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Posts posted by mrags

  1. dont get me wrong, ive been on record here in MANY threads saying that I too think it is a mistake to trade him. its just gotten to the point that the "trade marshawn" talk is so prevalent, i dont feel like qualifying all of my posts with "i dont think we should trade him, but...". i was just throwing that out there in a hypothetical situation.


    im with you 100%. keep Marshawn. he has 2 great seasons, 1 rough one, and is worth more to us on the team than he can get in trade anyways.


    Yeah, except that ranking 13th (1,036 yards) and 11th (1,115 yards) is hardly GREAT. Im sorry, you must have great confused with mediocre. What Adrian Peterson has done is GREAT, what Chris Johnson did last year was GREAT. Marshawn is top 30% of the league if your talking as far as starters goes.


    Just saying...


    Have a Happy Easter!

  2. I generally would say Lynch for Merriman straight up. Partly because I cant stand Lynch and everyones love for him. Partly because Merriman is a monster.


    Thats the only problem. Merriman WAS a monster when he was on steroids. I know, you can all say its the injuries and thats why hes not as much as a beast anymore. That could be true. If thats the case, how do I know he will regain his stride? He really did have a tough injury to come back from.


    Then theres the part of me that thinks too many "coincidences" in this world are really planned. Maybe Merriman wasnt injured badly, and he was being investigated for the steroids and it would just be better all around if he sat out until things cooled off a little bit.


    Dont ask me where I come up with this stuff.

  3. Anyone that thinks we can get a 2nd for Lynch is smoking some really good stuff. I want a few hits of that. Lynch isnt even as good as McGahee has been and we only got a 3rd and 7th for Willis. I would take a 3rd round pick and run to the nearest draft available and hurry up to spend the pic. Id also take a 4th if thats the going rate for a 67 yard/game running back in the NFL these days.

  4. In Jauron's regime, trying your best was all they cared about. But as Sean Connery said..."Losers always whine about their 'best'. Winners go home and f**k the prom queen."


    Perhaps Chan should convince the players that they should be angry that they're not winning. Angry enough that they're just bitter and pissed off, so they need to take it out on the opposition. This team can easily have a mean streak just like the Jets did - not because they think they can win, but because they know they should be winning. Take the losing frustration out on your opponent.


    I love that line.


    I think Chan can very easily talk these players up by stating that the old regime f&$ked them out of winning and he will bring it out of them, but they need to actually work. The ones that dont want to work and be handed the jobs, AHEM!!!...Marshawn... will simply be benched, or cut, or traded.


    However, Im not sure Chan even needs to do that. The players that actually want to work are most likely already aware that they have been losing because they have had a loser coach, and trained, practiced, and played like they were on vacation.


    Heres to this team realizing they can compete if they actually put forth an effort. :ph34r:

  5. Dean, Gailey did mention that Nix had talked to Lynch. But why would you assume that Lynch called Nix? Isn't it just as likely if not more likely that Nix called Lynch?



    Like Tom Brady and Trent Edwards? Stupid comment...sorry.



    You're acting as if Lynch didn't plead guilty to a misdemeanor weapons charge just one year ago.


    And that the year before he was involved in a hit and run incident for which he also pleaded guilty and narrowly escaped criminal charges.


    Or the allegations from 4 months ago by the wife of a Buffalo Policeman.


    Or the fact that there has been a regime change in Buffalo and that he is the most notable veteran to not show up for workouts, in spite of the fact that the team invested a first round pick in him and that the new coach has said that he thinks Lynch is an excellent football player and that he wants Lynch to be a big part of the football team.


    As I posted yesterday,


    "The big story will be Marshawn Lynch's arrival. From all the comments from Gailey and Nix, they are talking him up and want him to be here. BUT, I also remember reading something very recently that implied that Lynch had not been in touch with the team. In the wake of all of his bad publicity, I wouldn't be surprised if Lynch doesn't want to play in Buffalo anymore. I will be very interested to see if Lynch comes in on day one."


    This might be Lynch's little one-day protest to put the team on notice that he wants out. He may show up today or for some of the workouts. But how many free passes does this guy get from some of you?


    I'm pretty non-judgemental and tend to give people the benefit of the doubt but with Marshawn Lynch? This latest act shows his lack of professionalism, his indifference to his fans and supporters, and IMO cannot just be shrugged off.


