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Everything posted by box0life

  1. According to footballcoachscoop.com, Mangini will be fired perhaps on Tuesday. Would Cowher be interested in the Cleaveland job with Holmgren as GM?
  2. I live near Gainesville, Florida but spent my first 22 years in Amherst. I've see Tebow play for four years here at Florida. We should have a sign that says Cowher + Tebow = Super Bowl.
  3. It looks like the players are basically throwing in the towel for this year. I can't believe we have an additional 8 players out for the Indy game. The players are running for the bus in order to make plans to play golf already. The biggest excitement coming from the team is that Fitzpatrick is ready to go back in and get killed with this offensive line situation. I can't believe the reporters are excited that Fitzpatrick is healthy. Does it get any worse than this? It just appears that these players are just not in football shape. They are too soft, out of shape and lack the talent to stay healthy. Something has to be wrong here. I hope Nix is the right choice, but with Ralph's track record I don't have a lot of confidence. Anything less than Cowher as coach and this hire is a bust. If they hire another mediocre coach, the fans are going to revolt. Nothing about the Nix hire has the fans excited. Without a top tier coach, there again is no optimism. Without any optimism, season tickets sales are going to be there worst in several years.
  4. It's a great idea. I wish I was going so I could paint Cowher's name on my chest in the cold. But I live in Florida.
  5. That is awesome. Now we are talking. If that really happens, I'll be excited to no end. Great photo.
  6. If he sways Marty out of retirement, the Bills will be losers for another six years. I'm sick of turning to the elderly for answers with this football organization. It didn't work with Levy and it won't work with Marty. I am very concerned with the Nix hire if he goes in this direction.
  7. I don't want Marty Shottenheimer as our next coach. He is old, out of touch with the current league, and doesn't win in the playoffs. If Nix was hired to entice Marty to be our next coach, I'm done with Bills football and will concentrate my time on the Buffalo Bulls who hired an energetic, no nonsense coach and appear to be heading in the right direction. The big question is whether or not Nix has any type of past relationship with Bill Cowher or Russ Grimm. We don't need a GM and Coach who were recently in retirement. This didn't work with Levy, so why do we continue to look to the elderly for this teams future? I have nothing against old people, but we need some younger fresh energy in this organization.
  8. Ron Wolf would be the perfect fit for the Bills as our new GM. If we don't try to get him, the Bills organization is absolutely inept.
  9. Dungy has already been on record as saying he is not going to coach next year. So he is not an option. Cowher will have many suitors. The bills will try but they fail in convincing him to come to Buffalo. It's going to be Weiss, Grimm, or Fassel. The Bills will go cheap once again.
  10. Basically, our only hope of landing Cowher or any good coach and GM is if Jim Kelly and friends get ownership of this team soon as some rumors are suggesting. That would take out the relocation concerns. I wonder what is so big that's going to happen that Thurman Thomas is excited about? Perhaps ..... Cowher is a part of that ownership group with Kelly. I can only hope.
  11. You know you are on to something there. If I was drafting for the Bills I know none of these busts would have been drafted by me or by most Bills fans. It's pathetic, but Bills fans probably know more then the pathetic scout team we've been relying on.
  12. Cleveland will land Holmgren on Monday and Washington has already landed Bruce Allen. Don't tell me they couldn't start interviewing already. We are already behind.
  13. Since the Bills suck and their season is a waste, at least UB has hired a new coach. Jeff Quinn, Offensive Coordinator for Cincinnati has been hired. He seems like a positive hire. Perhaps we should spend our money on UB football instead of the pathetic Bills. UB hires a coach in one week and the Bills haven't even started looking for GM yet and won't start until after Christmas. What is wrong with this picture? We should have a GM candidate basically picked out already to hire. Yet the Bills haven't even started. Unbelievable. Ralph is sitting on his ass watching this team implode while doing nothing about it except throwing the world at Shannihan who has no interest in coaching the Bills. The Bills need a GM first and need to hire one now, not after the season is over. Coaches should be hired after the season is over, but the Bills don't have a clue. While they are wasting valuable time finding a GM, all the good coaching prospects will be gobbled up by other teams. The Bills organization is pathetic.
  14. 1. Both Qb's suck and were hurt, time to play Brohm. 2. Improved our Draft order - Maybe. 3. Incognito could be an upgrade over time. 4. Won't have to worry about Fewell being our head coach next year after 124 yards in penalties and another disaster. 5. Jets and Dolphins lost too. 6. Poz played well. 7. Fred Jackson is now our full time starter and would be a star on any other team with an offensive line. Thought I could come up with more but that was about it. Boy, this team sucks.
