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Everything posted by EasternOHBillsFan

  1. You calling me challenged is like the guy who insulted Stephen Hawking a couple of weeks ago... Tort reform? Hmm.. seems like you left out insurance industry reform as well! You could not possibly have complete reform without also reforming the insurance industry. Tax benefits... you mean the government is losing revenue for those who purchase health insurance? How does that reduce costs? It seems to me it just passes it on to the federal government for costs to be distributed later, and adding to this deficit you keep going on and on about. It isn't a good idea to FORCE them to? How else do these people get coverage? Talk about "death panels"- I guess then they either pay up by selling all they have or dying- what a choice.
  2. Want to reduce health care costs to Americans? Install government health care for all working Americans. Ohh, that's right, extremists say that is "inefficient" and it will create "death panels". All of this rhetoric is just aimed to maintain the status quo so those who make billions off of the misery of others continue to do so. OK then smart guy, what plan will REDUCE costs for medical care and cover those who need it if you are so informed?!
  3. This is why I'm an advocate for bad credit... who will EVER steal your identity or want to datamine you with bad credit?! Seriously, this is already happening from other nations' intelligence services, so it isn't new news to me. If you put it on the internet, EVERYONE has access to it, like it or not!
  4. I sure haven't got extreme conservative Red America on my side... I'll take the independents and non-extremist Blue Staters; good enough for me. I'm satisfied.
  5. It is done 24/7/365 on Fascist New Channel, so you should be used to it by now, right??
  6. I think that what he said was horrible, and he should be fired. It was a terrible comparison, and in bad taste. HOWEVER, do you all have the guts to say what Rush has said that he ADMITTED to saying was dispicable and racist? Hmmm.. I don't see that ever happening. Hypocrisy lives, or not???
  7. The only reason why FOX News is the highest rated is because just about everyone in Red State America has cable now- big surprise. I love it that they have the cajones to stand up to the Fascist News Channel- it is about time someone did. They are STILL looking for the weapons of mass destruction they they said were found....
  8. It matters not.. the Bills REFUSE to improve themselves- only to replace IR players with low cost free agents...
  9. Guilt by association?! Sounds like the same old McCarthyism to me... Oooooo, you SCARE me... the boogeyman is going to "take control of my health care"!!! I'm so scaaared, like a little rabbit in the woods... ROFL Wow, if that's "Commie" then I'll be damned if I'm going to let fascists try and scare me from health care reform so their buddies in the insurance lobby and the drug manufacturer lobby and the medical supply lobby continue to eat from the trough. Don't worry, for every little angry actor you send to town hall meetings and every little "death panel" reference there will be an actual person who is majorly affected by not having health care coverage, you know, a REAL victim.
  10. The league is going to have to step in if it happens again, that's for sure... everyone is going to throw an absolute fit.
  11. If you saw the final scoring, Chicago got 2.5 more points for "degree of difficulty", something I protest. Rotisserie chicken and sausage/ground beef burgers are NOT more difficult to cook than stuffed pork loin tied and grilled along with Buffalo wings on the grill. That's where I cried foul...
  12. San Diego went 8-8 and won the AFC West, so .500 team+playoff entrant is 41 games. It is that bad.
  13. That's very generous of you! Let me PM you...
  14. WAIT A SECOND..... PLEASE someone confirm this shocking statistic.... seriously.... The LAST time we beat a team that ended up having a winning record was 41 games ago.. yes, 41 games, when we beat the to be 10-6 Jets in 2006 31-13 in the Meadowlands. San Diego and Denver were 8-8 last year, so I went back until I go to that game... 41 straight without a win against. 41. Wait- it is 25 games... against the Washington Redskins in 2007, when they went 9-7.... still though, 25 games without a win against a team who finished with a winning record.
  15. That would be AWESOME!!!! The one thing I remember besides the Thurman Thomas show and Montana getting clocked was Schottenheimer not blitzing... I'll send you my address in PM and send you a game in trade if you don't have the Comeback game, Bills-Pats 31-0, Bills/Jax, or Bills/Jets (1999 Flutie game).
  16. She may be a big-mouthed, extremist clown, but the people she's talking about are a part of the same circus...!
  17. We have Dan Darragh as QB back there... so who cares WHO starts??!? The same result ensues....
  18. Yeah, and you'd scrap fat guy vs. fat guy for possession of the puck... classic. Skinny vs. fat? FUGGETABOUTIT. :laugh:
  19. It was also an NES game.. I had the damn thing.. COME ON, MAN!!!! I'm 37 years old LOL http://www.gamespot.com/pages/image_viewer....php?pid=587165
  20. Man, what great footage.... what Facenda said about Joe Cribbs sounded so epic I used to have Buf/KC Championship Game from 1993 on VHS, but the tape got messed up...
  21. I am watching the Ohio State/Purdue game, and I have noticed a couple of fatal weaknesses that will doom Ohio State either today, or against Iowa, or Penn State: 1. OSU's wide receivers are just... average. There is no Robiskie, no Holmes, no Jenkins out there making plays- sure, Carter is capable, but he's young and still finding his way. Sanzenbacher, Small, and Posey are just NOT performing at a high level. 2. Terrelle Pryor is just looking like Jamarcus Russell out there in the pocket- he's fumbling, being indecisive on runs, not getting rid of the ball, and is turning into a bust. I'm afraid his decision making and awareness are very suspect at this point. 3. The offensive line, especially on the left side, is underperforming against underwhelming defenses. If OSU plays a team with good to great DE's, they are toast. This is an all defensive team without a consistent offense... only superior defensive play could bail out OSU like in their championship season in 2002/03. It is falling apart week after week...
  22. No Burgertime?!! Man, that sucks. I want a recount!!!!
  23. The NFL is so lacking in quality NFL announcers like in the past, i.e. Dick Enberg and Charlie Jones, that it has become very disturbing on Sundays.
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