    In view of Lynch's very lousy track record to date, what activities does Lynch have that are more important than showing his bosses, teammates, and fans that he actually gives a schit about being a professional football player and that he is actually committed to his team, his profession, and his supporters?


    Great post SJBF


    If Lynch really cared, or had the drive to be on a winning team he would work at it. Be the first to show up and the last to leave right?!? Ok, so maybe thats a little much. Either way, he lost his starting job last year, he is younger, and COULD be more talanted than Jackson, he should want to show up and prove himself as a team player and that hes committed to this team.


    Right now hes showing he either wants to be traded or he just doesnt care. Baring a death/funeral in his family there is nothing more important for him to be here right now.


    I hope we can trade Lynch and a 3rd or something for McNabb.

  6. You raise an interesting scenario. If CA makes pot legal, can the NFL still suspend players there for smoking?




    Thats an entirely different thread cause this conversation could get out of hand.


    To answer your question....YES!


    You work for a company and the company has rights over those rules. That and Im not sure where they would win in court by saying the NFL offices are located New York, NY.


    Just think of it this way. Its not illegal to be on this website, or porn site, or any other site for that matter. However if some of the people on here were caught by their bosses on here they would be fired in a heartbeat.

  7. PDiddy,


    You are certainly stroking his epeen like he is the best thing out there.


    I told you that I wouldnt start my post with a Lynch vs Jackson comparison. I did that last summer and I proved to be right when many people (Im sure yourself included) were proved wrong by the amount of playing time Lynch received on the field. Jackson finsished with an avg of 4.5 yards/carry in 09 (higher than Lynch ever has), 1,062 yards on only 237 attempts, and 46 receptions.


    Like I said I wasnt going to focus on Jackson. I think Lynch is a good back but he is nothing more than good, and most likely he is average at best. That doesnt mean that I think Freddy is great either. But he is the better of the 2 backs, and is more dedicated to this team and his career and wont cost the team 3+ games if he even sneezes in the wrong direction. Lynch will not be resigned when his contract is up and will have trouble finding a home somewhere in the league as a starter for the remainder of his career. He doesnt move the pile much better than Jackson does, and unfortunately thats all he can do (run into the backs of his own blockers), and if I had UTube access at work I would pick out plenty of links to prove that he doesnt have good vision. Its no coincidence he was easily benched in favor of Jackson. The only reason he started the previous 2 years over Jackson is because he had the 1st round draft pick hung over his head (same reason why little Donte is still starting as well).


    So I will make this clear. It is not all about TD's. There were years that Priest Holmes had the most TD's in the league and broke records for TD's and the team either didnt, or barely made the playoffs. Football is a team sport. The rest of the team matters. If you think it is only about TD's then you need to go to football school. Jamie Mueller was good at scoring TD's inside the 5yrd line. Does that make him better than Thurman or Kenny Davis? Your out of your mind.


    Im not saying its not important to have a running back, or any player for that matter that has a nose for the end zone. But you cant base Lynch TD's and Jacksons TD's as your only argument. For the time they started their yards and yards per carry are very similar. Lynch had 6 more "rushing" TD's than Jackson had in his best year as starter. You are comparing apples to oranges at this point since they were in seperate years. Lynch also did it with Jason Peters (everyone's 2nd favorite player on this board) as is LT while Jackson did it with Bell, Scott, Meredith. Did you use that into your equation?


    How about you go find out how many times the team was in the red zone when Lynch was starting in 07 and 08 vs Jackson in 09. My guess would be we were in the red zone much more often in those years than last year since we sucked at just about every aspect of the game last season. Jackson and Byrd were just about the only bright spots on the team when everyone else sucked.


    With all that being said. The best rushing performance weve had since McGahee left is 1,100'ish yards by a single rusher. That is absolute crap!!! no matter who is our starter. 68.75 yards/game is horrible. When the league is passing more and rushers are still putting up 1500+ yard seasons you have a problem if your back is barely reaching 1k.


    On to the league passing more. It has completely debunked your claim that all we need to do is run more and we will win more games. Almost every team in the playoffs in 09 were pass first teams. So you are completely dilusional with your claim that we simply need to run more to win.

    New England



    San Diego



    Green Bay

    New Orleans





    New York Jets




    Ya, Have fun with that one. Im done. There is nothing more I can say that will make you realize your opinion is not the most important one in the world. Its an opinion of what you think and has no factual evidence what so ever.


