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Everything posted by TheKing

  1. It wouldn't suprise me if they did kick Cleveland's ass at home, but that doesn't really prove much against a team like the Browns.
  2. I was talking about players gambling. I'm saying that we don't always know for certain that mistakes are honest mistakes. I think it's naive to believe that fixes cannot take place. Let's say an entire crew of officials somehow doesn't see a challenge flag thrown on the field in response to an obviouysly blown call. Does that cause suspicion? It does for me, especially when it comes on the same drive where a questionable unneccessary roughness call is made just prior. Like in the Patriot's opening drive. I don't rule it out. Cheating is rampant in gambling. NFL football thrives because of gambling. So it can happen in the NFL. When you have a lot of gambling and a lot of people in a position to attempt to influence an outcome, I would never rule it out.
  3. Unless you are locked into a government job or something equally insulating ,life itself is a gamble.
  4. I have. And it has happened in pro sports. Football isn't neccessarily immune. Where do people get the idea that it is impossible for it to happen? There is no such thing as it being impossible. Not with the kind of money involved here.
  5. You must be misreading, I never made comments of that nature. I am reminding them of their juvenile behaviour. And I don't think it's funny in any way.
  6. He obviously hasn't seen what I am referring to. Nobody can reference it now. Also you are now free to carry on with this charade pretending to know what you are talking about. But you and I both know how completely off you were on NFL QBs in general and in particular your beloved JP Losman. You heart must be aching knowing that JP's days in Buffalo are winding down to an unceremonious finish.
  7. Hey Dean your buddy showed up! Who would have guessed? Just like old times. Now maybe the two of you can get back to making pornographic comments about other poster's mothers or fathers. All on behalf of the great JP Losman. I guess that would be someything for you to be proud of.
  8. I haven't been impressed with Edwards in recent weeks, but he was on a run where he was consistent and making sound decisions. Losman on the other hand has had too many opportunities already. So with Edwards I'm not as sold om him as I was. But with Losman I'm sold on the idea that he is a bust. I can only say that with Edwards the defenses may have throw things at him he hadn't seen before and/or the Oline may have contributed to his slump. That's the optimistic way to view it in terms of Edwards' potential, but I won't have blinders on.
  9. Oh that has to be the weakest forum tactic there is, a reference to the old phantom "most here" A painful to watch pathetic plea for others to come to your support. The equivalent of ...most of you agree with me right right? am I right that you agree with me? HAHAH The hard drive crash is a crutch ? It is a crutch for me, when it covers the hides of the forum brown noses, you being one of the most emboldened? Talk about spin. A forum hard drive crash saves the most notorious forum brown noses from their well deserved humble pie and it is in your mind a crutch for those of us that would have served you crow? Nice try kid. I guess all that brown nosing did buy you some shelter little man. Just keep in mind that this hard drive crash to save your hide will only be good once. But I think you can logically see that. That is why it comes as no shock that you are treading more carefully. So you did eat some humble pie, but not near enough for that big mouth you had. I don't think you'll be so open with your swooning over any player or running your trap the way you were.
  10. I appauld you for staying with your opinions, a rarity on this board. You're wrong on that particular opinion but you have conviction. Opposing opinions do not bother me in the least. Idiots that are so attached to football players that they will launch personal attacks is what irks me. The thought of an adult male who is head over heels enamoured with a football player, sickens me. To claim that I benefit from a crashed hard drive is a joke. To quote TheDean is laughable, he is one of the biggest frauds and liars on this forum. Are you fully aware of who you are trying to defend in your post? Are you aware of the perverse and juvenile nature of the personal attacks launched by TheDean and his two cohorts in their swoon over Losman?
  11. I don't trust felser. I don't trust any guy that refers to football players as "studs".
  12. Yeah I'm sure you're right, if Eli was in Buffalo suddenly he'd forget how to throw the ball.
  13. Eli huh? That reminds me... Do you know that he is another QB that the Losman crew was favorably comparing JP to? But now reality comes into play. Like the one poster said, it is real a shame we cannot dig up those posts to have these big mouths eat their humble pie.
  14. You don't like that example huh? You don't like truth It brings out your true nature when you read the truth. But you are correct with this comment, regarding your own immaturity. Because with you it is never just an exchange of opinion on a topic, you are far too juvenile to restrict it to that.
  15. What is in bold could not be a bigger lie. In fact there was recently another poster hwo was complaining about the fact that he could no longer access the posts made by you that he bookmarked, and was waiting to throw in back your face. And you slightly misjudged Rivers? HAHAHA You did the same with Cutler. Losman was better than Cutler too.
  16. I'm watching the Giants game now. You might be right, they might be the blueprint for success in the NFL.
  17. Oh now I'm a douchebag? What do I do for fun? First tell us what you do with your boyfreinds for fun. Wait don't I don't really want to know
  18. Kids like wings and pizza. They'd eat it every day if they could.
  19. No as I said I wouldn't go even it if was for free. I'm not sitting in the rain in a plastic seat just to watch the game.
  20. So you shell out money to see something that is free on Tv and therefore I have no freinds. Nice try.
  21. Thank you for speaking the truth TheDean, TheSenator, BeerBall, were are notorious for launching personal attacks against anyone for any negative opinion of Losman. During the year of the crashed hard drive their posts were 10 times worse than your examples. You hit the nail on the head when you said... This guy completely changed his tone after the fact and now denies everything. He almost sounds like a human being now. But when you go on to say that his true side is still active in the political threads then it becomes clear that he is just covering his lack of football knowledge rather than maturing.
  22. I'm not opposed to getting rid of Jauron. Let's just first give this enough time to see how this team does after it finally gets rid of Losman who has been a cancer to this team.
  23. By that theory you could say that he is just getting unlucky here.
  24. No Jauron wasn'r promptly run out of Chicago. How many years was he there?
  25. Yeah and there are plenty of posters here who in 2006 said Losman was going to be an all pro.
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