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Everything posted by TheKing

  1. Yes I agree. Once Kelly lost that supporting cast he didn't look like a HOFer Here are his stas in his final year: 1996 att 379 comp 222 yards 2810 58.6 % tds14 int 19 QB rating...... 73.2
  2. Does it sound like he's placing blame on Lindell? Regarding the last drive...does he wish they had taken at least one chance to get closer? Again, paraphrasing... He went on to say that the team shouldn't have been in that position to begin with yadda yadda yadda... I didn't hear his press conference, but if this is accurate, it clearly sounds like he is using Lindell as a scapegoat. Not only that, it sound like he's giving himself credit for them having a chance to kick a winning FG. But then again, Jim Kelly and Thurman Thomas did the same (and still do) to Scott Norwood. So does half the fanbase.
  3. I doubt it. If he does it will likely be the nail in the coffin for Jauron.
  4. Edwards is supposed to lead the team. Who wants a QB that needs to run to the sidelines to cry on Jim Kelly's shoulder? If Edwards needs consoling from Kelly (and I don't think he does) then just get rid of Edwards because he's not suited for the job. Did you see Edwards going over to confer with Kelly? I hope not, because that would be absolutely pathetic.
  5. My suspicion is that if they even think about putting Losman in there for any other reason than an injury, Wilson will show them the door. It should be clear by now that no one has any intention of putting Losman in there for any other reason. The only place they intend to put Losman is on the next bus out of Buffalo as soon as the season ends. And that's a good thing.
  6. That's right, Jaworski would be insane to leave that for coaching.
  7. I agree and disagree. If people want the Bills in Buffalo I do not see how Kelly can play a meaningful role. Kelly is just attempting to position himself like Larry Quinn.
  8. Inappropriate, is the perfect word for it. What head coach with any self-esteem takes advice on the sidelines from former players? What former player would ignorant enough to do that in the first place? I hope Jim Kelly wasn't that ignorant and desperate for attention.
  9. I agree that the game hasn't "passed him by". Those are cliches fans hear and fans absolutely love to parrot cliches. No I don't have a hatred for Kelly. If I hate anything related to this it's fans that cannot stop bowing down to players they have adopted as their gods. I was saying to myself as I watched the game... oh they're showing Kelly on the sidelines, the worshippers will be coming out of the woodwork to reminisce about their hero, you can bank on it. Because it never fails. In their minds Jim Kelly could save the world from anything. If they hear him on the radio they run to the forum to say how great he was in an interview. If they see him at the airport they run to the computer giddy to tell everyone. If they saw him taking a sh*t they would report it as an all pro sh*t, and tell everyone it smelled great , because that is how intense they are in their worship. How long has Kelly been out of football? When do these people stop sniffing Kelly's ass? Is there a stop point on it?
  10. You're right, good teams have impact players that make game winning plays. But if you tell fans that the Bills wasted a high pick on Whitner because he isn't an impact player they won't see the logic.
  11. Did you ask for a return call and the name and extension of the person who is to contact you? Because otherwise you might be just getting a brush off.
  12. I wouldn't want Losman in charge of anyone's safety either. If he wants to try to clean the streets, ok, even if he screws up, he can't do much harm there.
  13. It makes me wonder what these well prepared police would do if there actually was a terrorist act. Sounds to me like they'd be clueless. Yeah it sounds different alright. I think I'll pass. Being a victim of stadium security stupidity isn't my idea of entertainment. Like I said during the week, I wouldn't take tickets to the game if they were free.
  14. These are the type of things you pray for?
  15. Only to desperate fans living in the past and in need of a hero.
  16. Who? Who do you want to make money? It certainly won't be the taxpayers. If the Bills want a new stadium let them build one. Let me clue you in on something. The Bills make plenty of money. And if that team was up for sale it would sell for over a half billion. Wake up.
  17. These people in charge sound like morons. Didn't the damn cops at least have a bullhorn to direct the crowd to stop pushing? It is like I was saying during the week...I cannot understand why people pay to go see the game. I'd much rather just watch it on TV.
  18. Good, Jauron should have ignored hom. Kelly is a guest on the sidelines not a coach. What kind of coach would stop doing his job to listen to advice from a retired player who is a guest on the sidelines. Ridiculous.
  19. If I'm hiring a QB as a coach I'd much rather hire Jaworski. He's far more intelligent than Kelly.
  20. Jim Kelly needs to ride off into the sunset. I saw enough of him and his 4 suprebowl debacles.
  21. If he starts getting in their faces the Bills will never win a game. Who's going to play for a coach that sprays spit all over the place and has the nerve to get in your face? He froths at the mouth like he has rabbies or something.
  22. Good because Cower is the last coach I want here. Or close to it anyhow.
  23. No he wasn't. I am the strongest voice for getting rid of Losman. He has no function on this team. The coaches have so little use for him that even with Edwards playing the way he was last night they didn't want Losman in there. The sooner they get rid of him the better.
  24. It is simply too unsightly. He doesn't have control of his facial muscles and has some sort of palsy of the tongue that I do not care to watch.
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