    Have a nice day. Keep thinking your always right.

  8. Either Schobel has already decided and the Bills are aware of it but trying to get him to change his mind, or Schobel is pulling a Favre like move and hoping to be cut so that he can go wherever he wants. I was a fan of his this year. He actually came back and proved he still had a little left in the tank. However, Im not going to lose sleep over him. He doesnt fit in a 3-4 defense at this point in his career. Maybe if this was 5 years ago and he was still in shape, and could run. The guy is in his 30's now. He cant hang at OLB in a 3-4 unless hes a speed rusher off the edge and its no help if the offense knows thats what hes going to do every time hes on the field.

  9. I have answered you. Clearly, I don't believe that the number of TDs a RB gets in a year is the ONLY criterion to judge him. I think I've made this pretty clear to everyone else. I don not know how to make this any more easy for you to understand.


    If you do not understand how a RB that plays every Sunday and moves the offense down the field, allows for the possibility of a passing game, and helps put the offense in a scoring position is not more valuable ("better") than a guy who is brought in for short goal line pushes, I cannot help you.


    The highlighted passages speak for themselves.


    .......unless-----unless you're pulling my leg! AAWWWW--you got me! MAN! You HAD me----I really thought this was how you viewed the game of football. Dang---it is so obvious now. NO ONE could really think like this.


    Touche, brother! Gonna have to prank you back!




    Nice post Weo. Agree 100%

  10. I love all the people on this board that love to stroke Marshawn as this "amazing" RB that is the best thing since OJ Simpson. I will say this is not a post where I try to compare Marshawn and Freddy. My opinion is that Freddy (as old as he is and with the small amount he has left in the tank) is a better back at this point.


    Lets start off the field first. The guy has always been a trouble maker.

    -June of 06, Lynch was shot at inside his vehicle outside his high school alma mater.

    -January of 07, Accused of sexual assualt on his former girlfriend

    -June of 08, Involved in a hit and run

    -February of 2009, Arrested for an unregistered loaded weapon while smoking marijuana in a vehicle

    -December of 2009, Accused of stealing $20 from a wife of a Buffalo Policeman


    Now not every incident was his fault, nor was every incident that big of an issue. The stealing $20 thing sounds like a joke gone bad. The shooting and sexual assualt sounds like wrong place wrong time and a drunken night trying to make up with an ex turned bad (weve all done that, I think). But the point is the guy cant stay out of trouble. Every year since 06 he has had some kind of issue with the law, his fault or not. Hes already had a 3 game suspension and is only a drunken night on Chippewa away from getting a year slapped on him from the Commissioner.


    Now to his on the field accomplishments. He is average at best.

    2007: 13 Games Played, 280 Att, 1,115 yards, 4.0 avg, 7 TD's, 18 rec, 184 rec yards, Ranked 11th in Rushing Yards

    2008: 15 Games Played, 250 Att, 1,036 yards, 4.1 avg, 8 TD's, 47 rec, 300 rec yards, Ranked 13th in Rushing Yards

    2009: 13 Games Played, 120 Att, 450 yards, 3.8 avg, 2 TD's, 28 rec, 179 rec yards, Ranked 45th in Rushing Yards


    He has arguably gotten worse over his career with yards, TD's, Rec's, Attempts


    Lynch has shown that he has a hard time hitting the hole behind his blockers as he often runs up to their backs and trys to push entire piles by himself, all while tip-toe'ing at the line of scrimmage and not making clear cut decisions when he gets the ball in his hands. Suprisingly its not much different from his decisions off the field that often get him in trouble.


    Lynch has all the talent in a RB that any team would/could ask for. But his dedication to his career, and his bad decisions may cost him that very same career. If he makes one more bad mistake he will be out of football for a year and that might as well be for good.

  11. Yeah, they're having trouble signing him.


    Having siad that he's not available. People here think that because he was only offered a first-round tender, that's a sure-fire sign that the Ravens want to get rid of him. But if you look, how many guys with first-round tenders end up going to different teams in trades each year? One, maybe? Two? And you know who they are going to be, they're the ones who no longer fit into the system since the team is going to a bigger/smaller/3-4/4-3/zone-blocking system, or guys who have become a disturbance in the locker room ... It's guys we all know are going to go. The huge, gigantic majority of guys offered a first-round tender stay with their teams.


