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Everything posted by timbuk3

  1. OK, ball comes your way. Don't short-arm the ball. Stick your arms out to catch the ball.
  2. enough already. The guy obviously doesn't give a . Two passes thrown his way in the 4th on the sames series. First one, over his head, OK. Next one a little behind, but for sakes, look like you care and try to get the ball. Why even bother trying to throw to the guy. I realize he is probably frustrated, but why the heck did he even come to Buffalo. He knew the team sucked. What did he expect?
  3. I believe a head coaches greatest strength would be to surround himself with the right people. People that know what they are doing and will help him succeed. That being said, regardless of who Buffalo could or would get, unless the front office changes, the Bills will still run a low-budget operation which fields a team consisting of players of mid to lower level caliber. Remember. "You can't polish a turd" (Beavis and Butthead).
  4. In reality, what have the three of them done since they left NE? Maybe it was the organization there and not their specific coaching that caused NE to win Super Bowls. BTW, NE has still been successful since they have left.
  5. More than a win, I'd love to see some spark from the offense and Edwards. If they win fine, if they lose, oh well. I have really low expectations for the the team anyways and regardless of what they do, it won't change my opinion that they are a bad team.
  6. Think Pittsburgh Penguins. It helps to suck and have the number 1 or 2 draft pick for many years. It also helps to have a front office who knows what they are doing (see Pittsburgh Steelers).
  7. I wouldn't be too hard on them for the Cousineau screw-up. If I remember correctly it was the draft pick the Bills got from Cleveland for Cousineau that got them Jim Kelly.
  8. Ahnold is only a Californian since they won't let him run for President.
  9. I like the comment about Jacksonville blacking out the games. If I remember, LA teams had problem selling out games with a population about 10x bigger than Jacksonville.
  10. Not another one of these threads! OMG! Bottoms up!
  11. And the Jerry Jones's of the league would love to have a team move from a shrinking market with low ticket prices to a market where his share of the ticket take could be 3-4x greater.
  12. If you are coming in to Syracuse the night before, have your friend take you to Dinosaur BBQ. Okay, it's not Texas level, but it is a rather interesting place.
  13. This may be old news, but I just noticed this at the LA Stadium site under the FAQ section. Team Don’t take my Raiders or Chargers. It is our understanding that the National Football League has no intention of expanding, but they do want to be in Los Angeles. State-of-the-art stadiums are required for teams to stay competitive in today’s NFL. We do not control what team will play in the new Los Angeles Stadium, but we do know it will be an existing team that needs to move because they cannot build a new stadium or financially they are not successful in their current market. We can not disclose which teams we are talking with. I would assume that the Bills and Jacksonville are on the target list, even though Ralph says that the team will not be sold while he is alive (of course he also says that the team will be more competitive next year).
  14. Who cares. They both are nothing more than backups. Still waiting for Bills to get a bonifide starter.
  15. I like the one play where Bell was dancing around in circles holding his arm. I forgot if it was the Edwards sack or Fitz no interception play.
  16. Seems as if he has a better handle on the crappy offense that the Bills have put together.
  17. So sorry! Is there a listing of threads that can't be started?
  18. Tickets have already been sold and it's not like he would come back to this pathetic team anyway. Trade him!!!!
  19. I'd be interested to find out out from all of you which team you would support (if any) if the Bills leave Buffalo. Would you still be as rabid a football fan? Will we then be stuck having the two NJ teams forced on us (on TV) every weekend? Or if they go to Toronto, would you follow them as the Toronto ?? (although LA seems more likely unless Jacksonville moves first).
  20. Sorry, but Bell is not even close to where Peter's was in his prime. Every time there is an OL penalty, I wait to hear the now familiar "Holding #77 offence" or "False start #77".
  21. Great, another 5'11" linebacker. Can't they sign someone taller than 6 ft?
  22. They call it mellow yellow..............
  23. Yeah and 1) Two half-way decent OT's (sorry but Bell would have difficulty making others team's practice squads) amd maybe a quality center 2) 2-3 decent LB's (not the light-weights the Bills keep picking up) 3) A decent TE
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