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Everything posted by Kevin

  1. Yeah Dean, I have a pretty good idea of how the Bills were with Jason Peters. THEY SUCKED!!! I don't like 7-9. With Peters they were going to be mediocre AGAIN! If the Bills screw the draft up then as fans we are screwed yet again. But there is the potential for the organization to do something really great here. If you don't like what the Bills do then root for the Patriots, until then stfu.
  2. Tim H. made some good points about character issues that Peters had and TO. What I took from Wileys comments though is that the locker room was getting pissed at Peters. It leads me to believe that if the Bills didn't trade Peters, held their ground (which they would have done on both sides) with Peters holding out again, only to come back mid season this time instead of week 1 this team would have been even worse off. That would mean that next season Peters stock will have fallen and the Bills would be stuck with basically nothing in return. I read a comment earlier from someone comparing Peters to a house that got flipped. He was undrafted, and we got a first, fourth, and sixth next year for him. Now we don't have to worry about a holdout. The Bills can make their moves before the season starts in regards to OL. The players can have the entire training camp to adjust. How are the Bills not better off?
  3. OOOOOHHHHHHHHHHH, ok...... You still know more about the team than I do hahahaha. I am really pumped up about this trade. I was dreading having Peters unsigned going into the season again. When Marcellus made that comment that made me perk up. I don't know how reliable Marcellus is, but it was certainly an interesting comment.
  4. I like what the Bills have done this off season. Dockery didn't play up to his contract, Preston didn't impress, and Fowler totally blew it. Royal IMO was getting out performed by Fine and Schouman. I would like to see them get rid of a few more lack luster stars on the team. I don't like Kelsay, and I am not sure that Edwards will survive the season. They had to do something to shake it up a little. Maybe this will provide the spark that some of the guys in the locker room will need. With that said I will probably change my mind mid season again.
  5. Tim or Lori, I heard Marcellus Wiley say that he talked to one of the locker room leaders on the Bills that basically said that Peters was holding the team hostage with his contract talks and holdout threats. It sounded to me like the team was starting to get fed up with Peters over this whole thing. Have either one of you heard anything similar to this?
  6. I can't believe this is even an issue. It is becoming more apparent that you need two quality backs to succeed in this league. We have concerns at quarterback, o-line, d-line, linebacker, tight end, safety. We don't have to worry about wide receiver, defensive back, and running back. I am getting sick and tired of the front office screwing with the areas that we shouldn't have to worry about. PAY THE GUY, he is worth it.
  7. Let's just say that the term "let's just say" is really pissin me off. Let's just say that my answer for question 1 and the rest of the "speculations" listed above is as follows: Let Peters hold out. It appeared to me that the Bills were better without him. As for the draft, get the best player available in round 1, then fill in the gaps.
  8. You may not want to hear this but you still get to go to home games. I am in California. I have to pay out my A$$ to go to a home game, which is the reason I have never been to one. Seeing just one Bills home game is a dream for me. You know, one of those "Before I die" dreams. In the meantime I have to risk my life and go see the Bills play the Raiders in Oakland, or travel across the bay to San Francisco. The last time I got to see the Bills play was the 41-7 stomping of the niners. I understand your frustration, but you still have it good. I personally don't care what the Bills do as long as they start being more competitive. If that means moving a couple of games to Toronto then so be it. I just want to see results, and if I see those results then great. If not, then it would be time to re-think their strategy. With that said, when you look at the Bills statement, I don't think they are going to move any more games to Toronto.
  9. Is this the same site that always called DJ a zombie, worthless, terrible coach? Now he grew balls? WoW....How things change huh? I better call DirecTv and renew my Sunday Ticket. I never thought I would say this, but I love TO hahahhahahaha
  10. Now if the Bills signed TO I would re-up my Sunday Ticket. That would be an entertaining show! Imagine this, TO going off on Jauron and Schonert then barking in Edwards ear. Jauron just sitting there with THAT look on his face. You know, the one where he looks up at the jumbo tron with that blank stare, like he is praying to God to end the madness. Turk would end up under the bench in the fetal position sucking his thumb and crying to his mommy. Sign him up. I will even donate one of my unemployment checks to the cause.
