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Posts posted by mrags

  1. Dear Buffalo Bills and Bills Fans Worldwide:


    (forgive me if this is a bit long)


    I've been watching the Bills since I was 9 years old back in 1988. I have followed them through thick and thin. I can honestly say that if the Bills hire Leslie Frazier or another up and comming coordinator to be the head coach instead of doing whatever it takes to get a proven leader in here, than I am done with this organization. You will have to prove to me that this team is worth MY TIME instead of the other way around.


    I do not take this decision lightly, nor do I go off spouting idle threats or feeling sorry for myself or other fans. This decision is based in common sense and logic. It has been a long time dream of mine to watch the Bills win a Superbowl standing next to my father as we celebrate together. But the older he gets, and this franchise becomes more of a joke, the time invested seems like a complete waste. The older I get, and more responsibilities I take on, I find myself having less and less time to commit to passions of my youth. All of my time has become a premium that must be divided among my family, firends, work, clients, and just living life. The older I get and more responsibilities I have as a husband, a son, a future father, and a business owner leaves me less and less time everyday for personal activiites like watching the Bills. The fact that my free time is decreasing everyday, every minute becomes more and more important and I have less and less of it to waste on an organization that is not commited to their fans.


    The fact that this organization has lost for years is not what really depresses me, the idea that this team has become a joke, and the management will cease to do anything to correct it is what really concerns me. It should be TRAVESTY to this organization that qualified coaches are not jumping at that chance to captain this ship. The idea that the front office has bought into the idea that being the head coach of the Buffalo Bills is a second rate job is not only stunning and dissapointing, but also unbelievably disrespectful to the fans and the enitre region of Western New York.


    This organization has shown zero commitment to make this franchise better for the people who have dedicated enormous amounts of their time, energy and money to it. This organization hired an inside candidate to take the GM position without even looking outside the organization, when the enitre NFL universe knows that the entire organization is completely dysfunctional, full of "yes men" and incompentant. This organization has ruined and injured countless promising players and ended careers prematurly due to the desire to not pay for competent help when players have been injured, thus leaving the players they actually do care about exposed to depending on teammates who are not skilled enough to proetect them. This organization has let pride and ego get in the way of winning, running some of the best football minds in the business out the door over petty arguements and personal vendettas. This organization has managed to turn what used to be one of the best blue collar franchises in American Sports history into a depressed joke of franchise that has become a punch line waiting to be put out of it's misery.


    Medicority is not tollerated in my business, or in my life, and will not be tolerated by the franchises I chose to spend my very valuable time and money on. This is it Bills, start making some serious moves to make this organization better or start losing fans.


    I encourage all Bills fans to hear this letter and demand today that the Bills truly commit to becoming a winning organization that we can be proud of. It is D-DAY in Bills Nation and the organization needs to hear our plea. Get to fixing these problems or dare I say it......... get the hell out of Wetsern New York and let us get on with our lives


    WAAAAAA!!!! Cry me a river. Make sure you take the right bus out of town:



  2. I think his coaching W-L record is nothing to write home about.

    1999 8-8

    2000 12-4

    2001 10-6

    2002 7-9

    2003 10-6

    2004 9-7

    2005 6-10

    2006 13-3

    2007 5-11


    Over all: 80-64 .556


    Yes...his coaching record is better than Dick Jauron's - but who's isn't?

    I would rather take my chances on a guy that has not coached - and roll my dice that we have the next best "new guy!


    Just throwing some names and their records out there. You can say what you want about Billick but his record is similar to these HOF coaches if your talking about winning%


    Earle (Greasy) Neale- .588

    Invented the 4-3 Defense


    Jimmy Conzelman- .517



    Hank Stram- .575

    1 Super Bowl win


    Steve Owen- .550

    1927 Championship team allowed less only 20 points entire season (13 games)


    Marv Levy- .562

    Lost 4 consecutive Super Bowls

  3. Have you been arrested 5 times in your life? I know I haven't. It is too bad the guy died but lets not make him into something that he was not.


