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Jamie Nails

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Everything posted by Jamie Nails

  1. Yeah. At this point I’m very low on him. Don’t think he is progressing. Just don’t see anything promising to hang my hat on at this point. I think it was Darnold or bust and we busted
  2. I just want to see life out of Allen tomorrow. If he’s making strides with our tire fire WRs, I say buy at the deadline and help him along the rest of the way and into next season
  3. I’d take a second and a partially chewed Laffy taffy. 2nd and 3rd is steep. Would be willing to bet they end up taking less if they trade him.
  4. What’s his contract situation? Do we have him beyond this year? Will be good to have when Kyle packs it in.
  5. I’m officially worried about Allen’s accuracy now. It’s not good
  6. Damn. I'm normally not a fan, but that was heat. Pure, unadulterated heat from Brandt.
  7. I'm sure we worked out another 11 players that we won't sign.
  8. who cares. Not going to help us this year or next.
  9. One buffalo app. Log into account manager and they are right there
  10. Heading out easy tomorrow morning! Let’s hope Josh can help us circle the wagons
  11. In the words of the rock, it doesn't matter. They will continue to win with or without him.
  12. I was typing “For fck sake” after the lacy offsides. Then Edmunds happened. Seems fitting again now
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