  11. So, lemme get this straight. Haven't been to the playoffs in how many years? Three consecutive 7-9 seasons. Retaining a coaching staff with a losing record. What do we have to look forward to this year? Day 1 of FA signings and... NY Jets sign LB Scott, trade for Lito Sheppard... Fins sign two good safeties, and a cornerback right? NE gets Fred Taylor.... Buffalo gets Ryan Fitzpatrick. You want us to remain optimistic? We need a TE desperately now, our o-line has some serious issues, and we lost one of the better players on it. Lets face it, Dockery underperformed his contract but he was still one of the best players on that line. We have a fragile QB that just lost a big part of his protection package. We will probably lose more linemen. How will we replace those guys? Furthermore, we have a running back that can't stay out of trouble, and will in all likelyhood miss a good portion of the season because of his off the field issues. Did I mention Juaron is returning after three consecutive 7-9 seasons when guys like John Gruden, Mike Shanahan, and Bill Cowher are out there? Coaches that have actually gone to the Superbowl, and won. How are we supposed to remain optimistic? Did I miss something? I see all of these postings about stupid lurkers that post on here and don't know what they are talking about (and maybe I am one of them) but please enlighten me. Because in my eyes the glass ain't half empty, it is freaking dry.
  12. To answer the two questions that you ask: Yes. Until Trent or someone else (and it has to be a quarterback) steps up and takes control of this team then there will always be a deficit at the QB position. IMO, Trent hasn't really shown much locker room leadership yet. Maybe it is because he has only completed his first full season as starter, but at some point he has to take control. Not Lee, not Marshawn, not Donte, but Trent. Brady and Big Ben had problems with cold weather but they made the necessary changes to improve because they HAD to just as Trent HAS to if he wants to succeed in Buffalo. It can be done, and it has to be done or when the next coaching staff comes in he will be out. It is the NFL (Not For Long) after all.
  13. When the clock hits 0:00 in the 4th, my alarm clock will go off and I will have to get ready to go to work again.
  14. No, I have the top bunk, now give me my damn crown!
  15. Its not the end of the world. Julius Peppers is out there....what? He wants to play in a 3-4? Nevermind.
  16. I get a kick out of watching Marshawn play. I hope that they can lock up Fred Jackson. I look forward to the Bills special teams. They always pull something out of their a$$ when the team needs it most.
  17. Failure to Launch, Sweet Home Alabama, Knocked Up (if it counts) and The Wedding Singer.... My wife just blurted out Princess Bride too.....
  18. I don't know much, But I know I love you, Thats all I need to know Aaron Neville. Now I need to go shower.
  19. I just looked into my crystal ball, and this is what I saw. The Bills with Dick Jauron as coach go 11-5 and make the playoffs only to lose in the first round. RW is sooooooo impressed that he honors Coach Jauron with his extension, and in the 2010 and 2011 seasons the Bills go 1-15 and 2-14. The Bills opt not to bring Jauron back and hire a new coach for the 2012 season, then history is made on December 21, 2012 when the much anticipated apocalypse happens and civilization as we know it comes to an abrupt end. HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND!!!!!!
  20. I will give you a Bledsoe, and a Losman for it!
  21. I am 31. I have been a Bills fan all my life. Not very optimistic towards next year with the schedule and all. I will keep rooting for the Bills, but I am starting to lose some of the passion.
  22. Peters really pissed me off this year. Trade him. Get something for him and let the other team deal with his contract.
  23. Wow, this is awesome. I remember back when Rob Johnson was QB. The Bills traveled to SF and lost a game 35-0. I got pulled over and the deputy that pulled me over let me go because I had a Buffalo Bills sticker on my truck. He felt sorry for me. Two words for Ko: Bye Bye
  24. I might cut back on Sunday ticket. I can't see spending that much money to watch the Bills lose. I might as well just stick with the local CBS and FOX broadcast. Those games are typically better anyway.
  25. But what happens when you are in Northern California like me? I am in Niner and Raider territory. I might wait and see what the Niners do next year. But then comes the burning hatred of the Niners, and don't get me started on the Raiders. Maybe I will just wait for the next expansion team. This sucks. I have been a Bills fan since I was two. I was born and raised in California, and have never been to Buffalo. But I am a Bills fan. What the hell am I gonna do?!!?!?!?!? DAMN IT RALPH. WHY?
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