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May Day 10

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Everything posted by May Day 10

  1. End of the year presser with beans and McDermott drinking game words/phrases: "Don't want to make excuses but..." "Injuries" "Evaluate" "Disappointed" "Process" "Learn from our mistakes" "Blue collar"
  2. Its tough. With me, we had another dog and her companionship filled the void a bit and was a lifesaver. It also helped to think about the good times and funny stuff.
  3. Yes, but that was contained and snuffed out for the most part. It would take a less vague social media post or comment, and public comment(s) from players and coaches to touch off a mess that can't be stifled. The rumblings of daboll, some comments from beasley, and wawrow's vagueposting, along with diggs' issues shows there are fissures below the surface. Drop one or both of Denver and Beasley, and things could certainly get out of hand
  4. I think things would need to get really ugly in the lockerroom (and on the field) in order for Pegula to consider moving on from McDermott. The best thing to hope for, if hoping for change, is a good-faith effort to hire good coordinators on both sides of the ball (and obviously includes replacing Dorsey). As far as a house cleaning like many want/suggest, and I am open to it. Sure.... But I have less than zero faith in Terry Pegula in hiring a new head coach or GM or anything.
  5. I always think that the Bills should have splurged and traded for AJ Brown as opposed to the Von Miller splash signing. We had #23 and not #18 (which was Elam, no big loss)... but would have needed to sweeten it a bit more to make up for the lower pick
  6. Is that really for the Bills? I wanted to check but its behind a paywall. The AFC record made me wonder how that would look I guess that Chargers game could be really big for a tiebreaker. Especially with a loss against the Bengals already, who may also be a wildcard team.
  7. Assuming the Bills win those games and get to those 10 wins (taking 2 of Cowboys, Chargers, Chiefs, Eagles, Broncos) We need Miami to lose 3 against (Raiders, Jets, Commanders, Titans, Jets, Cowboys, Ravens) Maybe? I can see the Jets bonking them once. Maybe the Ravens and Cowboys?
  8. I have said it in a different thread. They arent well, and now are entering the tough parts of their schedule. 9-8 is probably the most likely outcome based on opponents and the Bills' body of work this season. 10-7 would be decent, but likely misses the playoffs due to their results vs other AFC teams already. 11-6? That would require a 6-2 record against Denver, Jets, @ Eagles, @ Chiefs, Cowboys, Patriots, Chargers, @ Dolphins. Are there 6 wins there? I will say, if this team turns it around and does goes 6-2 with that schedule, look out in the playoffs because they will have figured it out and will be playing well. I just cant imagine them winning 6 of those looking back at the past month and a half. It is broken Ill also add that the Broncos are no joke now and are coming off a bye, and the Jets defense has the Bills dialed up. If those games go poorly, I can see the thing really coming off the rails and drama will rear its head
  9. I think they do need to seriously consider clearing out a lot of cap and paying the piper in 2024. Accumulate assets. Honestly the schedule looks much 'easier' at this time, and even with a duct tape and band-aid roster with Josh Allen should compete for a playoff spot. Then in 2025 have a new window open with a younger and hungry group
  10. There is no easy games for this team any more. The bills are part of the muddled middle of the nfl. I think it is going to be really challenging to be better than 9-8 with the schedule ahead and the way they are playing. 10-7 is attainable, and 11-6 is a pipedream.
  11. Tasker said the bills are going to win "a ton" more games, so I feel better
  12. His debate style/tactic is off-putting and transparent Someone could call in and make a really good point, but slip up and say their red zone offense wasn't great or something. Sal seizes on the mis-step, pointing out the rz offense is 4th in the league, say it loudly into the microphone 5 different ways for 4 minutes, and basically ignore ir gloss over the valid criticisms If someone does make an airtight call, he always "agree to disagree"
  13. He made some very good points with: "They are going to play a lot of good football" And "They are going to win 'a ton' more games." Hard hitting analysis right there
  14. Sal is unlistenable right now. Siezes on 1 mis-step of each caller to discredit and dismiss entire (legitimate) criticisms. Also has go-to points that indicate everything is ok like they were 7-6 once in 2021. Chris Brown was able to criticize this morning and he did not combust
  15. Sal was pretty unbearable this morning with his push-back on any criticism. Even Chris Brown wasn't afraid to criticize
  16. Did McDermott explain why the punt team tried for a buzzer beater punt at the end of the first half? Instead of trying to score points while time was expiring?
  17. I'm disturbed by the sequence at the end of the half
  18. Coaching meltdowns in big spots is our worst enemy
  19. McDermott literally forgot to coach there. That should have been an end zone shot to end the half. Down by two touchdowns.
  20. Why wouldn't they go for the end zone at the end? Another brain fart in a big game for the coaches
  21. A lot of what he says is a good perspective. But he essentially takes something beane says and bends it out of context for the segment.
  22. I mean. I could see Belichick just retiring if that happened. The only way this would happen is extensive backroom dealing (with the Patriots' permission) to come to an agreement on the structure of the organization and Belichick's specific roles, influence, and contract. Then they talk trading. It's not like a player with limited earning window and the player is stuck at the whim of the teams' transactions. Belichick is angry and has FU money and has earned the right to do what he wants. He would laugh at a trade without his deep involvement and influence.
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