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Edwards fans are sounding desperate for Fitzy to fail

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A lot of Edwards fan boys on the forum throwing out exotic stats that "prove Edwards is a better quarterback." I for one find this disturbing. if you really love the Bills, you should be happy they're finally winning instead of looking for excuses why Fitzy won or excuses why Edwards loses. Why not save all your "bombshell" stat comparisons for a Fitzpatrick loss? Or are you worried that he keeps winning and steals the job and saves Dick's job?

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A lot of Edwards fan boys on the forum throwing out exotic stats that "prove Edwards is a better quarterback." I for one find this disturbing. if you really love the Bills, you should be happy they're finally winning instead of looking for excuses why Fitzy won or excuses why Edwards loses. Why not save all your "bombshell" stat comparisons, for a Fitzpatrick loss? Or are you worried that he keeps winning and steals the job and saves Dick's job?


Feel better?

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edwards sucks, end of story with him.


fitzpatrick sucks, end of story with him.


the future is not now, bright, or even encouraging for the bills.


back to the drawing board.


one day we will see the next comming of the great one.


it is written........

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Although in a crude way, you are making a bit of a point. When Edwards took over the main difference between him and JP was in the W/L column. Losman simply lost game after game. Trent kid showed promise; this is beyond dispute.


That said, I was at the Cleveland game and it was ugly. Trent has not been playing well to say the least. As a fan of Trent Edwards (I still think he has talent), I am looking at the real, and very sad possibility that he is shot.

I like the kid a lot and am not ashamed to say so. What I won't do however is hang on to a dream (or nightmare) the way the Losman supporters did and continue to do. I learned that lesson ala Rob Johnson.


Btw welcome to the board. I noticed that your post count is low and virtually all of your posts are about Fitz/Edwards. What was your screen name when JP was the QB? :unsure:

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Edwards fans should wake up and smell the coffee (so should Edwards, actually, maybe more literally).


Edwards career was ended by the Cardinals safety Adrian, last year.


Nice he tries again but it is over, he is concussed.


I think he made ok money from his contract, he should invest wisely, rather than attempt a Joe Mesi.

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Guest dog14787
A lot of Edwards fan boys on the forum throwing out exotic stats that "prove Edwards is a better quarterback." I for one find this disturbing. if you really love the Bills, you should be happy they're finally winning instead of looking for excuses why Fitzy won or excuses why Edwards loses. Why not save all your "bombshell" stat comparisons, for a Fitzpatrick loss? Or are you worried that he keeps winning and steals the job and saves Dick's job?



Seriously, the folks standing up for Trent Edwards just realize he's a better starting QB. The only thing that even suggests otherwise is in the win / loss column. I want to see the Bills win ball games, but the first half of the panthers game was the worse offensive display I have seen yet from the Buffalo Bills this season.


Fitz won the two ball games because of 10 turnovers and anyone that thinks otherwise really needs to get there head examined. I can't speak for everyone , but I am very glad the Bills won the ball games and to suggest differently just because we have a difference of opinion on the QB's is just posting BS.

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Lets run another QB out of town because we found a way to barely beat two crappy teams in a row thanks to an insane turnover ratio.


Nah, let's "run him out of town" because he's not a good QB. I find that to be a much better reason.


People on this board have GOT to wake up. Just because Fitzpatrick also sucks doesn't mean Edwards is any better than he was. Edwards is lousy. Fitzpatrick is lousy. Losman was lousy.


They got "run out of town" because they weren't good.


Losman had a great arm and could throw the deep ball as well as anyone, but he couldn't hit a WR in stride on a 5-yard pattern. He didn't have it.


Edwards has a quick release and is (usually) accurate. but he either can't or won't throw the ball on intermediate routes, and simply refuses to try to hit a WR unless he has 3 steps on his man. He doesn't have it.


Fitzpatrick has pretty good pocket awareness and throws a pretty solid slant route, but his deep ball is weak and his accuracy on out routes is brutal. He doesn't have it.


Face it, fans want a QB that can play. Period. None of these guys can, and even the most staunch supporter will eventually come to this conclusion.


The Bledsoe supporters learned when he went to Dallas and couldn't get the job done. The JP supporters learned when he couldn't find a job and had to play for a minor league. The Trent supporters will learn when he gets his job back and continues his poor play.


I, for one, am totally in favor of finding the right guy, no matter how many attempts it takes.

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Edwards fans should wake up and smell the coffee (so should Edwards, actually, maybe more literally).


Edwards career was ended by the Cardinals safety Adrian, last year.


Nice he tries again but it is over, he is concussed.


I think he made ok money from his contract, he should invest wisely, rather than attempt a Joe Mesi.


Not to seem ill-tempered or argumentative, but:


He played fine the following week against San Diego, who promptly had to fire their DC.

He played fine against KC, who was in the bottom 5 defenses last year.

He played fine against Denver, who was last in the league in defense last year.

He played fine against TB this year, who is 27th in the league in defense through 7 weeks.


All of those games came post-concussion. His problem isn't the concussion, that's an excuse. His problem is that he isn't a very good quarterback. He can play well against lousy defenses, but even an average defense can expose his limitations.

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A lot of Edwards fan boys on the forum throwing out exotic stats that "prove Edwards is a better quarterback." I for one find this disturbing. if you really love the Bills, you should be happy they're finally winning instead of looking for excuses why Fitzy won or excuses why Edwards loses. Why not save all your "bombshell" stat comparisons for a Fitzpatrick loss? Or are you worried that he keeps winning and steals the job and saves Dick's job?


It really does not matter, neither looks like a starter and until our line learns to be more consistent insert almost any QB with similar results.

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Guest dog14787
It really does not matter, neither looks like a starter and until our line learns to be more consistent insert almost any QB with similar results.



Some logic :thumbsup:

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Guest dog14787
if there is even a DISCUSSION of whether Trent is better than Ryan Fitzpatrick, then that tells you all you need to know.



What, that we are posting on TSW. :thumbsup:

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