    As a society when someone famous dies, we tend to idiolize them & make them into something great. We did it with Michael Jackson, funny when he died I did not hear one mention of how he was a pedophile & such. We did it when Tiger Woods dad died, all we heard how he was such a great father & inspiration to Woods. What we did not hear is how he basically abondoned his other three kids, not even acknowledging their existence. Yeah he is a great father alright.


    There are heroes in this world everyday Cincy, I do not care what they do on the field, most football players are not heroes.


    Not all of his arrests are so harmless but a drunk driving incodent and another for pot is almost harmless. I would guess that 25% or more on this message board have been arrested for that. And I would guess that 90%+ have a very good friend/family member that has been arrested for that as well.


    No one was idolizing Chris Henry, we are simply stating it is sad that he passed away in a tragic way. It also does not mean that we dont feel sad when war heroes, politicians, actors or your everyday average joe's pass away tragically, and untimely. Just an FYI he was getting his life back on track and many others saw that including his teamates, owners, coaches, and multiple reporters and talk show hosts. I remember hearing an interview with Chris on Jim Rome earlier in the season or before it (cant remember) and it was great to hear the good things he was doing with his life to turn things around. I understand if this was a low life drug dealer shot in a deal, or while performing an illegal act. But this was not (as far as we know). I personally think its sad, if anything for the thought he was trying to better himself for him and his family. It could have been one of the true success stories of change. None of us is w/o skeletons in our closet. And not everyone was born with a silver spoon in our mouths. He was trying to fix that.

    Im done

    RIP Chris Henry

  4. It certainly would be nice, but I really don't think you are going to see Wood in the lineup on opening day, if at all next season. Let's hope me makes a quick recovery, but it was a pretty bad injury.


    I havent seen any update on Wood at all. Does anyone know if there was ligament or tendon damage? If it was just a broken bone the thought of him being in the lineup for opening day are much, much higher.

  5. I believe the only way Ralph could do this w/o getting hit with the taxes is if he died. He cannot transfer to anyone under this. It only works if he passes. However, I do believe there is/will be something that comes out behind the scenes after Ralph passes and we magically see the team stay in Buffalo. I wouldnt be suprised if Ralph has found some kind of loophole to keep the team here. But as we all know that couldnt be brought out at this time or it wouldnt be a loophole would it.

  6. If it wasnt for POZ being so much of a bust I dare say that Mitchell is the biggest disappointment on the defense. He is a long haired POS that needs to shut his F*$KING mouth and play. Just like POZ, he is always being driven backwards on running plays and out of place on passing plays. Its funny that our LB's are better w/o him on the field. I pray to God, Allah, Buddha, Confucius, Judea, Kami and John Stamos that this dumb idiot gets cut the minute we get a new coach. And then he can have all day to himself to twitter like a little teenage girl who just lost her virginity.

  7. McCargo never did anything good so I'm not sure what convinced you that DT wasn't a need with or without Stroud. The thing about OL is that most of the time, you cannot get one in free agency. There have been exceptions (Faneca, Stienbach) but they are rare. As far as left tackles go, you really almost never see a really good one lost in free agency or traded (unleess of course you are the Bills).


    The McKelvin selection was symbolic of everything that is wrong with ths franchise. For years we draft 1st round dbs, lose the good ones, and replace them with other 1st round dbs. This, as you can see, is a proven, can't miss method to lose.


    When you have a quarterback and your OL and front 7 are solid, then it's time to go for a db. Levy/Jauron do the opposite and this is why we have a bad team. When you have blockers such as Duke Preston and Melvin Fowler, you simply cannot pass up a Nick Mangold to draft Donte Whitner. Jauron didn't want Branden Albert; he wanted Leodis McKelvin.


    When a team makes stupid moves like this, they will simply lose. It really is that simple.


