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Bills move to LA??


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Media = Center of all lies.


Hope and change man, hope and change




what's wrong with the media reporting on an actual lease?

might we have missed something on the existing lease in which you'd like to enlighten us with?

you also fail to note that the Bills status is a little different these days with the money-generating connection with Toronto, which will likely continue beyond this current deal, and especially should the NFL up its regular season games. that said, i doubt the Bills are ever going to get $9 million a pop again from Rogers.


also, you fail to take into account what the NFL will resemble following a potentially messy labor situation, and the possibility of a lockout.

there's far too much in play here to make definitive statements. but why argue, since i'm merely a member of the media, and not a lawyer. ... woe is me.



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If this is true then this is the biggest kick to the groin and insult to fans yet. It means that Wilson knows that the team is leaving the region eventually, and that he has been lying all along about doing his best to keep the team in Buffalo.


Forget the fact that he is using us to line his pockets as he prepares to yank the rug out from underneath our feet.


No offense, but any business person on earth that produces a product or provides a service that you willingly purchase or invest in is using you to line his/her pockets. That's capitalism, and it's a good thing. It also doesn't mean that the propriator of said business owes you anything other than the product that you purchase. You don't have to participate in the "lining of his pockets" if you don't want to, so I don't really see the point of complaining about it.


Since it's Ralph's team, and he paid for it, he can do what he wants with it. It's no different than any other business in the world in that regard. People choose to give him their money, and he can likewise choose to move the business to a different market. I don't personally think there's any credence to this LA stuff at all, but if the team does move, it's not personal or an insult, it's business.


Again, I don't mean to offend, but it's not Ralph's responsibility to provide WNY with a team. He's a business man, not a philanthropist. I would love for him to ensure the future of the team in Buffalo, but it is his choice as to whether or not he does so.


Just my 1 cent.

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Here's a couple with quotes from both Goodell and Jones....






More than any other city, SA is ready to go and the NFL has already "blessed" them. In my opinion, it's a matter of who goes first, JAX or BUF. LA is a long shot at this point. They need a stadium before they'll get a team. They're not going to put the NFL back into the Coliseum. I think TO has a better shot at a team vs LA. It's all a matter of timing at this point. I'm not even fully convinced that JAX is leaving. It all depends on how long RW stays in his Depends.

well, weehawk, isn't this interesting and convenient. if the media is untrustworthy, your argument in regards to San Antonio is extremely flawed since you reference "the media" in backing it up.

so which is it?

is the media lying here or have you been caught in some hypocritical Catch-22 that you can't work your way out of?


allow me to be amused as i eagerly await your answer here.



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Here's a couple with quotes from both Goodell and Jones....






More than any other city, SA is ready to go and the NFL has already "blessed" them. In my opinion, it's a matter of who goes first, JAX or BUF. LA is a long shot at this point. They need a stadium before they'll get a team. They're not going to put the NFL back into the Coliseum. I think TO has a better shot at a team vs LA. It's all a matter of timing at this point. I'm not even fully convinced that JAX is leaving. It all depends on how long RW stays in his Depends.

Neither one of those says a word about whether or not the Alamodome would be considered an acceptable permanent venue, do they? Which was my entire point to begin with.


P.S.: The "strong fan support" for the Saints in the second linked article is crap. They sold out the Falcons game because of Mike Vick, but gave away THOUSANDS of tickets to paper the house for the Bills and Lions games. I was there. I talked to locals who got some of the freebies, and never would have considered showing up otherwise.

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Ok. I'll revise to reflect a previous comment I made. Odds are 4:1 against staying. I think their time in WNY is short, but I'll give them a 25% chance of staying as a concession to the possibility that a rabbit will be pulled.


Yes, moving the team will cost. However, the overriding concern for any new owner in the area will be...


How do I make money on this investment without a solid (and large) corporate base to fill all of my luxury boxes (and pay much more than they are now under RW) and fans willing to pony up almost double what they pay now for a single game ticket?


