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Everything posted by TheKing

  1. Oh we know you do. We know how much admiration you have for your JP.
  2. Well I don't know where you get the idea that he went through a goatf@#k from previous coaches. That didn't happen. (his personal life might be another story) They rolled out the red carpet for Losman and it turns out that his talent was never deserving of it to begin with. It was a mistake. He was a mistake. And Losman ended up costing a lot of coaches their jobs and wasted the time and money of a lot of fans. It's really unfortunate. He won't become another Plunkett. In fact he might never take another snap in the NFL.
  3. Don't worry about JPs issues he can get a fresh start and begin to sort them out on his bus trip out of Buffalo.
  4. Actually I think Jerry probably said too conservative. He's a good writer.
  5. How about they strap a remote controlled tazer to Edwards and give Jauron the button.
  6. I don't know. But on second thought with all that drooling he does I'd rather see them put a muzzle on him.
  7. They talk about it like he committed a holocaust against pitbulls. But in reality how many pitbulls could be have electrocuted? Common sense tells you it wasn't more than a dozen or three. It's not like he caused an extinction.
  8. The should put a collar on cowler, he froths at the mouth like a dog.
  9. That sentence was harsh when you consider the lenience shown for crimes committed against people. These were just animals. Look at Lynch he ran a woman down with an suv and left her in the street and never served a single day behind bars. Pitbulls are not human beings, they're dogs, for crying out loud!
  10. You make a good point , it does deserve some .thought. I considered all the ramifications and came to the comclusion that we should put Losman on the next bus out of Buffalo. Allowing time of course for TheDean TheSenator and Beerball to say their touching goodbyes.
  11. I don't want cowler or cower. Or losman either. Keep all of them out of Buffalo.
  12. I hate to belabor this point but are we sure that it is in fact Lee Evans or is it Lee Evan? Because he pronounces his own name Lee Evan.
  13. That's true he couldn't be. But why review all those plays? Would you have Edwards running or skipping over to Jim Kelly between plays lika a lost dog?
  14. Then why didn't he just park himself in the luxury box with wilson? As for the rest of your post you need to calm down and stop ranting about Kelly saving the world. Get a grip.
  15. What does any of this have to do with Kelly?
  16. Fans will wave anything they are given to wave. They're like zombies for the most part. The Bills could hand them dirty underwear from somalia and they'd be waving it until their arms fell off.
  17. He was a malcontent and a cancer for awhile . If he learns to keep his big mouth shut he could be a good player for this team.
  18. Just keep your eyes open and be thankful he doesn't accidentally run you over in the parking lot.
  19. LOL As I have been telling these people all week, I cannot understand why people pay to watch the games. It's free on Tv My expenditures. 1 case of cold beer $22 1 pizza-cheese peperoni mushrooms and peppers $14 20 chicken fingers $19 gas $0 Tickets $0 parking $0 tolls $0 $55 And I am still eating and drinking today
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