    The point Bandit stated wasnt that there wasnt a need at OL, or that there wasnt a need at a compitent coaching staff, scouting staff, ownership.

    Its already known that its a dumb move to continuously not sign your quality players regardless of any position. You can look at the following to know that:









    At the time the Bills were looking at something they were strong at and continuing to keep that aspect of their game in a power position. It is opinion that any good team should start at the inside of the lines and work their way out. It is not always the mold for championship teams, just like the QB position, see:

    Trent Dilfer

    Brad Johnson

    Mark Rypien

    Jeff Hostetler

    Jim McMahon


    The Bills obviously had multiple needs and chose the best player available on the board and someone they thought would/could help them for years to come. FYI, its not always on the team why the player wont re-sign with the team that drafts them. They didnt have much of a choice to come here in the first place.


    Sorry to jump in on your thunder Bandit.

  8. I, for one, 100% agree.


    I think McKelvin has a ton of skill, but I get tired of watching him (along with McGee) give up 15-yard completions underneath their coverage. For the amount the team is paying McKelvin, their getting far better value in Drayton Florence.


    And for the amount their paying McGee, the team could've had much better value in Greer (assuming he stayed healthy).


    However, McKelvin is an excellent kick returner...


    Thanks Bandit,

    Ive been saying that about McGee and Greer all year. They truly mad the wrong decision on that one. Traded McGee and gotten even a 6 pack for his services and signing Greer was the move. The FO messed that one up bad.


    At one point in the season I was listening to the Saints commentator in an interview and he was saying the Bills screwed up and gave them possibly the best CB the saints have ever had. UGH! :):w00t::w00t::w00t::thumbsup:

  9. As far as the posted topic, I think the person from Fidelity who spoke for the company has his issues confused.


    Fantasy football as gambling? He might want to ask the NFL and the hundreds of former NFL players and coaches who endorse fantasy football products about that one. If a person was inclined to gamble on games, he could do so online, through a bookie with parlay cards, in an office pool, etc. Most guys who I know who play fantasy football (myself included) would do it for free just for the competitive aspect and for the bragging rights.


    Fantasy football is the immersion of sports fanatics into a pursuit which takes, including draft preparation, 5+ months out of the year. Most leagues have very modest prize money. I personally think it's a stretch to call fantasy football, gambling. The cost/benefit basis makes fantasy football a very different animal than wagering on games.


    On the other hand, if people are supposed to be working and are instead, going online to play and administer fantasy football leagues on company time, and likely violating workplace rules prohibiting the use of work computers for recreational pastimes and/or visiting non-approved web sites, then Fidelity has a case.


    Your weak, real fantasy owners are 365/year. Maybe thats why you lose. More preperation and less talky talky for you mister.



    My boss thinks I work all day. LOL :thumbsup:

  10. Some of the picks are lucky for being tipped. But you have to put yourself in position to even get those balls. And Byrd is a good player and is doing just that. Putting himself in position to be a playmaker. If this defense was actually good at rushing the passer and stopping the run then Byrd would show he is a monster. He will only get better. I know he continues to play through it, but he really needs clean up the small bumps and bruises hes getting.

  11. i for the life of me can not understand why alot of posters keep saying jackson is old or will only be around for a few more years.


    the guy does not have the normal wear and tear that running backs that entered the nfl at age 22-23 have at 29.


    why is that so hard to get? everybody talks about jackson like he's been in the nfl for 7 years.


    i dont think we can fairly compare jackson's wear to a typical nfl runningback


    I agree to some extent that he does not have the normal wear and tear of a typical NFL back, but he has been playing football the entire time. He didnt just come off a stint with UPS and not get pounded on every week. And with a running back, regardless of wear and tear, it comes down to age. Just like Olympic athletes, or any other sport for that reason. It is not likely to see someone play past 30. It just doesnt happen that much unless you are a physical freak of nature.

