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Everything posted by EasternOHBillsFan

  1. I was just joking around... all in good fun.
  2. 5 INT's should have meant destroying the Jets.
  3. I do.. without history, proper persepective would be unattainable. Actually, the Bills should have been the team from the AAFC to join the NFL, but George Preston Marshall, owner of the Redskins, didn't like us...
  4. No chance at all.. we suck, and I'm just tired of this team this season. THERE... now it is guaranteed.
  5. Have you WATCHED him play at ALL this season!? He is horrible... he turns the ball over more than Losman did, and has a weaker arm. No thank you... move on, move on...
  6. Can't trade Roscoe, won't trade TO... what in the #!#@ is this organization good for?? Ohh yeah, that's right.... NOTHING.
  7. Why don't they just establish a "Cougar Town", where cougars can gather and hunt as they please? Take that as you like...
  8. Insulting me isn't making you look good, that is for sure... true arguments aren't built on insults; kind makes you look like a jacka$$, you know? If you can't make the connection between tort reform and the profits of lawyers, then I suggest YOU be better informed- I'm not going to spell out the connection for you. Who do you think gets a high precentage of these awards by the courts? Come now... Matter of fact, despite how you rationalize it, I'm just ignoring you.. I don't like being insulted during a simple argument.
  9. Hmmm, and lawyers making profits due to malpractice is evil? Please tell me how lawyers making profits is evil and insurance companies doing it is not evil... this I MUST hear!!!!!
  10. Snide one liners are a mainstay in the typical extremists arsenal.
  11. Pretty slick there, I must say... using the deep recession we were in to somehow give the insurance industry a free pass! To you, $2 billion in profits is not much compared to the other 80 or so companies, but this is HEALTH CARE- not construction, not airlines, not industries that are luxuries. Health care is a NECESSITY, and to make this much of a profit off of others misery is insanity. When our economy finally recovers, the gravy train will ramp up again and the exorbitent profits will roll as they have in the past.
  12. Status quo as in those who earn exorbitent profits off of misery still are untouched, while those who suffer injuries under the system as penalized for wanting restitution. Is that fair? No, that is not fair... and you know it. The definition of a shell game is making it seem as if something is so when it simply has been moved around, i.e. deception. All your tax benefits do is pass on the costs to the government, and we pay for those costs later on, either through this deficit you talk about, or higher taxes, or costs somewhere else. THAT is the shell game, and you cannot deny it, no matter how hard you try.
  13. Like you told me, READ. I address the 'shell game' of tax benefits' and other issues. YOU read.
  14. Now that was fun!!! I find it difficult sometimes to avoid PPP... I have this nasty habit of letting my emotions over a subject bleed into my reasoning like a hemorrhage, and so I must self-medicate by staying away
  15. They are intertwined, though... a system built upon shutting out millions of people, working people, and then charging those who do extremely high costs to get vital care is a corrupt and broken system. The reform he was talking about is a shell game, and not a real solution- it maintains the status quo with respect to the insurance industry and medical suppliers and drug companies while limiting the rights of those who are most harmed under the system. It is wrong, and there is a better way.
  16. It was a total mind fart on my part... I hate it when I do that... I knew how to spell it... grrr..!! LOL By the way, my post was not a non sequiter [sic] Prove it was a non sequitur. ROFL
  17. They most certainly did stoop to their level with their spokesman and his Mao nonsense... but there is a fine line between criticism of job performance (which not enough of the left-leaning networks are doing these days) and outright demonizing as you said. The problem is that we don't have a reliable outlet of news that tells it like it is, i.e. real news... all we get is fluff and controversy in the name of ratings...
  18. You calling me challenged is like the guy who insulted Stephen Hawking a couple of weeks ago... Tort reform? Hmm.. seems like you left out insurance industry reform as well! You could not possibly have complete reform without also reforming the insurance industry. Tax benefits... you mean the government is losing revenue for those who purchase health insurance? How does that reduce costs? It seems to me it just passes it on to the federal government for costs to be distributed later, and adding to this deficit you keep going on and on about. It isn't a good idea to FORCE them to? How else do these people get coverage? Talk about "death panels"- I guess then they either pay up by selling all they have or dying- what a choice.
  19. Want to reduce health care costs to Americans? Install government health care for all working Americans. Ohh, that's right, extremists say that is "inefficient" and it will create "death panels". All of this rhetoric is just aimed to maintain the status quo so those who make billions off of the misery of others continue to do so. OK then smart guy, what plan will REDUCE costs for medical care and cover those who need it if you are so informed?!
  20. This is why I'm an advocate for bad credit... who will EVER steal your identity or want to datamine you with bad credit?! Seriously, this is already happening from other nations' intelligence services, so it isn't new news to me. If you put it on the internet, EVERYONE has access to it, like it or not!
  21. I sure haven't got extreme conservative Red America on my side... I'll take the independents and non-extremist Blue Staters; good enough for me. I'm satisfied.
  22. It is done 24/7/365 on Fascist New Channel, so you should be used to it by now, right??
  23. I think that what he said was horrible, and he should be fired. It was a terrible comparison, and in bad taste. HOWEVER, do you all have the guts to say what Rush has said that he ADMITTED to saying was dispicable and racist? Hmmm.. I don't see that ever happening. Hypocrisy lives, or not???
  24. The only reason why FOX News is the highest rated is because just about everyone in Red State America has cable now- big surprise. I love it that they have the cajones to stand up to the Fascist News Channel- it is about time someone did. They are STILL looking for the weapons of mass destruction they they said were found....
  25. It matters not.. the Bills REFUSE to improve themselves- only to replace IR players with low cost free agents...
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