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Everything posted by BillsFanInLV

  1. The greatest comeback against Houston. I lost my voice and had a hangover headache for a week.
  2. The world was blessed in Aug of 1972, when I reared my head from my mothers loins. The place, Kenmore Mercy Hospital. Raised in Riverside my entire life and attended McKinley High School for four years. Graduated class of 1990. Joined the Military in 1992 and left Buffalo. I have lived in Las Vegas for 12 of the last 18 years. Six years were spent living abroad (Turkey, Germany, Guam) I return to Buffalo twice a year with my wife and son so that my parents can see their grandchild. I still love and cherish my roots to the city of Buffalo, the food and the sport teams. I have been traversing the country and attending at least one Bills game every year for the past 12 years. Last fall, in Buffalo, the Bills Beat up on Miami........this was the first time in 12 years that I attended a game and the Bills won. Go Bills and Go Buffalo!
  3. Nice! How about the Bills send 4 players to the Pro-Bowl this year! (and two are from the secondary)
  4. I don't get it. ---I've been in the Military for 18+ years and have worked in many different units, under the command of many different leaders and have had many different outcomes. I always put forth 100% but I have learned that while in different units and surrounded by different people, I have at times performed differently. In some 'systems' I have felt more comfortable and have been able to deliver a top notch product than at other locations. Sometimes just being recognized for my performances encouraged me to outperform my peers day in and day out. --Even though I am STILL the same person, with the correct chemistry of those leading me and supporting me at times, I was able to deliver a much better, well honed, nearly perfect product on a consistant basis. I can relate to what Trent has been or is feeling. ---He was a back-up to JP whose best friend Lee Evans always spoke of the 'chemistry' between he and JP. Trent then went into camp competing for the job and after he got the nod to start, he played extremely well until the major concussion set him back a bit. He was up and down after that. Changes and firings of the OC led to a coach on the hot seat whom eventually was fired. There were also major LT issues coupled with the signing of an 'A' type personality 'Superstar' that had the reputation to ruin teams and QB's.........Trent's surroundings have been anything but consistant the past 3 years. Add that to the fact that DJ didn't demand perfection and at times made horrible decisions on the fireld; Trent has been doomed since we put on his Buffalo Jersey!! I think the changes in coaching and staff, plus the fact that the players on the roster seem to have a newfound sense of dedication and respect for the new coaching staff may in fact work wonders for Trent this year, if he is in fact the starter. Folks, we can't count him out just yet. ---Just my thoughts.
  5. Good Post! If our 3-4 Defense is horrible and allows ANOTHER 156 rushing yards a game and our O-line is equally as impotent, then one has to assume with better coaching, a dynamic player like Spiller and a new Offense that will take advantage of our players strengths, we should AT LEAST equal last years wins of six. ---I feel the addition of Spiller trumps the Loss of T.O. (I know, I know....different positions all together) but Spiller will command attention and game planning greater than or equal to T.O. especially because he can run AND catch the ball. If we won six lat year we CAN win eight this year. I'd like to think come December our starters will be playing, not third stringers or walk ons because of injury. That HAS to account for some additional wins as well. Bills go 9-7 first year under Gailey and rely on a Texans, Jets or Cincinnatti loss late in the year to garner a wild card spot. Just my thoughts.
  6. I hope your ninth post isn't as stupid as your eighth was.
  7. Nice Buffalo Hospitality....Let's send that Jets Fan some Webers!
  8. "Williams did not immediately return a text message to his cellphone Friday night" What has this world come to
  9. You should change your profile name to 'MR. DEFENSIVE'
  10. Screw these rankings. Why is Tampa, Cleveland and Detroit 'better' than the Bills? Heck, may as well rank us at #32 so when DO we win ten games this year the 'experts' will REALLY look stupid.
  11. I know this has been thrown around in the past, but this article is about how Bill Cower recommended Gailey as a Head Coach in Pittsburg. Couple this with the fact that Jerry Jones regrets ever letting Gailey go and I can't help but be excited. Link The second article is from 2008, in reference to Gailey being the 'new' OC at Kansas City. The Chiefs' fans had many of the same questions we are currently asking. What kind of coach will he be? How will he spark a less than flashy offense? History shows that the Chiefs were ranked 32nd in 2007 in Rushing and moved up to 16th in 2008 under his coaching. The Chiefs were ranked 20th in Passing in 2007 and remained 20th under his coaching in 2008. ---In overall offense, the Chiefs went from 31st in 2007 to 24th overall in 2008. Here is the article. Chiefs/Gailey The next article is a fairley recent one. It may have been posted, but here it is again. Bills/Gailey I know it is quiet around TBD, so I thought I'd post SOMETHIMG to argue about. Go Bills! - Happy 4th of July.
  12. I'd spend countless days and nights looking at old posts that contained negative, doom and gloom posts about the hiring of Chan and then personally e-mail each person a picture of my b@lls.
  13. I would say upside means a player, when given the right circumstances/setting could outperform/outproduce another player. The term upside is commonly used in fantasy football. Example: Hines Ward May be a better player than texans WR Jacoby Jones on any given Sunday..... But when Ward is facing the Ravens, and Jones is facing Detroit, it may be better to start Jones in your line-up. Just my thoughts.
  14. Me so horney was/is a classic, however I voted for coolin. I really liked the horns and the mellow sound, it reminds me of my youth and driving around in my 1981 Monte Carlo through the West Side and North Buffalo.
  15. I currently live in Vegas and watched the 'breaking news' live last night. It was horrible. Randall was not home when the incident occured, he was on a plane flying into Vegas. The news reporters showed footage of Randall arriving at the house, supposedly unaware of the situation that had recently unfolded. With the high rate of pool ownership in this city, incidents like this happen too often. My prayers go out to the Cunningham family.
