out faster. His best throws are not the ones where he tries to get the ball out quickly. Hopefully the line will give him enough time to make plays this year.
  8. I have zero confidence in Trent Edwards as a QB. He has looked pretty good in these preseason games but he has proven time and again that he does not translate it over to the regular season well. He's great in practice... Still I think ESPN was a little rough on him, He should probably be ranked ahead of at least the unproven rookies. Put him in the late 20's and I'd give him at least a 5% chance of becoming an elite QB, 0% is a bit harsh for a guy that is still young. He's unimpressive and ESPN is convinced this line sucks (I think they are wrong, it is mediocre) so it's not surprising that they have him ranked so low. The Bills are looking at another middle of the pack season. Here's hoping they draft a great QB next year.
  9. Detroit went 4-0 in the preseason the year they went 0-16 in the regular season. The scoreboard doesn't mean much in the preseason. The Bills lost most of their preseason games during the Marv Levy era and went to 4 super bowls. That being said, what is meaningful about preseason is individual player performance. Andra davis looked like one of the few bright spots on the defense. Maybin still has a way to go but was actually seen in the backfield pressuring the QB so he seems to be improving. Edwards looked sharp, but more importantly, so did Fitzpatrick. (its important because Edwards has yet to make it through a season without injury in College or the NFL). I think they both looked good because 1. The line was actually giving them some time to throw the ball 2. Spiller was driving the Bengals defense crazy which resulted in more open receivers/play action opportunities etc 3. Chan Gailey is a really good play caller 4. Roscoe Parrish can get separation from any defender on the field. All that aside, I am concerned what will happen in a full game of starters. Can this line hold up against some of the nasty Defenses we will be facing in the regular season for a whole 4 quarters? Can the offense score enough points to make up for the many points this defense is likely to allow? Can the special teams get its act together? a lot remains to be seen.
  10. The secondary still looks like its able to generate interceptions, the run defense still looks awful, but I expect the defense will improve as the season goes on. The offense looks pretty good, but keep in mind, the Bengals took their starters out after the 1st quarter (some of them anyway). The Bills struggled a bit in the first quarter. Don't forget this is the preseason. two years ago the Lions were 4-0 in the preseason and 0-16 in the regular season. Spiller gives us hope though, that kid can play!
  11. I think the Bills have a high probability of winning in week 1 if for only 1 reason: the Dolphins have not won their opening game in a while, in fact they struggle early in the season a lot recently. 2009 started 0-3, 2008 0-2, 2007 0-11, 2006 0-2 (continuing to 1-6), 2005 they won their opener but went 2-4 to start the season, 2004 0-6, 2003 0-1. 2002 was the last time the Dolphins started the season strong. The Bills haven't fared a whole lot better in their openers 3-4 over the same stretch to Miami's 1-6. But it does seem like the Bills play better in week 1 than the Dolphins over the past 7 years. Bills also lost some really close week 1 matchups like last year to the Pats. Aside from that I think the fact that the Bills will likely have 4 solid runningbacks going into the season (lynch, Jackson, Spiller and Bell). that means that the running game ought to be able to produce (early indications say it will) which takes a lot of pressure off the QB's. Our QB's are not great no matter who ends up starting so the less they have to carry the team the better. If the Bills defense and special teams can come together, the Bills have a chance to have a similar winning formula to the Jets of last season. Sanchez did almost nothing for the team until very late. They won by running and playing solid defense. The Bills can win some games if they stick to this formula and don't fall to far behind (forcing the QB to throw and win with his arm).
  12. Blowing big bucks on FA does not make a championship team. Just look at Washington over the past ten years. They spend more on Free Agents than any team in the league and still struggle. The Patriots on the other hand have been frugal. Yes they have brought in some big name guys, but late in their careers when they came cheap and only after they won for a while with a team they mostly built in the draft. Brady was a 6th round accident...
  13. Bell looks good but I'd like to see him play against starters before jumping to any real deal conclusions
  14. Whitner made a lot more plays than he missed. His name was called out a bunch of times after big stops.
  15. Edwards put the ball up 40 yards. But no, he didn't hit him in stride, that's a popular misconception of how those plays work. Lee Evans himself said that Edwards lofted it up there and Evans ran to the ball and got under it.