    It's not usually a signal that someone is available, it's usually an obvious statement that the team doesn't want to pay the player the extra 750 K or so which they have to pay if they give a higher tender.


    What everyone forgets is that


    Let's compare the Ravens situation now to their situation if they let Gaither go. Right now, they have two terrific tackles, both of whom are terrific run blockers. The Ravens were 5th in the league last year at total running yards, and 4th in the league at YPC, with 4.7, which is just a great result. Football Outsiders stats also show them as the 4th best offensive line at run blocking in the league. Football Outsiders also shows that Oher is simply the best run-blocking RT in the league and Gaither is the 13th best run-blocking LT in the league. They are a run-first team, a team that forces you to defend the run by smashing the hell out of you, which then gives them a chance to pass while their still-young, very promising but still-not-there-yet QB learns his trade. In other words, they're doing exactly what they want to do.


    Football Outsiders link: http://footballoutsiders.com/stats/ol


    Now, let's look at how they would do if they let Gaither go. Oher is moved to LT, where he almost definitely continues to be a force as a run-blocker. I'll have more to say about his pass blocking in a moment. Replacing Oher at RT is Tony Moll, the backup there. Moll is a 5th rounder who went to college at Nevada. This'll be his fifth year. He's played mostly right guard, but to be precise, he's mostly been a backup. In four years, he has been in started 15 games and participated (special teams? or to give the starter a breather?) in 39 games. He's not a particularly good player, though he's a solid backup. And the Ravens are happily going to plug this guy in at RT? Are you kidding? So, who else would fill the RT slot? The draft pick that they get in the trade? So they take one of the absolute best run blocking units in the league and plug in an unproven RT to replace arguably the best RT in the league? In the Bizarro universe this may make sense, but not in this one. Not for a team that believes that they have a shot at the Super Bowl this year.


    Now, opposite whoever they plug in at RT to not-replace Michael Oher, let's look at how Oher is likely to do at LT. Take a look at profootballfocus, the site which watches each game and grades each guy on performance. They even give separate score for run blocking, pass blocking, screen blocking and penalties. They are a highly respected website. Here's their summary of Michael Oher's performance last year:




    Overall, they list him as the 19th best tackle (they look at right and left tackles as one group) out of 77. But look closer, at the table at the bottom of the screen. He played 5 games at LT and 11 games at RT. They score average play as a zero, so you know that negative numbers show bad play and positive numbers show good play. In eleven games as an RT, he recieved a cumulative score of PLUS 13.6, an extremely good score. In five games as an LT however, his cumulative score was MINUS 9.1, and that is genuinely horrible, particularly in only five games. If you pro-rate those five games across a sixteen game season, Oher's score as a LEFT TACKLE would have been MINUS 29.12, and that would have put him in the rankings as the 76th best tackle in the league. OUT OF 77. The second-worst tackle in the league. On the other hand, if you prorate his 11 games at right tackle across a 16 game season, his score would have been PLUS 19.8, which would have placed him as the 3rd best tackle in the league out of 77.



    I promised I'd get back to Oher's pass blocking abilities. In five games at LT, his pass blocking score was MINUS 3.9. In eleven games at RT? PLUS 8.4. He does pretty well against the guys he faces at RT, but against the hyper-athletic rushers he faced at LT, he simply couldn't get the job done. Pro-rate his five games at LT over a sixteen game season and you get MINUS 12.5 as a pass blocker. That would put him as the 69th best tackle out of 77, in other words, the 8th worst pass blocker in the league.


    And you want to switch THAT GUY to LEFT TACKLE? Are you insane?


    Perhaps if they were Cleveland or Oakland or ... I hate to say it , but with the way we have handled our OL the past five years ago, we fit with that group ... or Buffalo, they would do it. But the Ravens are a terrific organization and they don't do stupid things like this.


    The Ravens don't want to trade Gaither, they want to keep him. If someone gives him a contract offer, the Ravens will match it.


    Gaither is going nowhere.



    Don't get me wrong, the Bills would be crazy not to be interested. But even if he is available (and I'm betting LaCanfora is simply wrong on this), he has one more year left on his contract, and he will want ... and get ... Jason Peters money. The Bills have shown themselves not to be willing to pay market value for an excellent LT.


