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Everything posted by TheKing

  1. This team has several major problems 1. offensive line 2. defensive line 3. backup QB Big problems and questions loom with the Bills ability to find players for the lines: 1.With the huge contracts handed out on the offensive and defensive lines will the Bills be able or willing to cut some of these players? They hung onto to Tripplet until his contract ran out. 2. Even if they are willing to take a huge hit on some of the up front money, how long would it take to find viable replacements as opposed to the losers they signed in a quick fix approach? It could take 3 or 4 years. 3. Do they have the pro/college talent scouts they need to identify replacement players? They didn't have a clue with these free agent signings so common sense says they should fire most of their scouting department. Then there are questions with the backup QB: 1. When Losman and his agent discover there is no market for his services I expect them to make a pitch to the Bills to sign him as a long term backup to Edwards. Will the Bills make another blunderous mistake on Losman or will they give him a swift kick in the *** and put him on the next bus out of Buffalo? 2.Will the Bills invest in a viable backup? Will they go out and sign the equivalent of a Jeff Garcia or a Kerry Collins, or will they sign a Nall on the cheap?
  2. Maybe instead the 5 of them can scream "hit the hole" at him instead. Better yet run lynch 3 times in a row and have all the players on the sidelines yelling "hit the hole, hit the hole".
  3. Now I know why Royal is a total bust, he's mindless. They can't cut him soon enough.
  4. Ok but a bib isn't sufficient because I can't watch Cower slobbing all over the place. Do they make some kind of mouth diaper or something?
  5. If the game gets out of reach I'm all for sending Losman across the middle of the field for some slants, to catch some high throws in front of Cleveland's linebackers.
  6. If you could get rid of one player on the roster who would it be? I would cut Losman because he serves no purpose.
  7. Who could stomach watching that? I can't stand Bill Cower's spitting up on himself and his drooling. Isn't there some kind of procedure they can do to restore the control of his tongue and facial muscles? He seems to have palsy of the mouth or something.
  8. No he's not incoherent. You on the other hand need to resort to insults, which is always the sign of a weak argument. I agree when StupidNation says "lets call a spade a spade". Lynch is not a top RB in the NFL. Say what you will about the Oline, I know it's weak, but at the same time Lynch is not the long term answer either.
  9. Enough with all of this pollyanna crap.
  10. Nope I'm sorry but I do not think this team will make it into the playoffs.
  11. Once they smarten up and finally get rid of Losman the QB situation will improve. In fact the team as a whole will. He is a cancer to this team.
  12. Who is the gay producer that cooked this up? If there is one thing I hate about MNF (there's more than one) this takes the cake. They have each player looking down and then slowly looking up as he is introduced alomg with telling what college he played for. I hate those gay player introductions. I have to make sure I tune in late to miss all that garbage, along with hank williams jr or whatever other hillbilly they have singing that lame opening song.
  13. Yes they did. I keep saying that everyone in the personnel department should be fired. They spent a ton of money on free agents and who did we get? Look at the Patriots, when they sign free agents they know what they're doing. There's no reason that the Bills couldn't have signed Welker, other than the fact that they were pissing money away on bums.
  14. Berry Osama. I guess that works. That's a good name for a Kenyan.
  15. I think his buddy Bill Ayers is a morman too. He's from Utah as far as I know.
  16. Cutting Losman would send a very good message that goes like this... If we invest a 1st round draft pick or multiple draft picks in you we expect production. You better produce or you are out. If you are a bust, good riddance. Letting that bum collect on the last year of his contract is not a good way to motivate players.
  17. I don't think the mormans were ever attacked by the moors.
  18. I think cutting a player or two after a loss like this might wake these bums up. My candidates for being cut Kelsay Dockery Royal Losman Then make Jackson the starter and Lynch the backup.
  19. It's not the coaching. Sure there might be better coaches but I don't think you'll overcome this teams problems by through coaching. Fire everyone in the personnel department and get some people in there who know how to evaluated players.
  20. The Bills do not know how to evaluate free agents or college players for that matter. And the people in charge of making these disasterous signings are still employed by the Bills. It's that simple.
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