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Watched the Zombie one for the first time the other night, only because I'm a bit of a Halloween nerd, but I must say, what the man lacks in tact (I'm not sure "subtlety" even exists in his vocabulary), he made up for with the Michael Myers back story. It wasn't good by any means (the movie or the back story), but it was just interesting enough to get the movie that extra half star:




Watching it, I hoped someday 20 years from now I'm famous enough that I can remake the original. Mine would definitely be better than Zombie's, but I'd certainly borrow his Myers plot.

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I didn't think Zombie's Halloween remake was anything close to the original (which is one of the few horror films I've ever loved), but I guess I'm in the minority when I say it definitely entertained me. I like how the original focused more on the psychological suspense of the Myers character whereas Zombie went more with the physical intimidation route, choosing an actor who was very physically imposing. I won't see H2 in the theaters, but I'm sure it'll be a rental for me down the road.

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I was thinking the same thing. I loved Zombie's version of Halloween.

So did I, I have loved all his movies


I think one of the problems is that people go into it expecting something else. The go into Halloween movies expecting it to be remakes of the originals, but they are not, they are his versions of the halloween movies


As for the others, they were throw backs to the B-movies of the 70's, the kind of stuff he grew up watching.

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Rob Zombie's new movie is a travesty. He is a terrible director. I left 45 minutes into the movie and luckily got my money back. Rob has officially killed the Halloween franchise.


Killed the franchise? Wasn't it even alive anymore anyway?

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