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Bills to dump No Huddle Per PFT

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Wow Dickie J really came into the season with a plan to save his job! Man, if this season isn't a perfect script for failure, I don't know what is.

This is a tell-tale sign of Jauron's desperation. He's trying to save his own job by making another drastic change.


Granted, I'm in favor of it, but it's pretty clear that he's jumped to Plan Z already.

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Top 10 worst ideas in human history:


10. Prohibition

9. Reality TV

8. Thong underwear for men

7. Titanic (the boat)

6. Titanic (the movie)

5. 10 cent beer night in cleveland

4. Acid wash jeans

3. Three year contract extension for Dick Jauron

2. Stones hire Hell's Angels to handle security at Altamont, pay them with $500 worth of beer

1. 2009 Bills go with no huddle offense

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And people wonder why DJ's teams don't fare all that well on offense. In DJ's defense, the roster he has is extremely thin, and the weakness on OL hurts him.


on the other side, Dick (or the inept Kugler) is the idiot that told the front office Bell was ready and they did not need Walker at RT.


Dick does not get a free pass on the makeup of his roster.

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Top 10 worst ideas in human history:


10. Prohibition

9. Reality TV

8. Thong underwear for men

7. Titanic (the boat)

6. Titanic (the movie)

5. 10 cent beer night in cleveland

4. Acid wash jeans

3. Three year contract extension for Dick Jauron

2. Stones hire Hell's Angels to handle security at Altamont, pay them with $500 worth of beer

1. 2009 Bills go with no huddle offense

:wallbash: Outstanding!

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Wow Dickie J really came into the season with a plan to save his job! Man, if this season isn't a perfect script for failure, I don't know what is.


This from a man who said, 'When you first get an inkling of making a change, you should make the change.'


I'm just flummoxed that DJ doesn't apply this rule to himself and resign while he can still save some face. I realize that even with a cheap owner, he makes good coin (from a real world POV), but I would be ashamed to cash that paycheck every week.


How many bad decisions does he need to re-correct from before RW finally gets that the root of the problems is Jauron and an absolutely stupid FO hierarchy? How much until RW finally says, 'This is too much for me anymore' and cedes control to someone who has an idea of what a football organization is supposed to look like?

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Top 10 worst ideas in human history:


10. Prohibition

9. Reality TV

8. Thong underwear for men

7. Titanic (the boat)

6. Titanic (the movie)

5. 10 cent beer night in cleveland

4. Acid wash jeans

3. Three year contract extension for Dick Jauron

2. Stones hire Hell's Angels to handle security at Altamont, pay them with $500 worth of beer

1. 2009 Bills go with no huddle offense

Since number 1 depends on number 3, I would move number 3 to number 2 and make "Man purses" number 1

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