I just dont see it happening. Between the way the State of NY operates and the depressed economy in the region, I cant see anyone taking the risk without a plan to leave. People are screaming now about how bad the team is. Yet, our ticket prices are lowest in the league. That's why the stadium is full. What happens when they double ticket prices and the team still sucks? Attendance will suffer and the new owner will want out at any cost. Just my opinions. I was born the year they entered the AFL and watched games in the Rockpile. Dont want to see them go, but the cards are stacked against them.


I understand and respect your opinion. I just feel that with the state of the economy there arent many people willing to pony up $2+Billion to get a team. You would have to do some major work in the city and would cost the city/state a ton of money (with states like CA severely in debt), I just dont see that happening just to get their hands on an NFL franchise that as I pointed out before has has major issues being successful in Southern California. It has about the same % of someone actually ponying up $1-1.5Billion to stay here in Buffalo and there is no way to prove it based on what cities have stated they want a team. I wanted a fighter jet for Christamas one year but never got it. San Antonio may be a different story all together. Im not touching that one right now because I dont know enough about it. In the end you still have to convince the rest of the NFL(the owners might not be a problem), Senate, the city purchasing the new team, and the city of Buffalo that it would be in everyone's best interest. I strongly feel that players like Goodell and Schumer along with every Buffalo Fan by the busload would fight like hell to keep the team here.


IMO as a season ticket holder I would be happy to pay double what I pay now to go to games(shhhh, dont tell Ralph), but I dont think it would be that much of an increase. Yes we are the cheapest game in the league to go see but I think a raise to $75-$80 from the $50 I pay would be more like it. Even if it was double I dont think you would find many that have issues with it as long as a competitive game was put on the field every week. A new owner/ownership group would most likely do that.


Just my opinion but there are people with money/power either in this town, or tied to this town that might actually want them to stay.

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isn't this the rehash of the same rumor that pops up on this board once a year or so, someone, who knows someone, who heard something about Golisano somehow being thwarted by Ralph, who's now relocating the team to _________ city?

and then the post grows to double-digit pages featuring endless debates over who's right and who's wrong, and questions about Toronto and the future of the Bills, and whether Ralph's lost it, before it dies a slow death, taking up space in the TBD archives, before someone -- probably in March -- posts something to the effect of:


"OK, i'm not saying that the Bills are leaving, but i work ______ and someone told me that _____ and it sure looks like the Bills are in negotiations to move to _______. hey, i could be wrong, but i don't doubt what these people have told me."




I don't know, but it'd be nice if Buffalo had the kind of reporters that could investigate these kinds of stories as opposed to writing simple press releases, columns that lack any real insight, and game stories all the time. It's amazing how little any of us know about the long term prospects of the franchise. For example, despite the fact that Jim Kelly has been not so-subtly hinting at having an ownership group in place to purchase the Bills upon Ralph's demise, NOT one reporter has been able to shed some light on who these deep pockets are. So, to answer your question, these speculative posts on the internet are merely the byproduct of the lack of quality reporting from the mainstream media.

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I don't know, but it'd be nice if Buffalo had the kind of reporters that could investigate these kinds of stories as opposed to writing simple press releases, columns that lack any real insight, and game stories all the time. It's amazing how little any of us know about the long term prospects of the franchise. For example, despite the fact that Jim Kelly has been not so-subtly hinting at having an ownership group in place to purchase the Bills upon Ralph's demise, NOT one reporter has been able to shed some light on who these deep pockets are. So, to answer your question, these speculative posts on the internet are merely the byproduct of the lack of quality reporting from the mainstream media.


That's an absurd statement. Only Wilson knows what he is going to do. Do you want the AP or the Buff News to waterboard him until he speaks? Who is footing the bill for someone to camp out and put Wilson under a 24/7 watch to try and chronicle any dialog that may be occurring - if any at all?