  16. Well, heres why I wrote what I did. The Patriots have owned us for the past several years (4 or 5 off the top of my head) and even with a Brady-less team 2 years ago, we couldn't beat them. (I know it was a different time and a different regime) but for argument sake I kept our early wins to a minimum to make my 'Baltimore being a critical game' point. We could be 5-0 or 0-5 heading into the bye, but that first game back will really set the tone for the rest of the year (2009 Titans-esqe) The schedule immediately following Baltimore is what I feel is going to be the bread and butter of our wins (IMO) and is going to make or break our season (in terms of wins and losses) We HAVE to win those 'winnable' games and squeek out a few suprises against the likes of Minnesota, GB or Baltimore; Baltimore also being the sole AFC team out of this group) I didn't look into every teams schedule and who they play the week before Buffalo to come to my season conclusions. It was an excellent point that you brought up about the Jets/Pats. My attention was caught when I saw Baltimore on our schedule, immediately after a bye. I also know Baltimore is one of the 3 favored AFC teams to go to the Superbowl (12 to 1) (The others being the Jets (12 to 1) and Indy (13 to 2)) I personally think we will at least split each game against of divisional opponents, much like we did last year, except we didn't split games with New England.......hence my original post of losing to New England our first time facing them. Perhaps our win against New England happens later in the year, when we play them at home and our Offense/Defense has already jelled. Good points brough up in your post......... I see us going 16-0 and heading to the Big game this year! (I just have to tone my excitement when I post so the bitter nay-sayers don't explode) Go Bills!
  17. I once gave a guy cement shoes for smashing cake in MY face.
  18. I agree. I love that 'giddy' feeling before a big game that really means something. Also, Big games make the beer tastes better and I feel slimmer in my Jersey.
  19. I do too. Or at leat garner one more of those early wins but I didn't want to be excommunicated from the forum doom and gloom professionals. I think the Balt/New England game is going to take alot out of the Ravens, setting the stage for us to defeat them. I also like a win against Pittsburg. They were unpredictable last year and have lost Willie Parker, Holmes and Ben will be only 2 or 3 weeks removed from his suspension. It could at least be close...heck, the Browns beat them last year.
  20. Looking at the schedule, I believe the week 6 game against the Baltimore Ravens is a CRUCIAL game for our season. Granted, this is just my opinion and pure speculation. Here's why. The Bills are challenged out the gate against Miami, but it is a very winnable game. Suprising a division foe with a new offense, new Defense and new talent staged at a home game setting.......I like the odds. We nearly did the same thing to New England last year in our season opener, but THIS year, more talent and more discipline and better coaching WILL prevail for us. This is a very important game as well, but I believe there is one that will have longer lasting positive effects on the coaching and overall psyche of the team. The Next four games are as follows: Sept. 19 - at Green Bay Step. 26 - at New England Oct. 3 - vs. New York Jets Oct. 10 - vs. Jacksonville Oct. 17 - BYE - Now at this point, the Bills could be 2-3, with wins coming at only Miami and Jacksonville. I think it would be reasonable to assume we could win the two aforementioned games. I won't even go as far to say we squeek out another win somewhere, I'm being completely realistic. This BYE week is crucial to get the team the rest and game-planning for what is the pivotal game of the season, The Ravens. A fellow AFC opponent and a formidable one. Baltimore would have just played New England at home the week before (payback for the 2009 AFC playoff game) and I can assume that game will be emotionally and physically draining on the Ravens. The stage is set. ---With Buffalo coming off their bye week and having rested and extra time for game planning, this HUGE win will propel us into the second half of the season. A win at Baltimore followed by a string of four additional (yes, I said four) wins will put us at 7-3 late November. Oct. 24 - at Baltimore -------- Oct. 31 - Kansas City -------- Nov. 7 - vs. Chicago (in Toronto) --------------- These games are our 5 game win streak. Nov. 14 - vs. Detroit -------- Nov. 21 - at Cincinnati -------- I really don't think this is too far of a reach. A win at Baltimore not only gives us the 'W' but also gives the team the motivation necessary to face the 'less than formidable' teams through our five game streak after the Ravens. (Cincy was a one year wonder, they will fall back to earth this year. IMO) For the remainder of the season I won't go into details/projections, but I posted it below for your viewing pleasure. The point I was making was that the Baltimore game is our biggest game of the year and could have us at 7-3 after 10 weeks. Nov. 28 - vs. Pittsburgh Dec. 5 - at Minnesota Dec. 12 - vs. Cleveland Dec. 19 - at Miami Dec. 26 - vs. New England Jan. 2 - at New York Jets So in closing..... go ahead everyone, tell me how we won't even beat Miami or the Jags and how K.C. will run all over us. Someone tell me how we never win in Toronto and Detroit has Calvin Johnson who is unstoppable. Someone tell me Baltimore is going undefeated this year so my theory is garbage.... I'm ready for all the shots to be fired.
  21. That was my intention for THIS thread. I wanted to exercise my right as a paying TBD member to start a thread that 'fired' us all up in a positive sense, setting the stage for the upcoming season. A really simple plan in theory. However, the jacka$$es already had to start complaining within the first hour of the thread starting. ---- It's like asking a child to behave nicely, then reminding his to behave, and finally begging him to behave. Then as soon as you open the front door, he darts outside and misbehaves. ---Some people do not know any better than to spread misery ALL THE TIME. I'd like posters to start adding a signature block informing us of their job, include a photo of their spouse as well as themselves. Then when somebody is whining about the Bills and how much they're gong to suck this year, we don't have to get angry, we can actually sympathize with them. We will scroll down to the bottom of the post and instantly know that they are miserable because everyday they have to drive to a rotten, dead end job and sleep with an oversize yeti nightly.
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