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Everything posted by All_Pro_Bills

  1. If, if, & if. If I could run the 100M sprint three seconds faster I'd be the Olympic champion.
  2. Says Fred Wellman, Lincoln Project Executive Director. I'll wager if he or anyone else said the left wing media money machine was Chinese he would be censored.
  3. While Trump is a detestable person in many respects it all comes down to the truth that Trump's election interrupted the political agenda of the .1% elite and their followers for 4 years and the former President and those that dared to vote him into office need to be punished for their disobedience and disregard for their agenda. Rather than move their agenda forward during his term they were required to "play defense" and obstruct anything in his term that might have damaged or inhibited their goals and objectives.
  4. I said or implied nothing of the sort. But you're going to attack mode already? Attacking my character which implies your argument has no validity. For simply pointing out that western countries that urged Zelensky and his country to take a more aggressive posture with Russia abandoned him when hostilities broke out and hung him out to dry? I'm just the messenger here. But that's exactly what happened. Maybe your anger should be directed at those weak governments who made lots of promises and threats but all they're doing is urging the Ukrainians to fight the good fight on their own?
  5. Think about that given the context that the U.S. and all the other western governments and NATO officials that made lots of promises and threats while claiming to support the people of Ukraine have not lifted a finger to stop him. What are they waiting for?
  6. Context. Here's how we make something out of nothing. At the time 15 years ago, Trump was a private citizen seeking to do business in Russia. Lots of businesses from Microsoft to McDonalds were courting the Russian government seeking opportunities in that "market". If you want to suggest Trump is acting inappropriately, should we also then question the motives and loyalties of the executives and representatives of all Western individuals and companies making such overtures at the time? There's nothing extraordinarily odd or unique with Trump's actions from the time. And while we're at it, maybe Time magazine should be criticized first?
  7. Prior to Russia's attack U.S. representatives shared intelligence on Russia with China in an effort to get them on-board to discourage Putin from taking miliary action against Ukraine. They declined and immediately forwarded the intelligence information on to Russia. That's all you need to know about where China stands. Unlike Russia, China has a lot of supporters and advocates among America's elites and corporations through what they call "elite capture", infiltrating US academic and research institutions, and the cultivation of lucrative business and personal relationships with US entities and individuals that keep the pro-China propaganda flowing while domestically discouraging criticism of Xi and the CCP. Hollywood for example, won't even dare to put out a film or TV series that might anger or insult the Chinese leadership. They're all bought off to betray America in the service of China. Russia is basically a top-tier 3rd world economy with nuclear weapons supported by an autocratic ruling class. In a conventional war it's likely the U.S. military could wipe them out in a matter of weeks. China is a bigger threat than Russia. But its a threat of our own making in a trade off for cheap consumer goods and a market for US debt instruments. A deal with the Devil that surprisingly (I gest because its not a surprise) went bad. Advanced under the faulty theory of constructive engagement. Right now they sit back and patiently watch for the time where opportunity to act presents itself. We can trust China as far as you can throw an Elephant.
  8. The administration appears to be counting on the Iran nuclear deal to provides some relief to global oil supply. Assuming a deal can be reached Iran can produce about 1 million barrels per day. However, Israel has said in no uncertain terms that a nuclear Iran is a "red line" and not acceptable. So a deal with Iran could result in a near-term relief drop in the price of oil only to be followed by higher prices resulting from any Israeli military action. Although its impossible to say whether an attack on Iran's nuclear infrastructure would result in a one-and-done attack or escalate into a regional war.
  9. I understand why many Americans can feel this way. Especially those that support the current administration. Which is taking the blame for more or less everything. On the other hand, I expect if things were going extremely well, they'd take credit for everything. As they say, "Success has many parents but failure is an orphan". In principle I share this sentiment but the problem for Democrats in charge right now is they threw the first punch in this spat. They concocted the Russian collusion hoax which they carried on with for a full 4 years to inhibit and disrupt the functioning of the previous administration. With many continuing through with this belief today. They impeached the President in the House twice. One of them because of a phone call and the allegations of offering aid in exchange for political information. Even though Zelensky denied it. I guess we didn't believe him then but now given a change in circumstances his status has been elevated from liar to epic leader. They convened the 1/6 Committee. They're still chasing all kinds of ghosts and spirits while trying to connect the former President to a number of "crimes" for what many see is motivated by unabashed revenge. It would seem to be a bit hypocritical for them to now suggest we all pull together. And for how long? Until after the mid-term elections? And can they be trusted? Asking of others what they would not consider in 2016. "The resistance" instead. Biden campaigned on the unity theme but has failed to deliver on that promise which seems to have been abandoned right after the inauguration. I said a few times on a couple topics here that Biden winning the election did Trump a big favor. The 2020 election was like winning the chance to replace the Captain of the Titanic after the ship hit the iceberg. You're in charge and everybody looking for a seat on a lifeboat isn't going to listen to you telling them the last guy in charge is to blame as the water starts rising around the ankles. It's your ship Captain Biden. So set course and speed.
  10. Knowing defeat is certain why not surrender and spare your citizens from further suffering while insisting on terms such as U.N. peacekeepers and monitors? In the face of death and violence that would seem to be a sensible option to consider.