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I don't know, but it'd be nice if Buffalo had the kind of reporters that could investigate these kinds of stories as opposed to writing simple press releases, columns that lack any real insight, and game stories all the time. It's amazing how little any of us know about the long term prospects of the franchise. For example, despite the fact that Jim Kelly has been not so-subtly hinting at having an ownership group in place to purchase the Bills upon Ralph's demise, NOT one reporter has been able to shed some light on who these deep pockets are. So, to answer your question, these speculative posts on the internet are merely the byproduct of the lack of quality reporting from the mainstream media.

You presume said pockets exist.

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That's an absurd statement. Only Wilson knows what he is going to do. Do you want the AP or the Buff News to waterboard him until he speaks? Who is footing the bill for someone to camp out and put Wilson under a 24/7 watch to try and chronicle any dialog that may be occurring - if any at all?


Link? He hasn't told anyone else? Friends? Family? Other people in the organization? I don't know, and it doesn't seem as if any of our esteemed journalists have worked very hard to find out.

What about the Kelly ownership group? Again, I find it hard to believe that with the right amount of digging, a diligent reporter couldn't come up with some answers as to who Jimbo has in mind for buying the team.

You are assuming that the only way to find out what Ralph is thinking has to come from Ralph himself. Clearly, that is a flawed assumption. But hey, maybe Buffalo writers know their audience. If they know that readers such as yourself will be happy reading the same cookie cutter reporting, why would they want to write something with a little more meat to it??

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Link? He hasn't told anyone else? Friends? Family? Other people in the organization? I don't know, and it doesn't seem as if any of our esteemed journalists have worked very hard to find out.

What about the Kelly ownership group? Again, I find it hard to believe that with the right amount of digging, a diligent reporter couldn't come up with some answers as to who Jimbo has in mind for buying the team.

You are assuming that the only way to find out what Ralph is thinking has to come from Ralph himself. Clearly, that is a flawed assumption. But hey, maybe Buffalo writers know their audience. If they know that readers such as yourself will be happy reading the same cookie cutter reporting, why would they want to write something with a little more meat to it??


It doesn't matter who Jim Kelly has as backers. There's also no need to dig, as Ralph has already given his answer, the team will be sold to the highest bidder once he's gone.


You may not like that answer, but it is what it is. Stop reaching for fairytale controversy, it's not there.

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I don't know, but it'd be nice if Buffalo had the kind of reporters that could investigate these kinds of stories as opposed to writing simple press releases, columns that lack any real insight, and game stories all the time. It's amazing how little any of us know about the long term prospects of the franchise. For example, despite the fact that Jim Kelly has been not so-subtly hinting at having an ownership group in place to purchase the Bills upon Ralph's demise, NOT one reporter has been able to shed some light on who these deep pockets are. So, to answer your question, these speculative posts on the internet are merely the byproduct of the lack of quality reporting from the mainstream media.

righto, i'll fire up my mind-reading machine and focus it in on Mr. Wilson's home to get that scoop. you're kidding right. press releases and no insight. and you say that because your sources are impeccable, please.

not one reporter has been able to shed any light on the future, because Mr. Wilson hasn't shed any light on the future except to say that he intends to have his heirs sell the team.

to whom? don't know.

as for Jim's coalition, so far it's been all talk and no substance.

and by saying there's been no investigative reporting leads me to believe that you fail to understand the business. quit being so full of yourself. you seem to assume that because there's been nothing of substance written is because nothing of substance has been asked.

keep living in that naive dreamland, buddy.


you appear to confuse what the craft of reporting is. if no one is willing to talk, then it's next to impossible to write a story beyond speculation. and that's not what reporting is all about. but of course, with a name like Nostradamus, you should be able to enlighten us all on such things as:

-- when Mr. Wilson passes.

-- when the Bills might make the playoffs.