  12. I totally agree, the idiotic morons on this board that were calling for the Bills to trade Lynch, don't know their asses from a hole in the ground, or much about football. Watching the last two games, Lynch and Jackson complement each other well, one of the few positions we don't have to worry about upgrading on this team. With our two backs, we probably have one of the top 3 or 4 RB tandems in the league, you can't say that about any other position on this team, even WR where we thought we did, but how has that panned out?
















    Its funny that every one of the teams I just mentioned have probably better RB teams/tandems then Lynch and Jackson. Im not looking up stats based on teams in the NFL. It would most likely show more teams then who I just pointed out anyway.

    But that is besides the point. The issue that was under argument before wasnt if Lynch sucks, it was if Jackson is better. That has been proven this season as Jackson has taken a hold of the starting position and Lynch continues to run in ways he was not intended. Like trying to juke that defender yesterday. He is a small power back and should run that way. Not dance around the line like a wanna-be Barry Sanders. He is not good enough to find the hole and not small enough to fit in it even if he did. I personally like Jackson more then Lynch as many seem to be jumping on that bus, but I still like Lynch for what he is. But he needs a RB coach in a bad way to tell him what he should and should not be doing when hes on the field.

    However the real issue with Lynch is going to be if he can stay out of trouble, which he has proved he cannot in the offseason. Its a fact!!! If the dumb F*&K cant stay out of trouble I dont want him. He does nothing for this team if he is suspended for 8 games or the entire season after getting caught doing something dumb again. Someone already posted that RB's are a dime a dozen. Especially dumb ones that are supposed to be power backs but try and dance around like something they are not. We could pick up a rookie in the 4th round to do what he does.

    With all that said, I still like him and if he can keep out of trouble im still happy hes on this team.

  13. Honestly, I love the guy. I think he is good for the sport, he has fun playing a game for a living and I like that. Some of his antics and celebrations aren't all that funny but thats okay. He stays out of trouble with the law and he is not mean spirited about anything. I'd take him on the Bills in a heartbeat, certainly for his talent, but also for entertaining personality.



    I agree completely. He is fun and not mean spirited. It could be worst. You could know about him for running some poor girl over in the middle of the night, or getting caught inside a car with weed and weapons in the middle of the night, or getting tased by police because you are resisting arrest. The truth is OchoCinco is a good guy and loves the game and treats it as a game. From hanging up the names of every DB he burns every week, or sending Peptol Bismol to the secondaries hes about to face, its all in fun. He is not over the top in a bad way at all. And he has never gotten in trouble off the field. The only time there was any doubt with him was when his play dropped off (mostly due to injury) and he was upset that he was not resigned to a long term deal with Cinci. He asked to be traded when this came up and they refused to deal him no matter what what said. They refused two 1st round picks from the Redskins if I am not mistaken so nobody can say there were not acceptable offers for him at the time. He is one of my favorite players in the game today and as much as I would love him on the Bills, Im hoping he stays a Bengal for life. (truth is I really like their black jerseys and no one else IMO is worth gettig besides Chad)

  14. Tom Brady and Chad Pennington are the last two QB's to win the AFC east since 2001. Now we all know that Trent is not the answer and Fitz is no more then a good backup. Brohm is a project and won't start next season or maybe not the year after if ever. Now even if we go QB round 1 (I think LT is the better pick philosophically but its all Dependant on the guys actually available) Pennington is a great guy to have a young guy sit and learn for a year from him.


    Derrick Johnson is a guy on the outs in KC because he isn't a fit for the scheme. Now if we maintain a 4-3 he is a good fit for that scheme and due to his dropped value could be had at a very reasonable price (Around the same deal we gave Mitchell) and help out this much hindered run D.


    Both could be had both fit a need and could be had. Draft a LT in round 1, Draft a DT in round 2, and sign Pennington and Derrick Johnson and this team fills 4 needs going into next season. Seems like a plan?


