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Everything posted by TheKing

  1. That is the one thing about his post that makes sense to me.
  2. No he did more than that, he named his cat after lnych.
  3. You must have been watching someting different than I was. Lostman cost fairchild his job.
  4. What I cannot understand about Evans is that he pronounces his last name as Evan. He drops the s. I don't know if he has a speech problem or if he just likes Lee Evan instead of Lee Evans.
  5. If they were keeping score I'd probably be a + 9 or 10 million by now.
  6. He's just not the sociable type, he'd run you over if you got in his way. Literally.
  7. Guest services sounds like a hotel's connoisseur. I'd insist on speaking to the general manager.
  8. Take it easy, people shoot deer every day during hunting season just for the sake of shooting them. It is not out of the ordinary for 'hunters' to shoot deer and leave them in the fields. And no one is sentencing them to sodomy.
  9. They not only have a metal barrier, they have a mental barrier.
  10. exactly That's why I say we need a Jim Mora at least the press conferences are entertaining.
  11. I'm not cynical at all I'm simply not fixated on it. The Bills wouldn't make a dent even if they made the playoffs. So why put out 7 more weeks of boring games? Are you seriously telling me it wouldn't be entertaining to see them send Losman over the middle?
  12. The Bills should get a coach like that to increase the entertainment value.
  13. Or if the team's owner is into dogfighting. I think Wilson is into horse racing though.
  14. I don't know what it is but it's better than someone using the term 'swagger' in regard to players or 'sexy' to describe teams. I can live with +1 and -1. They can even use =1 and I'm ok with it.
  15. I never suggested Losman would get a laugh out of it, that wasn't the intention. I said the other players and the fans might enjoy it. I would.
  16. Forget the playoffs it's over with. And besides most of these suggestions will make them a better team in any case.
  17. He was a waste of 3 draft picks and a player who refused to learn how to get rid of the ball quickly. At minimum give the team and the fans some entertainment in return for a huge investment gone down the drain on an epic bust. A dull approach might be contributing to having dull players. This team has been lifeless, it might give the other players a good laugh and possibly snap them out of their coma.
  18. He looks like a serious threat when he has the ball. They have nothing to lose, teach him 3 or 4 patterns and put him in there as a change of pace. Hell they throw the ball to Robert Royal don't they?
  19. 1. Hopefully the coaching staff has the intelligence to use these games to expand Edwards passing game. How much sense would it make for them to continue to have Edwards dumping the ball off for the rest of the season? NONE (But that logic doesn't convince me that they won't.) 2. Put McKelvin on the field full time for the rest of the season, give him some experience. In fact try him at wide receiver too, opposite Evans. 3. Put Royal on the bench and play the other TEs to see if they can find one who can catch the ball. 4. Give Fred Jackson a 20+ carry game and see what happens. 5. Send Losman over the middle to catch some slant passes, keep the throws high!
  20. If you cross Vick with Lynch what would you get? A player that runs over pibulls with SUVs?
  21. There is another story altogether. A team which imposed a 20 minute penalty kill on ITSELF to lose the game in the 3rd period in Pittsburgh. Dump the puck and change lines, dump the puck and change lines, dump the puck and change lines, dump the puck and change lines,dump the puck and change lines, dump the puck and change lines, dump the puck and change lines One shot on goal in the first 15 minutes of the 3rd. A complete refusal to enter the Pittsburgh zone until the inevitable happened and they lost the lead. We are now starting to see hockey's version of the Bill's offense. .
  22. Why do I see the Bills running these plays which have shown to be completely ineffective? Doesn't it strike you as being retarded? What do they hope to gain by a direct snap to the RB? What they should be concerntrating on is 1. Teach this first rounder Lynch to stop dancing and hit the hole 2. Teach Edwards how to get the ball down the field on occassion 3. Teach this elephant offensive line how to pick up a blitz 4. Figure out how to use timeouts and how to call them. Doesn't Edwards know that he can call the timeout himself and doesn't need to look to the sidelines? The Bills don't need these gimmicks, they need fundamentals first.
  23. Who cares what Kelly is wondering? He's not doing anyone any favors by standing on the sidelines. He's placing himself in the spotlight is what he's doing.
  24. Just because they give someone a badge it doesn't mean that the person isn't a world class moron. A badge can be a dangerous thing in the wrong hands. I would have offered to be a witness for the person being hit with the club, if he wanted to pursue the matter against this sheriff.
  25. Since when does losman win games? Get this straight...as soon as the season is over the Bills will gladly give Losman the boot. Is it not obvious to you by now that they do not want Losman on the field?
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