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Everything posted by TheKing

  1. Not from what I have been reading. Some of these people would take the team to the basement in a hurry.
  2. The Reed injury looks to me like a big factor in this slump.
  3. This coaching staff has zero faith in Losman, and for good reason I might add. The only reason Losman will have to put his helmet on is to keep the snow off his head. He won't see the field again as a Buffalo Bill.
  4. I won't be there so I dont care if they open it or not.
  5. I'm highly articulate but I cannot offer you an explanation because I do not see Lynch as a top RB in the NFL
  6. I agree 100%, especially with what is in bold. The only thing I would add to the list is character issues.
  7. I wouldn't even give him 14 carries with the way he runs. He'd be on the bench watching fred jackson.
  8. It doesn't matter how much money or how many picks they spend because they don't seem to know what they're doing as far as evaluating players.
  9. 1. get a dictionary 2. look up the word naive 3. look in the mirror
  10. True but Losman is a complete bust so that doesn't say a whole lot.
  11. Because with the pass blocking the Bills have Edwards would be on the ground before he could drop back.
  12. Believe me it has a lot to do with their TOTAL lack of confidence in Losman.
  13. What I find hard to fathom is this; You obviously have someone in charge of free agent signings. The Bills spent a boat load of money in the last two years on free agents and have almost nothing to show for it. Yet no one has been fired. I'd love to have a job where I do nothing more than decide on free agents and even if I am a total failure at it I collect a big paycheck for a job that doesn't require me to lift a finger. Almost as good as a government job.
  14. Why has Chuck Schumer robbed enough taxpayer money to buy the Bills?
  15. That was probably it, you cannot beat an all white offensive line with a white QB. Plus welker is white. So that's just too white an offense to compete with.
  16. That sure is racist. If someone made an equivalent comment on another race, this would be removed in a heartbeat. Today we live in a country of double standards. I guess he doesn't remember bryce paup as a pass rusher , linebacker I know, but white and a great pass rusher.
  17. It's a bad line i agree, but lynch isn't even the best runner on the Bills. So my hunch is that it is not just the line.. He's not elusive in any way.
  18. I want to say this again... My point isn't what they do for next year. It is clear that they want no part of Losman. But they knew that so why did they keep him? It seems to me that they couldn't work a trade so the kept him to spite the teams they were talking to that might have picked him up after he was cut.
  19. As long as he doesn't run over any pedestrains.
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