  16. The "beloved" steve Johnson? huh? why is he beloved? He's just a young player that has shown a lot of upside lately. I didn't see him suck recently so I'm not going to bash him, but when he sucks he will get bashed.
  17. Whenever Trent plays I feel like the team has no hope. He is so bland and ineffective its ridiculous. Fitz is slightly more exciting but still feels like a talentless backup. I think people like Brohm because just maybe he might bring some excitement to the Bills' offense. We already know how hard it is to watch the Trent and Fitz led Bills. It's pretty awful.
  18. trent looks great in 1/2 speed practices. at full speed he sucks. fitz way outplayed him last week
  19. Why do you think Trent is the best QB? I think he looks better in practice than he does on game day.
  20. I hope you are wrong. If by some fluke Edwards does get to start in week 1 I hope he will play the whole season. I do not want to see another Jauron style QB carousel during the regular season. The Bills need to determine who the starter will be during these preseason games and then stick with it. I predict that Edwards will not be the front runner after this game. If Brohm puts up good numbers and Edwards has another poor performance it would be madness to keep Edwards as the #1 QB. week 3 of the preseason either fitz or brohm will start and Edwards will be the #3 QB. Just watch. That's assuming he does not get cut.
  21. Bingo! If Brohm was handed the starting role the team (especially veterans) would be grumbling about it. Except Lee Evans who has never liked Edwards. Note: Edwards is getting the first team reps which is why he has been connecting with Evans more than the other guys....
  22. I think Gailey was probably right, the line play was so bad Trent didn't have much of a chance to throw downfield. However, if Trent was such a lock to start, Gailey would name him the starter, which he hasn't. In fact Gailey made a point of saying today that Trent is not the starter. I think the team is hoping Brohm will earn the starting role but they want him to earn it. they also didn't want him to get killed last week in a game where we had 3 out of 5 starting linemen on the bench and are still trying to learn a new offense. This way, it looks like Brohm and Fitz are getting equal chances to prove themselves, but Brohm is actually getting the better chance because he will get a better crop of linemen in the second game (even if the starters are not all still in, the backups will be fresher). Plus the team is one week more developed in their knowledge of the game so Brohm should have a more competent squad to work with. Trent gets a pass of sorts for the first game because it was the first game, but if he sucks again he's finished.
  23. Trent already was outplayed in the 1st preseason game. Fitz produced two touchdowns (1 passing 1 rushing while he was at QB) and had a 97.6 QB rating. Trent produced 1 interception and a FG while at the helm and had a QB rating of 29.2. Trent got schooled. The reason Gailey did not play Brohm in game 1 was twofold. 1. 3 of the Bills' starting OLinemen were injured and 2. it was the first preseason game and things were certain to be awful. Trent got the temporary starting job because of seniority and experience which is also the reason Fitz got the 2nd spot. Brohm will come in this week after Trent puts up another dismal performance and probably play at least as well as Fitz did if not substantially better. then Gailey will knock Trent down to 3rd if he doesn't just cut him. He puts Brohm as 1 and Fitz at 2 and Brown at 3. No reason to elevate Brown to 2. He looked to raw last week to put him in as a backup in a potentially critical spot.
  24. I agree, I saw enough mediocrity and confusion from Edwards against the Skins to let one of the other guys start the next preseason game. Edwards had a 29.2 passer rating to Fitz's 97.6. If this is really a QB competition, Fitz won that round for sure.
  25. In traditional capped years, if a player is cut (at any time) who has 1 or more years left on their contract, the team has to count that salary against the cap for the rest of the contract period (sometimes bonus money is included too, it gets confusing and complicated). This is why you rarely see a guy with 3-4 years left on a high paying contract get cut and why teams try to talk guys into retirement (like Favre in GB) so that they are relieved of the salary responsibilities. So if the Bills decide to cut either Edwards or Fitz, their salary would still count against the cap this year. Given that, cutting Fitz would result in more dead money. However I don't know if any of this matters in this uncapped year If there was no penalty at all for cutting contract players, there wouldn't be much point of signing long term contracts because it would be totally meaningless.
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