    I did not know about Derrick Johnson but I have been on the "pick up Chad Pennington" bandwagon for most of this season. I do not think he can be starter for a full 16 games nor do I want him to be. We draft a young QB in round 2 after getting our starting LT in round 1 and the rookie can play and learn behind Pennington a leader, winner and very accurate QB until ready to take over or until forced to take over do to injury.

  15. This is by far the dumbest post I have ever read. Excuse me for stating things that may have already been talked about in the last 5 pages. I couldnt bring myself to ready everyones responses.

    Nobody in this world should owe anything to JP Losman. The guy flat out sucked. He played on a better team and a better line that your 2nd love in Trance Checkwards and he sucked. He was able to put up yards and that was about it. Just like Trance, he threw more interceptions and made bad plays then touchdowns or converted anything worth a spit.

    I do agree that both JP and Trance would have, should have, could have been better if they would have been on a better team, with a better coaching staff, and better organizaion. But the fact is they werent given that opportunity. They tried their best and it wasnt good enough. They are both young enough to actually make something of themselves but it will not happen here and it shouldnt even if it is a possibility. This team needs a full rebuild from all the way up at the top to all the way down to the towel boys.

    JP might actually make something of himself now that he is away from this franchise. I actually have hope for him. Truth is I always liked JP and was a believer that he could turn things around. But it speaks volumes that no NFL team picked him up in the offseason and its not like teams are breaking down his door after the season he had in the UFL.

    Trance Checkwards on the other hand is just about done as Thanksgiving turkey dinner, except his brains are more smashed then the mashed potatoes and gravy my aunt makes that I love so much. Mentally he is done, running scared and it shows. He has lost all his confidence and never had the physical attributes to overcome it. His biggest advantage is that he was a smart quarterback, reacted quickly and its all over now.


    Im officially done with any Trent or JP losman threads moving forward. Everyone needs to get over it. The Bills have.

  16. For the most part draft choices (unless your picking top 5, or maybe 10) are project players and not suitable for NFL play right out of the gate. There is no way to know who is going to be a stud before the draft and that is why guys like Tom Brady fall to the 6th round.

    The one thing that bothers me about the Bills choices are they draft guys that are more projects then others and with the sub-par coaching staff the ruin these players for their careers.

    Look at guys that were highly recocnized out of college or should have had better careers and continue to struggle because our team/coaching staff sucks.

    JP Losman

    Aaron Maybin

    Willis McGahee

    Chris Kelsey

    Trent Edwards

    John McCargo

    Paul Pozlauzny

    Donte Whitner

    Ashton Youboty


    I have no doubt that with good coaches, or even better then aweful we would have been able to make some of these guys better.

    I guess the good thing now is that we can hope we have a real coach that comes in here at the end of this season and develop some of these young guys like Maybin, Poz, Whitner, Possibly Trent if its not too late.

    The other guys are gone or its too late to make them anything in this league. They have already been coached long enough to play like Dick acts. They are done for life in the NFL IMO.

  17. I wouldnt say he is the worst in the league. But anyone that thinks he is a bright spot on our Defense/Team is just delusional. Yes the guy has it rough because the OL is always downfield but cmon. The guy takes bad angles, always chasing from behind, always out of position. Good MLB's are ALWAYS in the the right place, and ALWAYS take the right angles, and can overcome the blocks form the OL. Watch a team like Baltimore, or San Francisco and pay attention to their MLB's. They dictate what the offenses do around them. Not the other way around. Poz doesnt do that. He always plays catch-up with what the offense is doing. I dont think he is a complete waste at MLB. but I do think he is better suited in a 3-4. If he was one of 2 MLB's in a 3-4 he might be stronger.

    And anyone that uses the excuse that he is still playing with a bummed arm can think about why is this guy always injured. We have had him for 3 years now and hes only made about 60% of the games (im not taking the time to look up how many games hes missed but this seems right).

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