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Everything posted by bowery4

  1. ^agreed^ face it he is going to have bad games, the rest of the team did step up for the most part. It was coaching again that lost this game again.
  2. Corner played decent but he missed on a clear path. Oh, well that was one play but didn't lose the game. I thought he looked pretty good in there otherwise.
  3. That is right and April shows some emotion too. I would rather have Bill C. though, I mean come on.....doubt it would happen w/ Ralph too though. True that.
  4. I think Donte is pretty cool for having a face book page and doing what he is going to do with his website. I think he is good at PR because he is intelligent. We need more intelligence on our team and from our fans.
  5. not sure how I feel about that game.
  6. screen do we have that play in our play book?
  7. of course they have a TE who doesn't choke
  8. go bills err i mean jets (they look the same now)
  9. I can't just cut one, how about 5?
  10. not bad, he sucks as a coach so promote him "The Peter Principle" from the 70s. I like the idea of Bobby being the coach. IDK though, the FO has given the team the personnel they have....................
  11. If I were naming a Bills rock band "Ralph" Because that is what they have been making me do the last 3 Sundays (and of course the other reason).
  12. As much as it is, I kind of agree a bit.
  13. I think we have to win 6 games to get in the playoffs, it won't happen. From the Bills Daily rant "Fast forward to today and many Bills fans undoubtedly think of the playoffs like this "jim mora clip - Playoffs?" (sorry don't know how to link it) . Some still cling to the belief that the Bills will see the postseason, and I believe these folks are either delusional, bad at math or simply new fans who haven’t yet endured enough pain a la their favorite NFL team. To see the field in January the Bills will either need to clinch the division or land a wildcard spot. Given that the team has lost to every single opponent in the division, the Bills are in a bad spot to finish on top. They are a game behind New England and New York and behind Miami thanks to a poor divisional record. None of those teams looks to tank anytime soon. From a wildcard standpoint the Bills will be competing against the teams that didn’t win the AFC East as well as some good teams from the other divisions. Again the divisional losses will likely doom the Bills – anything short of 11 wins likely means they stay home and 11 wins affords the Bills only more loss before the end of the season. The path to victory for the Bills is possible but so improbable that it could well be compared to John McCain’s outlook on election day – everything would have to fall into place and there are too many ifs to make that realistic. I’m firmly with Jim Mora on this subject." First of all let me say I wanted DJ to succeed this year, I liked him as the coach last year. I thought that 10-6 would get us the POs, I don't see it that way anymore, he has coached BADLY in 5 or 6 games this year and I can't for the life of me see that changing. So my opinion of him has taken a big hit. I no longer feel he is the man to lead our team. If they made the POs now, I might change my position, but when they lose the first game of post season............ I think if we do beat some of these crap teams it will be bad for the team as we won't see a coaching change. I don't really want to lose anything but the coach at this point. I would love to see the Bills reach the potentional I think many of us thought they had and win all of the games they have left, but after the last 3 games I don't see it happening. Only if they did that I would reconsider my position on the coach, now I feel 9-7 = we need to dump him. I don't believe in our coach anymore.
  14. Before the season, if they did bad, I was thinking Bobby April or Bill. So I voted Bill because he is proven, I think Ralph would vote Bobby, I do think we need a new coach as much as I hate to think it. If they end up worse than 7-9 this year I could see us getting one too. Even if Ralph is cheap. BA might be good in that it wouldn't be a completely new system. And I would think and he would not need the biggest bucks. I say fire Dick now and make him interm, see if that lights some fires under some butts. 5/5 if I was 90 years old would not be acceptable The problem seems to be most obviuosly the HC on this team.
  15. During the game before last Royal caught 7 catches for 70 yards, fine only had for for IDK how many. I think did see him in on one of the 2 tightends plays that we ran on.
  16. Man you make a lot of threads, I'm unemployed too
  17. I keep seeing other fans putting my same silly suggestions, a week later why don't you all add to this thread and we can send it to Chris, in fact I am one of Donte's friends on facebook too
  18. I had this idea a while ago http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?showt...&hl=wildcat
  19. I said this same thing when the Bills had their first loss this year. 3 later I still put it on the coaches. New schemes and personnel would help this team. It is obvious to everyone but our FO and coaches. I am just waiting until RW gets pissed enough to say hey fire that guy. And some one refuses then we will have the same old implosion on the coaching staff and he will hire some other loser.
  20. You are racist and it did come out the wrong way.
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