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Everything posted by All_Pro_Bills

  1. Yes because the laptop provides real and factual evidence of corruption and payoffs and likely implicating and compromising the President while all the 1/6 "evidence" that Trump sought to overturn the election thru some illegal action is just bullsheet made up for and by Trump-obsessed people like you that believe bullsheet.
  2. Rumor has it that Obama showed up at the White House this week because he was tired of working from home.
  3. Looks like you and Putin have a lot in common when it comes to advocating the use of State power to frame political enemies. You must be very disappointed with this verdict.
  4. 51 former officials inside the US intelligence community signed a letter expressing their conclusion the Hunter Biden laptop was a Russian dis-information campaign. Even the NYT and WaPo have agreed it is authentic. Do you think the former intelligence officials are lying or incompetent?
  5. I'm just still wondering how you can hold confirmation hearings and vote through somebody for a court position that isn't vacant? From a procedure perspective, shouldn't they wait until there is an actually vacancy? I mean, if the slot doesn't need to be vacant at the time of the hearings then why not vote through 8 more Supreme Court justices-in-waiting and stack them up to fill the openings when the become available in maybe a year or two?
  6. My base assumption when assessing unverifiable "information" originating with intelligence agencies wherever and whomever they work for is they are lying. And why wouldn't they? Lying is a basic skill requirement defined in the job description.
  7. Let's face it. At this point given 16 months of almost nothing, nobody can actually be stupid enough to believe these conspiracies about 1/6. Believers in it are just good liars. Proponents of all these insurrection conspiracies know they're all bull crap but don't care. All that matters is the result, not the means or methods or the truth. Like Captain Ahab getting his whale the far-left is going to get Trump whatever the cost and whatever it might take. So maybe another question for anyone genuinely interested in truth and reality is why does anyone continue to believe in these manufactured conspiracies generated by the same group of people when one after another they're failed to deliver any indictable evidence or charges and have proven to be false? Maybe its time to consider the motivations of the accusers rather than the accursed and do some critical thinking about the nefarious objectives of the political actors not named Trump at work here? Of course my thoughts will likely be met with lots of tweet quotes and check lists of transgressions generated by various 1/6 conspiracy believers when all that really matters is evidence, charges, indictments, trials, convictions, and sentencing of the guy in charge. If you can't produce any of that you've got nothin'. End of story.
  8. Oil prices have been in a steady rise since Biden took office. His first action was to cancel Keystone. If he didn't that pipeline would be in production today and the price shock to crude would have been much less to perhaps nothing. And also to align with activists pressuring banks to withdraw or withhold capital from the oil & gas exploration and development sector. Then informing the industry their services will no longer be needed in the near future. Who would invest given those conditions? Now Congress is doing their standard "not my fault" grilling of industry executives. Its a real hoot. If the administration was more focused on long term strategic planning, like our enemies are, instead of appeasing the fringe left we wouldn't be in the current mess. My advice is to build more solar panels and pray for sunny days.
  9. Nobody likes Putin. The specific poll is just a reflection of how much Biden sucks ass, period. Is that too difficult to comprehend?
  10. Who's crying besides you? In November the voters will wash the scum down the drain and all there's left now is to see how much more damage these clowns can do until the mid-terms. In the meantime, we're all going to suffer one way or the other.
  11. Yes, Biden is acting like a dictator assisted by a cadre of political and corporate elites aided by a state security network used to monitor citizens and punish political opposition that combined form a threat to our democracy. Finally we agree on something.
  12. So what's the real lesson here? This Trump supporter is an idiot or Biden is such a terrible and ineffective President that some would rather have a ruthless dictator?
  13. Unchecked? So I assume you didn't notice the hostile press and a Federal bureaucracy and intelligence community intent on sabotaging the administration from day one along with the generation of various imaginary plots and conspiracies?
  14. The only scenario worse than Biden continuing his best actor role as President would be Harris taking over the job. If that happens expect all Hell to break loose on all fronts.
  15. This clearly calls for an independent counsel with the President unambiguously recusing himself from any involvement. When pigs fly, right?
  16. Who's view should you value? A war veteran that threatens the Washington war party establishment or a self-promoting grifter belonging to that establishment pretending to care about the plight of Ukraine?
  17. When the threshold of guilt of "beyond a reasonable doubt" is replaced by some 3rd world junta standard of "more than likely than not" we can convict anyone of anything. This committee is a danger to freedom. As are those supporting them.
  18. And the overwhelming majority of authoritarians in America exerting media control are liberals on the left. This truth is so obvious its pointless to even debate.
  19. What are they afraid of? Simply they're afraid because many on the left are virtue signalling predators. Similar to this I watch the wild animal and bird action in and around my yard. Occasionally a Hawk frequents the area looking for a meal. Typically, a Dove or Pigeon but in a pinch the Alpha Predator has no issue taking a Cardinal or Blue Jay as a meal. When the bird attacks all the prey flee. One might be caught. And then the danger for the rest is gone. What the prey don't realize is that collectively they could protect each other and repel or kill the Hawk by banding together and working for common protection. But they act in a single minded manner and flee. That's what people that fear the left do. Collectively there's no reason for the huge majority to take it from a few. That's why things like parents banding together to demand accountability from school boards scares the crap out of the left.
  20. And back to extrapolating nefarious conclusions from a "leak" from some purported investigation which makes the rounds and gets passed back-and-forth among the left media to generate some faux consensus "we got ya" moment that whips up the necessary hysteria only to fade away in a few days or weeks when refuted but never retracted. A continuous and exhausting cycle of generating bull crap substituting for fact. 16 months and they're still talking about phone calls. People talking about other people talking. Now that's news! At this point the only thing function 1/6 provides is the entertainment value I derive from the topic on this message board.
  21. Federal Election Commission is fining 2016 Clinton campaign and DNC for lying about not funding Russia collusion hoax story. Laundering Clinton and DNC funds to law firm Perkins Coie in order to make the payments appear as legitimate legal fees for services and not in reality payments to Fusion GPS, and then to Christopher Steele for undisclosed payments for opposition research. According to the FEC, Clinton and the DNC violated strict rules governing disclosure of expenditures on opposition research, when they paid opposition research firm Fusion GPS to contract with Steele. A combined $1,024,407.97 was paid by the treasurers of the DNC and Clinton campaign to law firm Perkins Coie for Fusion GPS’s information, and the party and campaign hid the reason, claiming it was for legal services, not opposition research on the dossier. Another fun fact to connect the dots here is attorneys that have/had spent time employed by Perkins Coie resided on Mueller's legal team investigating Russia collusion and the Trump campaign.
  22. Not to mention very generous Federal and State tax credits that go to mostly affluent faux environmentalist buyers of EV's that rarely use them as their primary method of transportation which is something like a Range Rover sitting in the driveway of their 5K sq/ft home with two zone HVAC.
  23. That's true. Nobody voted for Trump because they believe he's some pinnacle of virtue so arguing that he's got moral and ethical shortcomings is like preaching to the choir. At this point calling out his flaws is simply an exercise in self-gratification.
  24. One man's trash is another man's treasure. That's why people host and attend yard sales.
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