    Aare you Insane for bringing logic to this board?


    Really thought. Nice write up.

  12. Gee, why might a bar owner want to destroy a tape that shows a bunch of underage people in his bar, as opposed to giving that tape to the police?


    I was just about to say there is no coincidence the tape was copied over. I think its a joke in both situations since I think Big Ben has a little weenie and must sexually assult girls to get his rocks off, and the fact that I was a bar manager in Vegas for 2 years and our tapes were saved for long periods of time and the only way they were taped over is if time passed and they were not saved. I would be certain that someone would have saved them UNLESS the bar owner conveniently copied over them so he couldnt get in trouble. I wouldnt doubt he denies the girl was in the bar at all.


    On another note, one of the funniest things I ever saw on tape was 2 people having sex in my bar/restaurants dining room at 3am with people walking in and out of the front door and not noticing. Right on one of the tables. LOL. I had to fired the bartender for that one. How could you not notice people boning right there?

  13. :rolleyes: Charles Davis from the NFL network did a mock draft just like everyone else in the world. Anyways he has the Bills taking C.J. SPILLER RB from Clemson. Says that Galley loves that he can run, catch and return kicks!! Sorry don't know how to add the link but its on www.nfl.com


    Sorry I'm just a arm chair FantasyFootball nut....running back in the 1st round is the last thing we need!!

    Gailey already said hes like to have a "waterbug" type running back.

    Spiller could very well be the next big thing in the NFL at the RB position. This is very similar to the McGahee draft. RB was the last thing we needed but we took a shot at getting the next stud at that position. We are not as well off at RB as most people think. Lynch sucks and "In my opinion" probably wants off the team anyway. Will not be resigned because his play does not equal out to his off the field issues. So we will lose him after this season anyway. If Spiller was available in the 2nd its a no brainer "Ive seen mocks where he is" not that I believe that will happen. But if you have a chance to take what you think is the best available player at any pick, regardless of round then you take him.

  14. Hurt my feelings ? I did not bring my feelings in this conversation purely my opinion which says (1) McNabb is a big game choker (2) is on the down side of his career (3) is not worth more than a 4th, or a 3rd at best (4) Won't be anything more than a stop-gap measure (5) (if true) he does not want to be here.


    I stand by my post in that no matter what the circumstances were around Kelly's arrival in Buffalo, he was a young QB with potential. McNabb is not. We may differ in our opinion, but my opinion is not poorer just because you don't agree with it.


    This is all much better than anything weve had since (I hate to say it) Doug Flutie was here. (1)McNabb might be a big game choker but at least he gets to the big games. (2)I could look up stats but I dont think they would prove he is on the down side of his career. (3)The Eagles are being offered more than just a 3rd and a 4th most likely so that would prove he is worth more than a 3rd. (let me guess you think Marshawn is worth a 1st too right?) (4)At 33 years old you only have 3-4 quality years left in your tank as it is. Of course its a stop gap until we find/teach/grow our permanent starter. (5)Not many players want to play for certain teams, money changes that. And just because he would rather play for a certain team doesnt make it so. Im sure he would like to play for the Colts too since he could prolly win a SB with them. But that aint gonna happen. Not to mention he doesnt have a no-trade clause in his contract, so he doesnt have a say where he goes. The only say he has is if he were to resign with that team.

  15. I am generally not a fan. Never have been. He had a few (like 3) decent years in MN and has done nothing before or after. However, The QB's on the roster now are absolutely horrible. I say pick up Daunte, draft Tebow in the 2nd or 3rd, Let those 2 and Fitz fight it out for the starting job and demote Trent to washing the urinals after the games.


    Really, We have no one at this point. Id say bring in every QB that wants to compete and let the best man win.

  16. While I belive this team has too many needs to pick up a RB, we also do need a RB. Jackson is old, and Lynch is a waste of space. He could be traded, he could be suspended at any given minute, and dont forget this is the last year of his contract (I think). I would much rather have a good QB, LT, LB, DT but if we cant trade down, and no one there is worth the 9th overall pick, I wouldnt be against Spiller. He could very well be the next great back in the NFL. Would anyone be opposed if we had a back that was like AP or LT for the next 5-10 years?