  15. For those of you who want Dungy as our coach, on the Dan Patrick show this morning he said he does not want to coach this coming year. He has declined all overtures including the Bills. Time to get over this idea. I think I would like to see Russ Grim as coach so we have money to spend on players instead of on a coach like Shanny who wants total control and wants to much money. He also may not have the drive to put in the time to build another winner.
  16. Bills need a left tackle, quarterback, and another stud LB. But most importantlywe need a coach and GM.
  17. 24-9 Fish. This offensive line and quarterback can not score more than 10 points against the fish.
  18. I am a Bills fan that lives near Gainesville, Florida. I have watched Tebow since he arrived from St. Augustine. Here is what he brings to a team. 1. Great leadership. 2. His will to win will lift an entire team to play better. 3. Great role model for fans and players. 4. Will never stop improving and getting better - does not quit. 5. Good arm strength and can be very accurate. 6. Sees pressure well and can avoid the sack - will make positive yards on a broken play. 7. Will sell tickets and increase the number of Bills fans. A key to staying in Buffalo. 8. A Jim Kelly clone with more power, strength and speed. 9. At Florida, he hasn't had to throw for 300 yards, because they are always leading in the game. If he had to come from behind he can do it. 10. Smart, humble and will not get in trouble. 11. Has God on his side. The Bills could really use God on their side once in a while. 12. Great athlete with incredible intangibles. 13. Very rarily stopped for loss or no gain on a running play. Incredible on third down conversions. This guy is everything that the Bills are not right now. I take him over all other quarterbacks in the draft because he is a proven winner. The Gators will take a significant fall next year once he is gone.
  19. 1. Offensive line can't open a hole to save their lives. 2. Reggie Corner sucked in this game - picked on all game. 3. Poz was all over the field, but made enough blown plays to say that he was average at best. I don't think he would start on most other teams. 4. Say what you want about Owens , but he came to play today. He kept us in this game. 5. The defensive line came to play. Even without Stroud they played inspired football. 6. Roscoe still scares me. 7. Fred Jackson should be starting, not Lynch. Lynch has done nothing all year. His fumble may have cost us the game. 8. Still can't understand how our offensive line can continue to have false starts penalties. It is unbelievable. 9. Every time we have an offensive penalty, we end up punting. This offense kills drives by themselves at an enormous rate. 10. The offense plays scared in the fourth quarter. Nobody ever makes a play when it counts late in a game. 11. Fitzpatrick was inaccurate at key times in this game, but he has balls. He wasn't scared to throw the ball down field. 12. Byrd did not play well.
  20. I am taking my son to his first Bills Football game also. I moved to Florida from Buffalo when I graduated from college. It has been tough getting him to be a true Bills fan because of the Florida Gators being so close and successful. The Bills have been pathetic for so long, who wants to be a fan of a losing team. But after his first Bills game, I hope to change him to a true Bills fan. I hope they don't flop. But I don't see Fitzpatrick leading this team to a win. Jarius Byrd was the only reason they won the two games they did with Fitzpatrick starting.
  21. As crazy as it sounds there is a rumor that Jimmy Johnson is in town. What would you think about Jimmy Johnson as the GM or head coach? I know this sounds crazy but I am only stating what was on another website.
  22. I don't care what this guy has to say. He has the worst rushing defense in the league. He had two weeks to prepare his defense for Chris Johnson and Vince Young and he failed miserably. What makes this guy give you any confidence he can turn the rest of this team around? Give me a break. He's all talk.
  23. I've been a bills fan for over 35 years. I don't want to just make the playoffs and be respectable. I want a Super Bowl victory before I'm to old to remember it. Making the playoffs and losing in the first round sucks. You get a lower first round pick and really have nothing to show for the season by losing in the first round which is what Marty did consistantly. I'm sick of mediocrity. How can you people settle for this.
  24. I don't want Marty. He plays a boring conservative style of football that is not going to sell tickets. He will make the Bills competative but will not produce a winner in the playoffs. If you want more mediocrity hire him, but if you want to go to the Super Bowl, we need more out of a coach. Marty is not the answer. He has never brought a team to the Super Bowl ever. Why do you think he will do it now?
  25. What I am concerned with is that while Ralph is looking for a new GM, all the great coaches that will be available next year will be hired by other teams. While posturing for GM, we will miss out on all the top coaches and be left with the scraps come time to hire a real coach. We will then have to settle with another cheap inferior coach. Quite honestly, if he doesn't have a deal done with a new GM by the end of the season we are going to be behind the eight ball going into the off season. That's what happened when we were looking for our last GM, Donahoe. By the time he was hired there were no proven coaches still available and we settled on an inferior unproven coach. Ralph you should be interviewing GM candidates behind the scenes right now, not waiting until the end of the season.
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