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Everything posted by timbuk3

  1. What do you want from a guy that can read 5 words per minute.
  2. Hey I'd prefer that they focus on getting unemployment and cobra reimbursement extended so that I can keep my house and affordable health care while I try to find a job in this economy, but I guess it's more important to worry about making sure that the rich get richer and the fat get fatter.
  3. I'd be glad to pay for games online if possible. For example I'd love to see the Broncos-Colts game today. Unfortunately, Bills-Chiefs are at the same time.
  4. You're assuming that Jones or Tauscher would want to come to Buffalo.
  5. Probably be about as much as they got for JP.
  6. Fortunately I have unlimited text messaging otherwise I would be pissed that the Bills wasted my 10 cents on that little piece of info.
  7. Doesn't matter. Looks worse to crap out on a #4 pick than a #23 pick. Is the next Mike Williams available?
  8. Another great waste of a second round draft pick by the brains of 1 Bills Drive. :censored: :censored:
  9. What large body of water is near Denver or Cinci? Have to check my map again.
  10. October 31, 1971 in the Rockpile. Dennis Shaw was QB. OJ in the backfield with Braxton. I was a kid so I don't remember too much except that they lost (which they did a lot that year).
  11. Ditch Scott (and send Chambers with him). Bell may make a good backup someday. Wood and Levitre are keepers. Might look for a better center. Still need a topflight left tackle.
  12. Yawn. I got the same text. Wasn't even worth picking up the phone to check.
  13. I love it when people label a guy a "bust" before he evens comes out. The guy is an athlete. Just look at all of those "can't miss" QB's like: Alex Smith, Akali Smith, Jamarcus Russell and that guy who was drafted after Peyton Manning.
  14. Yeah and look at the guy above him. What's not shown is how many times he's been sacked. I watched one game and I think that he was sacked 4 times in one quarter.
  15. Interim says it all. If I was Fewell, I would be praying to keep my DC job next year.
  16. Insert _______ gives us the best chance to win. Who cares. None of the QB's on the team is an NFL starter, so play whomever you want. Bring in Brooks Bollinger if you want. As long as an NFL caliber starter is on the team next season.
  17. In no particular order: 1) Jackson 2) Lynch (he's still a beast) 3) Wood 4) Stroud 5) McGee 6) Shobel
  18. Exactly. If he were a rookie 6th round draft pick and played that way, he would have been cut a long time ago. Therefore, what it says is that he doesn't have to try and the coach isn't gonna do anything about it. Therefore, put in someone who's actually hungry and wants to give an effort.
  19. TO did what he was supposed to do. He sold tickets. Beyond that, I don't think much else could be expected with this team.
  20. His actions show that he obviously doesn't give a crap. By shortarming that last pass that was intercepted, TO was more concerned about protecting his ass than extending to get the ball. Yes the team sucks, but if he doesn't even want to try, bring in Steve Johnson or James Hardy and let the team determine if they can play (or try to play) as TO won't be here next year.
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