  17. It was good to see it on again last night. They also had an addvertisement for SB 25 which will be airing on Sat at 8pm if anyone is interested in watching again (deep down you know you will watch and just think the kick might go in this time). Last year when I went to the HOF I was glad to see they had the Greatest Comeback game on DVD. So of course I bought it. I havent watched it yet. All of these highlights make me severely happy and depressed at the same time.


    I had a buddy that moved here from Australia, he said where hes from the Bills are by far the fan favorite, and one of the reasons why he moved to Buffalo. I was hanging out with him during a game last season and remember him saying that he was forced to watch all 4 SB's in order to be a true Bills fan. Said that it was like a right of passage or something. Weird, I know, but kind of makes sense.


    We all think that Bills fans are the best in the NFL. Where else can your team be out of the playoffs for 10 years and still sell out every game. It hurts what we have been through but its part of what defines me as a Bills fan and as a person.


    I just cant wait until this team circles the wagons again.

  18. Well, I live about 3 minutes from the stadium, so it wasn't quite a transcontinental journey. Some large segments of society would probably deem someone who has posted almost 900 times on an NFL message board a loser.


    I guess it's all perspective, aye?




    Best comeback Ive seen in a really long time.

  19. I didn't watch the game last night, but I did last time it was on back in December or so. What stuck out to me was that the defense totally stopped TN all day long. The Titans got 12 points in the second quarter and not including the Music City Forward Lateral, 3 points in the 4th.


    The whole game hinged on one play. NOT the Music City Forward Lateral as most people think, but instead, Rob Johnson fumbling the ball out of the back of the end zone. That gave the Titans 2 points. They took the free kick in good field position and got a TD. This happens in football a lot. A safety is a huge lift for team and often results in 5 or 9 points.


    The safety was in large part due to RJ mishandling the snap and trying to regain possession of the ball. He spent a large part of the first quarter trying to get used to getting the snap from center. They even showed them practicing this on the side. This should be worked out in preseason, not the playoffs.


    There's no way in heck Flutie fumbles the ball out of the back of the end zone for a safety. Ain't gonna happen. That's what blew the game for us. Pure and simple.


    Yeah, that would mean something if Rob Johnson didnt leave the field after loosing a shoe, taking his team down in the final 16 seconds to score a TD and have the game all but won until the crappy special teams players didnt follow their lanes and let what might be one of the most embarrassing plays in football to happen.


    Johnson left the field in the lead, and there was nothing more you could have asked of him. If you want to say we should have won if it wasnt for the safety then anyone can just say we would have won if Wychek is tackled or misses Dyson on the pass. Nobody knows how Flutie would have played that day, but we do know for a fact that RJ left the field in the lead.


    I cant talk about this anymore. Im going to go into an uncontrolled rage and go find Doug Flutie and punch him in the face just because people are talking about him again.


    Im out on this convo now.

  20. Ok, lets call a spade a spade. It WAS INDEED a forward pass. I don't care how close it was, how time has softened anyone's stance, or how anyone can play devil's advocate, it was a forward pass, period. I can't argue any more on that topic, so i'll leave it alone.


    Except that it was actually NOT a forward pass.


    Hate to say it as Im a die hard fan. But we need to let this be. It has been proven that it was at best a parallel pass to the line which wouldnt constitute a forward pass. Oh, and the fact that the officials called it a backwards pass that day and it will never be brought back.


    Can we just get over it please. It sucked. and if we continue to blame the Titans, or Officials about this it will get us no where. The fact is the Bills special teams play that day should be disgusted with themselves for allowing that play to even happen. If anything we should be pissed at Dehaven and the rest of the special teams players.

  21. After watching the top ten controversial calls on NFLN I cant help but say it again. The call was not a blown call. It was a backwards pass, or at least parrallel to the line if your looking at where the ball was thrown from (position of Wychecks arm) and where it was caught (Dyson's hands). But to get that right on the field I think was a bit crazy. Either it was too much to overturn, or the refs feared their lives if they overturn that call.


    On another note, and I havent relived this game yet but did DVR it and expect to watch this weekend, Rob Johnson left the field as a winner that game. Anyone that brings out the "if we had Flutie in we would have won" bit can take a long look at the special teams coaching and players during that game. If that never happens, Rob Johnson wins the game and we may be talkinga bout the Bills winning the SB with Rob Johnson. It has been stated before by previous players and coaches of the Rams that the Bills were the only team they were worried about in the big game.


    If only...

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