  11. Extra security was not provided because the goal was to let the protest happen and let things get out of hand. With or without help from federal agency operatives inside the demonstrations encouraging or participating. The silence in the face of questions why security was "standard" in the face of 100,000+ protesters expected to express their dis-satisfaction at the election results and process is deafening. Simply, experienced and seasoned security specialists and leadership at the Capitol would never have allowed this event to get out of control unless ordered to stand down. Only a handful of officials have the authority to give that order. Notably the office of the Speaker of the House. But don't get too excited. You won't see any subpoenas issued for their testimony. Identifying facts and the truth is not high on the list of the Committee's primary objectives. What is on their list of objectives is using the event as the pretext for an investigation and provide conclusions to push for new legislation outlawing criticism and dissent to government. Demonizing and silencing political opposition. Protecting government from the people, not protecting the people's democracy. Just looking at the cast of grifters and charlatans that compose the Committee provide obvious clues to their intent.
  12. In January 2020 I came to the conclusion that we're totally screwed. And nothing that's occurred since then has caused me to alter that conclusion. So by all means, let's send the village idiot to Poland.
  13. *RUSSIA RECOMMENDS FERTILIZER MAKERS TO HALT EXPORTS: IFX Big input into fertilizer production - Natural Gas Wheat futures surge higher. About 20% of world supply from Ukraine/Russia.
  14. I'd request that if any of them are Catholic they consider giving up Trump for Lent.
  15. Sure, I'm defecting but you make a outside the boundary reference to veterans. But I'm defecting. Okay. And recall Trump sanctioned NordStream2 and Biden came into office and dropped the sanctions and killed Keystone. Giving Putin control of the European gas markets and removing oil supply from Canada that would enter oil markets providing North America with some energy security and price stability against the near monopoly position of Russia and OPEC+. But Trump colluded with Russia and received nothing tangible and gave nothing tangible. And Biden put control and power and profits into Putin's pocket and you turn a blind eye to that fact? So give me the logic for giving Joe a pass. And don't deflect.
  16. Perhaps I may have focused my attention on other points made in the article but to quote, "Russia, China and the U.S. are the only true superpowers and the only three countries that ultimately matter in geopolitics." I don't see any reference to primary superpower. In fact a search for the word "primary" yields not found. Can you point out where the writer references Russia as the "primary superpower"? My major takeaway was that the relationship is always 2 on 1 and its not good to be the 1. Thx.
  17. No, anyone believing that hoax is a useful idiot and mouthpiece for China and the western elites making billions off China's expansion. While they were out of power for 4 years they needed to make sure the administration would not make any constructive overtures towards Russia. So what better way than to create some hoax about collusion? And once Biden assumed control is was game back on. That's how we got to where things stand today.
  18. You really have no clue when it comes to geopolitics, alliances, and the strategic objective of the big players. You and others that still push this Russia hoax story might as well sail over to China and give Xi the keys to the kingdom. Because China has been the biggest beneficiary of this hoax and still continues to benefit from the idiots still constantly peddling this nonsense. Xi just sits back, politely and under the radar moves forward with his objectives, and laugh at us. He thanks you.
  19. This to me is a decent articulation of the 3-way relationship between the U.S., China, and Russia. The main theme is there are 3 powers and its always a case of 2 against 1. Prior U.S. policies aligned the U.S. with one or the other vs. the 3rd country (either China or Russia/Soviets) and now its China & Russia against the U.S. https://dailyreckoning.com/how-did-the-u-s-lose-russia/
  20. Report: Everyone Who Adds Ukrainian Flag To Profile Pic To Receive Nobel Peace Prize NORWAY—In thrilling news for supporters of Ukraine on the internet, the Nobel Committee has announced that everyone who has bravely added a Ukrainian flag to their social media profile will now be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. "Every year we scour the world for heroic leaders and freedom fighters who have contributed to the cause of peace," said committee member Bjørn Jørgensen. "Well today, those heroes are all of you—the unsung heroes of social media who have taken the time to add a Ukrainian flag icon to your profile pic. This is the kind of thing that stops dictators like Putin in their tracks." According to the Nobel Committee website, internet users will have until March 1st to add a cute little Ukraine flag to any one of their social media profiles and qualify to receive a peace prize medal in the mail. Those who do not provide their shipping address will instead receive a cool little Nobel Prize NFT instead. Awesome! "Today, the Ukrainian people thank the social media users around the world for standing with us," said Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy while chomping a cigar and loading his belt-fed automatic weapon with more ammo. "We wouldn't be alive if it weren't for you." UPDATE: According to sources, the committee is now reconsidering this idea after problematic podcaster Joe Rogan added the flag to his profile pic.
  21. A lot of armchair Generals here advocating for direct U.S. military involvement appear to be basing their views of war on Rambo 2 and 3 with some 1,000 to 1 kill ratio. But when they live the experience of their mother, father, brother, sister, or best friends coming back from some foreign adventure in a box covered by the flag the idea of war might not seem so noble or just.
  22. Putin's problem is his actions rather than supporting Russia's security interests have clearly demonstrated Ukraine's need to join NATO. I understand the Donetsk and Lugansk autonomy declaration but the attack on the rest of Ukraine is shear madness and contrary to the interests of all parties, including Russia.
  23. Bingo. How do you enforce a "no fly" zone declaration? One the Russians aren't going to recognize. There isn't any alternative to committing American aircraft and support personnel to engage Russian aircraft and ground support positions in combat. So now you're at war with Russia. What am I missing?
  24. Apparently they are that stupid along with lots of other armchair military strategists. I'm guessing most of these "experts" have never been in any kind of confrontation that escalates into a fight in their lives. The reality that if you punch somebody in the face they're probably going to punch you in the face is lost on them. But sure let's bomb the Russian convoy. What could possibly go wrong with that idea? They would never dare to respond in kind, right?
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