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Everything posted by TheKing

  1. If you give Cower the keys to the kingdom and he'll get saliva all over them. He drools on everything.
  2. Yeah he did have plenty of time to throw. The elephants put in a good effort for a change. You make a good point about his concussion. But this is over the top...
  3. Don't include me in that "we". I don't think people that suffer in regards to a game are special at all. They might need special help but they aren't special or exceptional.
  4. Here is the definition of swagger. to walk or strut with a defiant or insolent air When I hear people parrot this weirdness it brings to mind a group of players walking in a peculiar way, like John Wayne maybe. And when I watch this spread like a disease it makes me wonder if people have minds of their own. I agree with you when you say it's silly, at minimum it's silly. People who walk around parroting these 'catch phrases' ( I needed something more derogatory than 'catch phrase') they are lucky to only sound silly, to me they sound retarded. I'm just being honest here.
  5. No you can say swagger. Not me. I don't want to be part of it.
  6. I cannot even fathom myself saying something like...the browns were expected to be this season's sexy team. I could be drugged to human limits and still be immune to being brainwashed into adopting something that retarded. You say it's something that I don't get. When people don't get something it's normally because it's complex or unfamiliar, this is simply just retarded. What is there to get about something that is mindless? There is nothing there not to get. I get it, just fine. In fact I understand it 100%, I understand that it takes retards to spread this mental damage.
  7. That playcalling was weak when they got down there. Who settles for a 47 yarder? They really did get outcoached on that.
  8. I don't feel anything after a loss. The game is over, and I'm over it as soon as the game is over, in fact even before it starts. It's no big deal to me at all. I enjoy commenting on what happens but I'm not emotionally attached to it in that way.
  9. I don't know the name of the other two commentators that do the monday night games with Jaworski. The one twerp keeps referring to teams as sexy, what a ****ing moron. Where do they dig up these losers? What adult (he looks like he's in his 50's) goes around making idiotic comments like that? I hate these assinine terms that creep into football. Another one is swagger. You get one weird moron on TV who applies a term to football that would never happen in a conversation among normal people , then without fail you end up with 2 million parrots repeating it, and you are sentenced to listening to an endless stream of weird s**t .
  10. Swagger? How do fans get roped into using words like swagger to describe football players? TV sure is a powerful influence, not neccessarily a positive one though.
  11. I think hockey is a better sport, especially playoff hockey.
  12. First I want to actually see Obama do something, before we say he can do anything. I will say to his credit that on a largely non-existent track record he won an election on one word...change...undefined change. I guess that is sort of amazing.
  13. Wow Jim Kelly is tough! No Gloves when it's 30 degrees outside! OMG! He's so tough it's almost unreal.
  14. Corner's miss on that sack was the biggest play of the game.
  15. To me it's not even a matter of which will be the better QB. To me the bigger issue then was...just take Cutler because a QB like that has far more value. SanDiego took Eli even though they had Breese and it worked out beautifully. There is no law that says you cannot make a trade downline. Trades happen all the time. I hope by now these people that were so boldly saying how correct it was for the Bills to take Whitner now see how mistaken they were. Largely and not coincidentally they were they same fans that bitterly defended Losman. In his 3rd year Whitner has all of 2 career picks. I hope those people are starting to realize that they know next to nothing. NOTHING!
  16. Do the fans that said the Bills should have taken Culter instead of Whitner look like the experts yet? You just don't pass on a Culter for a mere safety. Safties aren't normally impact players. Even if Edwards pans out it was an epic blunder to pass on Cutler.
  17. I'm starting to agree with you on the overblown intelligence of Edwards. He's not stupid, but he's by no means impressing me as an unusually sharp player.
  18. It would be a nice change of pace to see a QB in there who has already arrived. Watching these project QBs develop gets a little old.
  19. True. To me the defensive play that cost the game was Corner missing Quinn when he was sent free on a blitz on the final drive. That sack could have ended the game. Don't know how he could have missed on the sack.
  20. Well I'll say this much. McKelvin does look like a 1st round athlete. And he's is coming close to making some huge plays at corner.
  21. Yeah I saw him wide open on occassions watching it on TV.
  22. Even so Jaworski has lynch's number when he says that he dances way too much and that there is a noticable difference when Jackson is running. They should have had Jackson in there on the final series, he would have hit the hole and taken every yard that was there. Even 2 more yards could have made the difference. In the end it makes little difference this team isn't ready for the playoffs anyways.
  23. Yes there were a large number of people who questioned that pick. And it does look questionable to have spent the 8th pick overall on whitner.
  24. Are you talking about the same expert that said Flutie was nothing but a midget and that Rob Johnson was the type of QB that could take a team to the super bowl? That coach ? The great Chuck Dickerson? That guy knows his football!
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