-- who will next purchase the team.


beyond the "i heard someone, who knows someone, who said something ... '' all you've done is rehash an old baloney tale that only creates angst and debate on this board. come ahead, name names and then we'll all be more informed. and then you might have a leg to stand on when criticizing the media, which is a pretty easy thing to do sitting from the sidelines.


and i don't believe your story because there have been questions i've asked that have led to answers that provide me to believe your story is false.


but, what do i know. you seem to be the expert on all.

so c'mon, enlighten us with your knowledge. give us a shred of factual information that moves this discussion forward. because you've provided us nothing so far but bluster and accusations that are as meaningless as your handle on this board.



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righto, i'll fire up my mind-reading machine and focus it in on Mr. Wilson's home to get that scoop. you're kidding right.



but, what do i know. you seem to be the expert on all.

so c'mon, enlighten us with your knowledge. give us a shred of factual information that moves this discussion forward. because you've provided us nothing so far but bluster and accusations that are as meaningless as your handle on this board.






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righto, i'll fire up my mind-reading machine and focus it in on Mr. Wilson's home to get that scoop. you're kidding right. press releases and no insight. and you say that because your sources are impeccable, please.

not one reporter has been able to shed any light on the future, because Mr. Wilson hasn't shed any light on the future except to say that he intends to have his heirs sell the team.

to whom? don't know.

as for Jim's coalition, so far it's been all talk and no substance.

and by saying there's been no investigative reporting leads me to believe that you fail to understand the business. quit being so full of yourself. you seem to assume that because there's been nothing of substance written is because nothing of substance has been asked.

keep living in that naive dreamland, buddy.


you appear to confuse what the craft of reporting is. if no one is willing to talk, then it's next to impossible to write a story beyond speculation. and that's not what reporting is all about. but of course, with a name like Nostradamus, you should be able to enlighten us all on such things as:

-- when Mr. Wilson passes.

-- when the Bills might make the playoffs.

-- who will next purchase the team.


beyond the "i heard someone, who knows someone, who said something ... '' all you've done is rehash an old baloney tale that only creates angst and debate on this board. come ahead, name names and then we'll all be more informed. and then you might have a leg to stand on when criticizing the media, which is a pretty easy thing to do sitting from the sidelines.


and i don't believe your story because there have been questions i've asked that have led to answers that provide me to believe your story is false.but, what do i know. you seem to be the expert on all.

so c'mon, enlighten us with your knowledge. give us a shred of factual information that moves this discussion forward. because you've provided us nothing so far but bluster and accusations that are as meaningless as your handle on this board.




Don't have time to respond to everything right now, much as I would like to. Suffice it to say that I know there is no way to prove my story is true... but it is. I would be happy to provide more details in a smaller forum. However, I wouldn't feel comfortable sprinking someone's name over a message board when the conversation itself was in a much more private setting.

Maybe my posts regarding the state of journalism were unduly harsh; I may have been overly defensive given the amount of ridicule directed at me in this thread. Call it the righteous indination of the unjustly accused.

Anyway, I do stand by my statement that in regards to Jim's coalition, as you put it, there does seem to be more room for exploration. Jimbo is a public enough figure that, unless he is completely full of hot air, someone has to know something about his proposed ownership group.

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Don't have time to respond to everything right now, much as I would like to. Suffice it to say that I know there is no way to prove my story is true... but it is. I would be happy to provide more details in a smaller forum. However, I wouldn't feel comfortable sprinking someone's name over a message board when the conversation itself was in a much more private setting.

Maybe my posts regarding the state of journalism were unduly harsh; I may have been overly defensive given the amount of ridicule directed at me in this thread. Call it the righteous indination of the unjustly accused.

Anyway, I do stand by my statement that in regards to Jim's coalition, as you put it, there does seem to be more room for exploration. Jimbo is a public enough figure that, unless he is completely full of hot air, someone has to know something about his proposed ownership group.

no problem, Nostradamus. i've been on the defensive before.

obviously, i took exception to your knocks against the media.

that said, there are things people do know, but make it difficult to prove. and that's the problem.

there are things that i might know, and i'm sure i'm not the only reporter out there. but knowing them or being told something and verifying that information is another thing. that's all i can say on my end.



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